A/N: I got this idea while doing my Biology homework, and just wrote it out really quickly. It's not very good, but I found it slightly amusing. And if you're wondering why I haven't updated my other stories, well, I've been busy with school ending. And I can't even promise that it'll get better in the summer, because I'm going to be really busy then, too.
A Funny Word
"Here, study these vocab words," Nagihiko said, handing Rima a paper. "They are going to be on the test."
Rima sighed. She didn't know why Nagihiko cared so much about her grade. He told her that since they were in high school now, every test would count toward their GPA's, which could affect their futures. Frankly, Rima didn't care. But she glanced over the papers, anyway.
"Ovoviviparous… that's a cool word," she commented, not reading the definition. Nagihiko smirked.
"You think so, Rima-chan?"
"Sure. It's kind of funny," she giggled. Nagi's smirk grew, making him look somewhat evil.
"Why don't you read the definition aloud?"
"What?... Okay." She picked up the paper and began to read the definition. "Ovoviviparous: producing eggs that are hatched within the female's body so that the young are born alive but without…" she trailed off, a blush growing on her cheeks.
"Yep, one of the funniest words I've ever heard," Nagihiko confirmed.