A Rival or A Friend.
Lyra x Silver or Ethan xD
Chapter 1
Things had been going well for Lyra. She had recently defeated the Jothto League, collected all the Kanto badges and was currently kicking back in New Bark Town for a while. On her journey, she'd also managed to catch and tame the fabled Lugia and all 3 legendary dogs although she was rather partial to Suicune. She sat outside her house, her back against the wall, staring up at the cloudless sky. Her starter pokemon, now a fully grown Meganium, lay content at her feet. She sighed slightly, taking off her hat and letting her chestnut brown hair fall loose about her shoulders. It wasn't long, but it felt nice to have it blowing freely. Lately, she'd ditched the pink stuff for something more practical. She wore a pair of black knee-length shorts and a purple tank top with a black pair of fingerless gloves. It felt more comfortable this way. She hadn't seen her childhood friend Ethan around lately. She had assumed he had gone travelling too. Her rival, Silver, was nowhere to be found either but that wasn't exactly a surprise. He hadn't given her his pokegear number, and he hadn't returned to New Bark Town since he first 'acquired' his starter, Cyndaquil. Well, it was a Typhlosion now. Sighing heavily, she took a swig of water from a bottle she held in her left hand.
"Seeing a friendly face would be nice, huh Meg?" She asked her starter pokemon.
Meganium gave a sleepy cry in reply, nuzzling it's owners leg affectionately.
Lyra patted the top of it's head, smiling softly. The two weren't just pokemon and trainer. They were best friends. Lyra remembered teaching Silver about learning to love your pokemon, she hadn't seen much of him after that. She only hoped he'd taken her advice to heart. Her mind started to wander when her pokegear rang. She immediately flicked it open.
"H-Hello?" It was Ethan's voice. "Lyra! Hey! So I heard you're a big champ now!"
"Heh, I guess you could say that. Where are you?"
"I'm headin' back to New Bark right now! You?"
"Already there,"
"S-Seriously? Aw man! I gotta get back there and see you! I'm just getting to Cherrygrove. I'll be there soon!"
"H-Hey, Ethan-!"
The line went dead. He'd already hung up.
Lyra chuckled at his eagerness. It was sort of endearing. Clipping the pokegear back onto her belt again, she brushed a lock of hair out of her face and sighed as she shut her eyes. The peace of New Bark Town is just what she needed.
"Looks like the Great Champion is getting lazy already " A voice piped up smugly.
She nearly jumped out of her skin as she spun around to find the source of the voice. There he was, in all of his jackass-ey glory. Silver.
"S-Silver? What are you doing here?" Lyra asked, bewildered.
He smirked, his eyes flashing with amusement at her surprise.
"Figured you'd be here, and I was right," Was all he said.
"Why? Did you wanna find me or something?"
"I wanna fight you again, Lyra! I will WIN this time,"
Lyra groaned.
"Silver, you said that the last TEN TIMES!
"I really will win this time!"
"You said that too!"
"Shut up!"
"What are you, Silver? Eight?"
"Gah! Forget it!"
"Forget WHAT?"
"I WAS gonna ask if you wanted to go out to Goldenrod for dinner after our battle but if this is what you've become now that you're 'famous', then screw it! And screw you!"
Lyra was left gob smacked as Silver glared at her viciously. However, she could see the hurt he was trying to hide.
"Silver I I"
"Oh, SHUT UP!" He snapped. "A bit late for you to try and understand now so don't bother!"
He turned on his heel and walked off into the fields outside of the town, leaving Lyra to contemplate what would've happened if she'd have just said yes.
Lyra was confused. Silver was going to ask her out? Why? He'd acted like she was his worst enemy. Although, he had become somewhat softer towards his pokemon lately, it showed by how healthy they looked and how much they seemed to love him. Lyra felt instantly guilty. If wouldn't of killed her to humour him. She was so wrapped up in this thought that she didn't see Ethan trotting over to her, looking severely red and out of breath. Little did she know, he'd ran all the way back to New Bark Town from Cherrygrove in the hope of seeing her.
"H-Hey Lyra!" He panted, trying his best to smile.
She looked at him, snapping herself out of her daydream.
"Oh, hey Ethan," She replied as she smiled back. "You look tired,"
"Nah Just Went for a run," He shook his head.
Lyra giggled. His whole 'macho' act didn't fool anyone.
"Come inside. I'll get you a glass of water," She smiled as she stood up straight which also caused Meganium to stand also.
"A-Are you sure? I mean, won't your mother mind?"
"She's going shopping in a minute anyway. No worries,"
Without another word, Lyra opened the door and let Ethan in before following suit with Meganium at her heels. Her mother approached Ethan with a gleaming smile.
"My, my! This is a lovely surprise! It's been years since you've been over here, Ethan!" She giggled.
Lyra walked past her mother after exchanging a brief hug before getting a glass from the cupboard for Ethan and filling it with water.
"I need to go shopping for a bit but I'll be back soon! Ciao!" Her mother smiled before walking out and shutting the door behind her.
"Your mother hasn't changed a bit," Ethan grinned.
"Nope, she'll still be that way when she's 80, mark my words," Lyra chuckled. "Well, don't just stand there. Have a seat!"
Ethan nodded and sat down at the table in the middle of the room as Lyra placed the glass of water in front of him which he gulped down. She sat down beside him as Meganium padded up the stairs.
"Where's Meganium going?" Ethan asked Lyra in confusion.
"My room. Probably to jump up on my bed and go back to sleep,"
They both shared a laugh before getting into a conversation about how things had been. It was nice for them to catch up. Every now and again, Ethan would try to catch her eye, but he was never sure if it worked. They talked right through the day until the sun was dipping into the mountains, and there was still no sign of Lyra's mother.
"I better go find her," Lyra said as she stood up, heading for the door.
"W-Wait!" Ethan replied, grabbing her shoulder. "Let me go with you If you got hurt "
Lyra looked at him in shock before smiling gently in reply.
"Thank you, Ethan Ok, we'll go together. Meganium!"
There was a bumping noise as Meganium jumped off Lyra's bed and literally jumped down the stairs.
"Let's go," Lyra nodded as they all left the house, heading off to Cherrygrove in an attempt to find her mother.
However, unbeknownst to Lyra, Ethan would try and catch her hand in his every now and again but every time his fingers got close to touching hers, he froze. He wasn't quite ready to tell her how he felt just yet