Now that the story is complete, here were a series of tropes that were found within the story, along with an explanation for each trope.
10-Minute Retirement
- Kimiko insists on quitting as a Xiaolin Monk and returning to her life in Japan until Raimundo convinces her otherwise.
- Kimiko later is used to break the monks out of the dungeon and stops Chase Young's plan for world domination.
Accidental Hand Hold
- Raimundo and Kimiko do this on numerous occasions throughout the story, and continuously attempt to play it off.
Battle Couple
- Raimundo and Kimiko, as they become a couple while locked in the dungeon-although it's not officially cemented with a kiss until the final chapter of the story.
- Raimundo ends up hurt in battle and Kimiko angrily charges Chase Young in retaliation to hurting her boyfriend. Following their kiss, the Heylin arrives and wants to fight the monks. Now officially a couple, Raimundo and Kimiko lead Omi and Clay in fighting the Heylin.
Berserk Button
- When Jack mentions that he'd like to date Kimiko after ridding of Raimundo, he immediately attacks Chase Young and later punches Jack in retaliation. However, Raimundo's behavior could also stem from jealousy.
- The Ancient Guide To Females book is mentioned as a Berserk Button for Kimiko when Raimundo warns Omi not to bring the book up around her as she understandably becomes upset. Watching Raimundo in particular get hurt by Chase Young and Hannibal Bean triggers anger in Kimiko.
- Dojo when Jack and Raimundo call him a "gecko". He is able to bite his tongue when Jack calls him it, but it's well known he hates it.
Beware The Nice Ones
- Kimiko cares deeply for the boys, especially Raimundo. She later gives Chase Young a smack down after both Chase Young and Hannibal Bean almost kill Raimundo.
Big Bad Ensemble
- Chase Young, Jack Spicer and Hannibal Bean.
- Jack Spicer later double-crosses Chase Young when he becomes infuriated that Chase Young plans to kill the monks. Getting Jack to double-cross Chase Young was foreshadowed by Good!Jack when Kimiko and Raimundo went into the Ying-Yang World.
Big Word Shout
- Raimundo shouts the word "YES!" while admitting his feelings for Kimiko.
- Chase Young shouts the word "YES!" when the Heylin Comet officially aligns with the sun.
- Kimiko shouts the word "NO!" when Hannibal Bean and Chase Young are on the verge of killing Raimundo.
- Omi, Clay, Raimundo and Dojo shout "NO!" when Kimiko and Godzilla fall from a skyscraper in Tokyo.
Captured By Cannibals
- Omi, Clay, Kimiko and Raimundo have to fight a gigantic Jungle Cat that plans on defeating and eating them
- Omi, Clay, Kimiko and Raimundo ultimately defeat the cat and it's hinted the cat died due to the ceiling collapsing.
Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Raimundo constantly feels the need to protect Kimiko from Chase Young, to the point of frustrating her when she feels Raimundo isn't treating her as part of the team.
- Raimundo also uses his Chronic Hero Syndrome on Kimiko when he successfully attempts to calm her down while in her Dragon Fire state. Dojo tells Omi, Clay and Jack Spicer that Kimiko being in that state is deadly to anyone who tries to talk to her since she no longer has control of her emotions.
Comet Of Doom
- The entire story focuses on Chase Young, Hannibal Bean and Jack Spicer harnessing the power of the Heylin Comet, which gives the Heylin a chance to absorb it's dark magic when it falls and aligns with the sun.
- Only two people have been able to stop Chase Young from taking over the world with the comet: Grand Master Dashi and Kimiko.
Convenient Cranny
The Xiaolin monks conveniently hide from Chase Young's enlarged Jungle Cat by miraculously ending up in his secret, underground library.
Crush Blush
Kimiko and Raimundo do this on numerous occasions throughout the story:
- When Kimiko and Raimundo have a friendly conversation before they meditate.
- When Raimundo and Kimiko subtly compliment one another after finding the Polar Paws. When they're about to unveil their feelings until Jack Spicer interrupts the moment by raiding the temple.
-When they finally admit their feelings for one another.
Curb-Stomp Battle
- Kimiko when fighting Chase Young and Hannibal Bean in her Dragon Fire state.
- She throws Hannibal Bean in a cage and locks the door with no effort. She throws rapid punches and uses her inferno shaped like a dragon to slam Chase Young all over the room.
Deadpan Snarker
Raimundo tends to have a snarky comment mostly directed towards Omi and Clay. Especially when Omi and Clay become invested in Raimundo's love life.
Declaration of Protection
- Raimundo declares he'll protect Kimiko after she finds out Chase Young, Hannibal Bean and Jack Spicer are after her because of Raimundo's own feelings towards her.
- Unlike most circumstances, Kimiko is flattered but unamused since she feels she can protect herself.
Everyone Can See It
- Omi, Clay and Dojo rightfully suspect Raimundo and Kimiko's mutual attraction, but the two of them refuse to believe or act upon it.
- Omi and Clay constantly pester Raimundo about his feelings for Kimiko until Raimundo realizes he's unable to hide them from his friends. Omi and Clay tell Kimiko about Raimundo's feelings for her and Dojo later suspects Kimiko feels the same way. Unlike the typical trope, Raimundo and Kimiko are aware of their own feelings but are afraid to act on due to the possibility of it negatively impacting their friendship.
Final Battle
There are two major Final Battles in the story, one at Chase Young's palace and one in Tokyo:
- Chase Young recaptures the monks-which was initially part of Kimiko's Plan B-but ends up using it to his advantage when he attempts to harm Raimundo in retaliation to Kimiko telling him off. Jack becomes against killing the monks and would rather see them alive, but Chase Young locks Jack Spicer with the other monks, which forces Jack to help the Xiaolin. As Chase Young is about to kill Raimundo with acid, Kimiko proclaims her love for the dragon of wind which catches everyone off-guard, and during that time Jack uses his Jack Bots to distract Chase Young and unlocks the cages with a key. Raimundo and Kimiko are temporarily reunited until Hannibal Bean returns and takes on the both of them, eventually having Chase Young's Jungle Cats attack Kimiko and Hannibal throw Raimundo around like a toy. Due to the effects of the comet, Chase Young and Hannibal are able to brutally harm Raimundo which ignites Kimiko's inner fire abilities called the Dragon Fire and along with the effects of the Heylin Comet, Kimiko is able to harm defeat Chase Young and Hannibal Bean. However, Kimiko repeatedly hurts Chase Young to the point where he's almost lifeless. But Raimundo successfully snaps her out of it after proclaiming his love for her.
- The second battle involves the monks in a race against the clock after Chase Young unleashes evils throughout the Xiaolin Temple, Texas, Rio and Tokyo. The first place the monks visit is the Xiaolin Temple, which is in worse shape than before Raimundo and Kimiko left to fight evil. However, the monks find out that one of Jack's Jack Bots is responsible for the destruction at the Xiaolin Temple. Kimiko disables the panel and comes out of the robot just before it self destructs. With the monks saving the temple, they move onto Texas, where Chase Young had broke a nearby dam and flooded everything near Clay's parents farm.. Kimiko, Omi and Raimundo are successfully able to get rid of the flood and they move onto Brazil where Omi, Clay and Raimundo are able to prevent more lava from erupting from a volcano. The monks finally move on to Tokyo where Godzilla is rampaging through the town, and Kimiko decides to try to take Godzilla out herself. However, the skyscraper where both Kimiko and Godzilla were hanging from was destroyed and it leaves the boys to worry that Kimiko died in the collapse. However, they become overjoyed that while she's badly injured, she's also alive.
Good Is Not Soft
Kimiko tries to reason with Chase Young that being powerful isn't the best thing. Unfortunately, Chase Young pieces together Kimiko and Raimundo are now an item and uses it to his advantage.
Great Escape
- The monks use Kimiko's fire ability to break out of their cage after they're locked in the dungeon.
- However, Chase Young makes the second cage he locks the monks in immune to their elements.
Heroic Second Wind
Kimiko becomes depressed when her good intentions lead to the monks being captured and she contemplates quitting her Xiaolin role. Raimundo is able to give her a second wind by encouraging her to stay while revealing his love for her.
"Hey You!" Haymaker
A variation of this trope is used when Raimundo punches Jack in the face while Jack is caught off-guard. Raimundo later explains to his teammates it was to get back at Jack disrespecting Kimiko.
Humble Hero
All the monks, but especially Kimiko. Omi, Raimundo and Clay are in awe with Kimiko single-handedly defeating Chase Young and Godzilla in Tokyo. However, Kimiko is extremely humble about her heroism.
Innocuously Important Episode
- Raimundo and Kimiko go into the Ying-Yang World and are met by Good!Jack. Good!Jack informs Raimundo and Kimiko that Jack Spicer might have more good in him than evil and might not go through with the plot, which Raimundo and Kimiko disagree with since Jack's main goal is to please Chase Young. Jack up to the point of the monks almost dying in acid has been 100% loyal to Chase Young and was the Xiaolin Monks main enemy for most of the story.
- However, Jack Spicer ends up proving he has more good than evil and stops Chase Young's plan when he finds out Chase Young has intent of killing the Xiaolin Monks. Jack also reveals he has lost respect for Chase Young as a villain (although he briefly teams up with him again in the sequel).
Interrupted Declaration of Love
- Kimiko and Raimundo are about to reveal their feelings for one another while at the Xiaolin Temple, but are interrupted when Jack comes with his Jack Bots and decides to raid the Shen Gong Wu vault.
- They successfully declare their love during the climax of the story.
Intertwined Fingers
When Kimiko and Raimundo high-five after Kimiko hacks into Jack's cameras, they intertwine their fingers but pull away after a few moments.
Just Between You And Me
- A variation of this trope is used when Chase Young unveils his entire plan to Jack and Hannibal Bean, unaware that Clay, Omi and Dojo are outside. The three of them overhear Chase's plot and decide to plot the next step in defeating Chase Young.
- Jack Spicer later tells Omi, Clay and Dojo the entire plot after he double-crosses Chase Young, and helps the monks after finding out Chase Young's murder plot against them.
Just Friends / I Don't Want To Ruin Our Friendship
- Kimiko and Raimundo begin the story as just friends, but make the reader aware that they have feelings for each other. Their relationship is brought into question multiple times by Omi, Clay and Dojo throughout the story and they both reveal they're afraid to take the next step out of fear of destroying their friendship.
- Kimiko mentions she's afraid of taking the next step when Omi and Clay bring it to her attention that Raimundo has feelings for her following their daily lesson. Raimundo mentions he's afraid of taking the next step when Omi, Clay and Dojo insist he reveals his true feelings towards her while locked in a dungeon.
Love Confession
Raimundo and Kimiko confess their love for one another a few times in the story.
- The first time they announce it is informal while they're stuck in Chase Young's dungeon. Since the confession, they are affectionate towards one another and Kimiko officially declares Raimundo her boyfriend when Chase Young harms him.
- Kimiko reveals to Chase Young that she loves Raimundo when she asks Chase Young to spare him.
- Raimundo reveals to Kimiko he loves her when he attempts to stop her from fatally harming Chase Young while in her "Dragon Fire" state.
- The final time is at the Xiaolin Temple after the monks save the world. This time it's cemented with a kiss and they're officially boyfriend and girlfriend.
Make Room For The New Plot
The story has quite a few plot twists, some larger than others.
- While Kimiko is fighting Chase Young, it's revealed she as well had absorbed some of the Heylin Comet magic while fighting Chase Young and Hannibal Bean. It is quickly resolved when Raimundo snaps her out of her anger by assuring her he's okay.
- After Kimiko stops Chase Young from taking over the world with the Heylin Comet, the plot takes another twist when Chase Young reveals he ended up causing destruction on the hometowns of Omi (The Xiaolin Temple), Clay (Texas), Raimundo (Rio) and Kimiko (Tokyo). The monks now must stop the destruction before the world is destroyed.
- The plot takes one more turn when Jack decides to aid the monks in saving the world, although his motives for doing so presume Jack has more good than evil in him, as he wanted to be like his idol Chase Young, but he also couldn't go through with killing the Xiaolin monks.
Monumental Damage
- Chase Young unleashes Godzilla to ruin the tallest skyscraper in Tokyo.
- Raimundo later wonders why Tokyo always has to be destroyed by Godzilla.
Nice Job Breaking It, Hero
- Omi plays a part in ruining the first plan the monks came up with by acknowledging to Chase Young that the monks were in the building. It leads to him, Clay and Dojo being captured.
- Kimiko also plays a part in ruining the first plan when she disobeys Raimundo's orders and goes to protect him against Jack's Jack Bots. It leads to her and Raimundo arguing about their hidden feelings for each other and them subsequently being captured.
Nice Job Fixing It, Villain
- Chase Young harming Raimundo ends up doing more harm than good when Kimiko figures out her true elemental power and finally stops Chase Young and Hannibal Bean.
- Chase Young's ulterior motives causes Jack to second guess himself and he later gives the monks viable information on how to stop Chase Young and the Heylin Comet.
Official Couple
- Kimiko and Raimundo become one during the climax of the story although it's not official until the end.
- Kimiko acknowledges Raimundo as her boyfriend prior to the end.
Rules Lawyer
- Clay shows this quality when Omi strays from the plan and takes away the element of surprise.
- Raimundo also shows this quality when he gives Kimiko direct orders and she disobeys them.
Running Gag(s)
- Omi constantly messes up slang while his teammates constantly correct him.
- Kimiko and Raimundo show brief moments of affection but constantly downplay it. They eventually stop downplaying their affection once they become a couple.
Saw It In A Movie Once
Raimundo addressing Godzilla when the monks are attempting to defeat the monster in Tokyo.
Screw This! I'm Out Of Here!
Jack Spicer towards Chase Young and Hannibal Bean after he's sick of their plan since it involves killing the Xiaolin monks.
She Is Not My Girlfriend
- A variation of the trope is Jack Spicer and Hannibal Bean refer to Raimundo and Kimiko as "lovebirds", to which they respond, "We're not lovebirds!"
- Jack would later continue calling them "lovebirds" even after their relationship is confirmed.
Small Name, Big Ego
- Omi acknowledges he's the "greatest Xiaolin Warrior" ever countless times which annoys his teammates.
- After he fails at a simple team exercise, is when becomes a bit more humble and his large ego isn't as big of a problem as the story goes on.
Surveillance As The Plot Demands
- Jack Spicer breaks into the Xiaolin Temple and implants cameras so he can hear everything the monks are planning.
- Kimiko later gets back at Jack by hacking into their feed and seeing what the villains are up to.
Time For Plan B
When the monk's initial plan (concocted by Dojo but ruined by Omi and Kimiko) fails, Kimiko comes up with a second plan that ends up being successful.
The Chosen One
- Kimiko finds out she's the only one that can defeat Chase Young and holds extreme power that only has been seen once before.
- In Kimiko's findings, she finds out Grand Master Dashi used fire to take out the comet the first time and decides to follow Dashi's plan to the tee.
The Heroine
- Kimiko as she saves the world and her teammates with her unharnessed power and is rewarded with a promotion to Shoku Warrior.
- She also saves her hometown when Chase Young is able to use some of the Heylin Comet power to send evil among each of the monks' hometown.
The Leader
- Raimundo is the leader of the Xiaolin Monks as he's a higher rank or Shoku Warrior.
- He later shares the leadership role with Kimiko who is promoted to Shoku Warrior for her heroic acts throughout the story.
The Only One Allowed To Defeat You
- Jack Spicer towards the Xiaolin Monks and Chase Young when he finds out Chase Young wants to brutally annihilate them.
- This causes Jack to double-cross Chase Young and help the monks defeat him.
They Do
- Kimiko and Raimundo become an official couple towards the end of the story.
- It turns out Omi, Clay, Master Fung and Dojo made a bet on will they or won't they.
Took A Level In Badass
- Kimiko unleashes her inner power, called the Dragon Fire.
- With her able to harness her ability, she now outclasses Omi, Clay and Raimundo in terms of combat skills.
Unstoppable Rage
Kimiko uses the rage of Chase Young harming Raimundo to her advantage and subsequently defeats him.
Villainous Crush
- Jack hints he may have a crush on Kimiko when he mentions he may have a chance at her with Raimundo out of the way.
- It's also possible Jack said it only to get a reaction out of Raimundo, which he succeeds in doing. Jack's comment later comes back to bite him when Raimundo punches Jack in retaliation.
Villainous Rescue
Jack Spicer rescues the Xiaolin monks after Chase Young almost succeeds in killing them.
Wreathed In Flames
Kimiko is able to engulf herself in flames, especially during her Dragon Fire state.