Somewhere between moving in together and moving back in with the others because of an unfortunate house fire, Cloud forgot about their anniversary. He remembered when going over a work schedule with Leon and realized that he and Dyme had gotten together two years ago. He almost choked on his coffee when he realized he'd missed it.
"Oh no."
Leon pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. "Whatever is about to come out of your mouth, please don't let it have to do with Dyme."
"I forgot our anniversary."
"You know when your anniversary is?"
"I thought I did." Cloud flipped the pages of the calendar. "Shit, it was two months ago."
"What? How could you forgot for a whole two months?"
"Oh god, what if Dyme remembered and it was a test. I failed the test."
"I sincerely doubt he's been holding this against you for two months." Leon slapped his hand away from the calendar to look at the schedule again. "Take him out to dinner or something. I don't care, just don't let it interrupt work."
"I forgot."
"So I heard." Hours were scratched out and changed. "If I give you tomorrow off will you stop panicking and do actual work today?"
"What if he thinks I don't take our relationship seriously?"
"Then he'll leave you and run away with the first person to come on to him in his drunken state. It will be very sad and we'll probably find his murdered body in a ditch somewhere. Are you going to work today or not?"
"He's going to get murdered because I forgot our anniversary."
"Okay, so that's a no on work." Leon shoved him out of the kitchen. "Dyme! Cloud remembered your anniversary finally! Come break up with him or whatever so restoration work can be done."
Dyme barely looked up from the jigsaw puzzle he and Sora were doing. "You forgot our anniversary because that's the week our house burned down. But clearly your priorities are not right so I am breaking up with you. We had a good run but I clearly don't mean enough to you."
"Good, thanks for getting that done." Leon steered Cloud out of the house. "He'll be home early to take you somewhere nice. We're going to work."
Cloud decided then and there that he didn't like how close Dyme and Leon had become. Clearly they going to team up and ruin his life. Or run away together.
"Promise me you won't run off with Dyme."
Leon actually looked pained by the idea. "I promise I will not run off with Dyme."
"Because you and Aerith are in love."
"Yes Cloud, because Aerith and I are in love. Its a very real love that will stand the test of time." Leon smirked at him. "And we remember our anniversaries."
"Blow me."