Whoo-Hoo! I got off my lazy butt and redid this what-was-then-extremely-dull Prologue! Newly Refurbished! Hopefully more interesting! Can you guess the movie? … I'm done now.

プロローグ-Prologue (Re-done)

You know, there are certain times when you think…

Is this a dream? A seriously, seriously twisted dream?

And then you pinch yourself in the arm about fifty times before you realize,

No, there's no way in heck I could've dreamed this.

And then you ponder the fact that,

Ow, my arm hurts.

You know, there's a very famous room at the end of a frequently trafficked hallway in a fairy-tale-like Academy. You know that behind that door, extremely handsome guys are waiting for you, eager to welcome and honor you as a guest. Ruri and I were like every other visitor, opening those doors eagerly. Except, at that point, there was one thing.

I didn't know.

Well first of all, who knew that the Room belonged to The Host Club...

Isn't this supposed to be for, uh, music?

...Which was another thing unfamiliar to me, and that's already a lot to handle.

"Maybe it's some sort of gang!"

I didn't recognize the words subsequently spilling out of their mouth. Of course, it was explained to me just a little later on.


I didn't know why they were dressed up (it was nowhere close to Halloween)... it would be a little longer before I figured that one out.

"It's cosplay, Miss Alice, it's a very popular activity in Japan and it draws in customers. It is common for each gender to, as you say, 'cross dress' to play a character of their gender counterpart."

It'd also take me awhile to figure out what the true intentions of the 7 really were.

"…where rich people with too much time on their hands get entertained by other rich guys that have no lives… or something like that."

I was clueless of the fact that I'd end up spending a lot of time with these people… in more ways than one.

"I'd rather not spend my time getting to know stalkers so would you please let us out of this fricken' limo?"


Ruri managed to use the momentum Hikaru gained by running toward her, and flip him on his back. Who knew what two months of Aikido could do for you?


"Can I ask you something?" Silence. "Am I going to end up being eavesdropped by every single one of you guys?"

I also didn't know how much they'd affect my life.

Oh come on, I'm not going to give everything away.

It's those times, when you think everything's a dream, that… you really start to question your view on reality. What did you say? Oh yes, exactly like that film by that famous director!

Isn't that funny?

You know, there are certain times when you think…

What the hell is this?

And you can't do anything, because, I mean,

What the hell are you supposed to do?

Let me back up a bit, and let you in on a little fact:

I had a C-average.

Here's another one:

I'm pretty smart.

You're probably thinking:

What the hell is this?

You see? I told you. It's just this:

School and studying are boring things to do.

And there really wasn't a reason why I should try. But, somehow, I was walking down the halls of a ridiculously rich school to what?


Why? Because of two things:

Nagging, and a deal.

I'll let you in on the second part a little later. But for now, my dorky best friend, A.K.A Alice, was dragging me down the halls to study. There were like, four study rooms that we could've gone into, but no, she said they weren't right.


I get easily distracted.

She wanted to try a different room. Which, now that I look back, was pretty stupid because if there's one room that you know will be full of noise and distract-y things, it's a

Music room.

But, whatever, she said the door wasn't locked or anything. It would be our last try, because I still had some things to unpack. I even had an explicit list of the items that …"guess who" created?


Oh yeah. Apparently I "needed it". While she opened the door, I turned to my backpack to grab that list. A sudden, mysterious wind flapped my hair around, and a bunch of sparkles assaulted my entire body. Well, at least the back part. And then I heard multiple voices, reciting singularly,

"Irashaimase." This is where:

What the hell is this? Comes in.

But whatever.

I still had a list to search for.

I redid this in such a way where the Recap in Chapter 2 would still, kinda be easy to follow. I'm still too lazy to change that... If you saw the earlier version, I hope this one's better!