Alright, you know the drill. Don't own Doctor Who. Wish I did. But I don't. R&R Please! :D

Also, shout out to Queenofthebadlands. This is the story I told you about!

Storm Warning

Chapter 1:


" You look ridiculous in that." Amy mock scolded as the Doctor fiddled with a cream colored cowboy hat on his head. It didn't match anything he was wearing - not the brown blazer, the pinkish shirt, or black pants and shoes, not to mention the red bow tie. He was standing in front of the main control board of the TARDIS. The components made a soft whirring sound that provided constant background noise.

"I think I look rather dashing." The Doctor said with a smile. He turned and began pushing a few buttons on the console. After a few moments of this, he spoke again. "I'm taking you to the old west."

Amy's eyes lit up. "Well, that explains the hat." She said. She followed the doctor around the console as he flipped a few levers and pressed more buttons. "Why the old west?"

They heard Rory's footsteps on the metal stairs as he climbed to the platform.

"Well, it was Rory's turn to choose." The Doctor smiled at the two. "You picked Venice, now Rory has chosen the old west."

"I didn't choose Venice." Amy said in defense. "That was all you."

"You chose Rio."

"We didn't get to Rio!"

"Oh. Guess you're right. Well then." He said, dodging her comment. He pulled one last lever. The TARDIS began to wheeze, and the whirring of the machines got louder.

Amy and Rory both took a few steps back and grabbed onto the railing around the platform. The TARDIS lurched a few times.

The lights rattled, the floor shook, but nothing seemed to even phase the Doctor. He just kept on making his rounds, checking the instruments as if the whole place was as still as a lake at sunrise.

Rory and Amy were used to this now, but they still held on for safety.

As quickly as it started, it was over. The wheezing came to a stop, and the time machine ceased its shaking. The Doctor bounded past Rory and Amy, down the stairs and over to a pair of white paneled doors (only one of which actually opened). "Welcome to Dodge." He said as he flung the door open.

Rory glanced at Amy. He almost couldn't contain his excitement. He'd loved cowboys as a child, and this was like a dream come true for him. "Come on, Amy!" He grabbed her arm and pulled her after the Doctor.

The air outside was still and hot when the three exited the TARDIS and found themselves face to face with a black cow. She stared blankly back at them. She wasn't concerned that a big blue police box had just materialized in front of her, nor that two humans and a Time Lord had just spilled from its belly. She just stood there, chewing her cud and refusing to move.

"Cows." The Doctor said. The oil industry of the west." He looked around, his faced puzzled. "This isn't right." He looked out over the yellow-and-green-colored hill they had landed on. The grass didn't move at all in the stillness.

"What's not right?" Amy asked as he walked away, still wearing that awful hat.

The Doctor weaved his way through the rest of the cow heard. "The fences. This is the old west. There shouldn't be fences." His hand moved instinctively to the sonic screwdriver in his pocket. "And the landscape isn't quite right..."

Amy took a good look at the fence posts. At first glance, they were all wooden, but as she squinted at them, she saw more modern, metal posts in between the wooden ones. "Doctor..."

"Not now, Amy!" The doctor called across the field.

Rory rolled his eyes. "This isn't the old west. Look. There's a road. A paved road." He said, pointed to his left. A little way down the hill, there was a two lane country road. They all heard a rushing noise that started soft, but became louder and louder. From behind another part of the hill, a convoy of cars appeared, speeding past, bending the large antennas on top in the wind. A few of them also had instruments on the tops that spun as the wind rushed by.

"What is that?" Rory asked.

The Doctor approached them from behind, and stopped. "A bunch of storm chasers by the looks of it." He said.

Amy and Rory whirled around. "You know, the least you could do is warn us when you're going to do that." Rory complained.

"Ah, but where's the fun in that?" The Doctor laughed.

"So where are we?" Amy chimed in, voicing the question that was on all of their minds. Or, at least, her and Rory's minds. By the look on his face, she gathered that the Doctor had already figured it out.

"Not the old west, that's for certain." He answered. A gust of wind blew the ten-gallon hat off his head. "My hat!" He exclaimed. It fell to the ground several yards away, but was quickly scooped up by the wind again.

That was when they noticed the storm clouds towering into the sky. The white cloud-tops boiled upward. The underside of the storm raged in purple and gray fury. The wind gusted again, pulling the grass in the direction of the storm.

"Look at that! Absolutely magnificent!" The Doctor shouted over the noise of the wind, his hat now completely forgotten as it tumbled away over the top of the hill.

"It's a thunderstorm." Amy remarked.

"Not just any thunderstorm." The Doctor explained with a smile. "It's a supercell. The most dangerous of thunderstorms. This is what the storm chasers were after."

Rory remembered the books he'd read on storms back in grade school. He suddenly felt worried. "Well, storm chasers are after tornadoes. If they're chasing this storm, then maybe we should consider getting away."

"Nonsense, Rory!" The Doctor said. He put his arms over the shoulders of both of his companions. "How about our own little chase, hmm? I'd wager neither of you have seen a tornado up close before."

"You're insane." Rory commented and shook the Doctor's arm off. He looked glaringly at Amy, trying to relay the message that she should do the same. "Amy, you agree with me."

"Oh, don't tell me you're afraid of a little thunder." Amy teased. "Come on. The Doctor knows what he's doing."

"So, you're telling me he's a storm chaser, too?" Rory said incredulously. "It takes years of study to storm chase!"

The Doctor smiled and patted the younger man on the back. "Trust me, Rory. I've been around for a while."

"That doesn't mean you know everything." Rory muttered.

The Doctor ignored Rory's comment and led the way back inside the TARDIS.

"Doctor, you still haven't told us where or when we are." Amy pointed out as the Doctor began flipping controls again. She watched him from the lower floor.

"Spring of your time, it looks like." He explained.

"Where are we going?" Rory asked, secretly hoping that the Doctor was recalculating to get to the old west. If just once, they could make it somewhere he said he'd take them...

"Same time. Just into town." The Doctor pointed at the TARDIS screen. "See this map? We're just outside of Norman, Oklahoma. I'll get us into town, get us a a car, and we can go after this little storm."

"What about the TARDIS?" Amy asked.

"I'll hide it." The Doctor replied simply.

"You can hide the TARDIS?"

"It's actually quite easy, though I won't go into the physics of it. It's a bit complicated."

Amy opened the door of the TARDIS and saw the side of a strip-mall. "What's this?" She asked.

"American consumerism at its best." The Doctor replied as he walked up behind her. Rory followed the Doctor. "It's a strip-mall. There's an auto rental place at the end."

Amy poked her head out and looked around a bit. There was the shopping center, a parking lot, and what appeared to be residential areas around it.

"How did you know that?" Rory asked.

"I installed a GPS in the TARDIS. " The Doctor answered. "Any more questions?"

Amy and Rory stopped talking. Suddenly, they heard blaring sirens. How had they not noticed the bright flashes of lightning or the deafening thunder?

"Tornado sirens!" The Doctor exclaimed, grabbing the door and shutting it in Rory and Amy's faces.

He raced back up to the deck that the console sat on. Hurriedly, he got the TARDIS up and running. Once again, levers and buttons awoke the time rotor.

Rory looked into Amy's amber eyes. "It's going to be okay." He assured her, though he wasn't really all that sure.

The TARDIS wheezed, and shook. The wind howled outside, but began to fade. Before they knew it, the wheezing had stopped. So had the sirens.

"We're an hour in the future." The Doctor explained before Amy and Rory could ask. He opened the TARDIS door. The sun was setting, and the storm's towers could be seen on the eastern horizon. Odd lightning jumped in the clouds, causing soft, distant rumbles of thunder. He turned his attention to the shopping center. It had been completely destroyed. No...destroyed wasn't even the right word for the carnage that lay before them. Not only was the strip-mall completely leveled, but there was a large gash in the earth itself. It snaked through the parking lot, varying between ten and fifteen feet deep. Cars, wood, and building materials were strewn about the entire area, but made much more of a visual impact in the earth's wound. It was like a fault had opened up in the parking lot!

"Quick, out of the TARDIS." The Doctor hissed. As soon as Amy and Rory stepped out, he pressed a button on the key, and the TARDIS disappeared. "See, told you I could hide it."

Rory thought he detected a hint of smug satisfaction in the Doctor's voice, but if he did, it didn't last long. The Doctor was off to the parking lot where camera crews were gathered around the new miniature-sized canyon.

"This isn't normal." Rory whispered.

"I know." The Doctor replied. "I need to check this out."

The first car they came to stood out against the menagerie of news vans. It was a yellow armored SUV. The driver, a man in his late 20's, was standing in front with his camera. He had blonde hair that was cut close to his head, and eyes the color of a clear sky.

The three heard his voice as the camera rolled. "I told them this was happening. No one believed me before now." He was shaking, as if the full scale of what had happened was just now hitting him. "I warned them!"

The Doctor's attention pricked. He approached the man with the camera, leaned into his face, and without any formal introduction, demanded to see his video. "Camera. Now."

"You actually want to see my footage?" The man asked in a voice that carried a trace of a southern drawl. At first he was surprised, but the surprise faded into suspicion. A young man in an outfit better suited for an old college professor was asking to see his videos, and for him, that was very odd.

Amy grabbed the Doctor's arm. "I am so sorry about this." She said as she pulled him out of the man's face, once again astounded at the Doctor's lack of respect for personal space. "He researches...odd happenings."

The Doctor didn't seem pleased with Amy's lie, but he went with it out of necessity. "Yes, we're from a program in London. Heard about your videos and thought there might be something to them."

"Who are you?" He asked.

Amy answered. "Well, I'm Amy, this is Rory, and he is-"

"People just call me the Doctor." He interrupted.

The man looked nervously at the Doctor. "I'm Marshall Welch. I'll show you the videos, but not here. Come with me. I live in town."

The Doctor followed without question. He was keen to figure out what exactly was going on.

Amy and Rory hung back a little. "It's okay." Amy said to Rory. She grabbed his hand and pulled him after the Doctor.

They climbed inside the yellow tank.

"You added extra plating." The Doctor noted.

Marshall nodded. "I'm an extreme storm chaser. My goal is to drive this thing right into a tornado."

Rory and Amy buckled themselves into the back seat of the vehicle. There were wires all around them, all connected to laptops taking readings. Lights flashed and flickered from dark places under the seats and along the cables. "Into a tornado? Are you insane?" Rory asked.

"You have to be if you want to chase at all." Marshall laughed.

"So, besides the large hole in the ground, what is different about these tornadoes?" The Doctor asked.

"Well, that's just it." Marshall explained. "There is not fundamental difference. We got some readings off that last one saying the winds were around a hundred and twenty miles per hour. But the damage is consistent with a powerful EF-Five."

"EF-Five?" Amy whispered.

"Tornado strength scale." Rory whispered back. "Five is as high as it goes."

The Doctor looked pensive. "Anything else?"

"Well, we've noticed an odd glow from the tornadoes."

At this, the Doctor's expression changed to one of extreme worry. "You're right about these being odd tornadoes, but they aren't all natural."

"What do you mean?" Marshall asked.

Amy and Rory already knew what was coming.

The Doctor glanced at Marshall, then at the two in the back seat. He sighed lightly, then revealed the suspicions that had now crystalized into facts in his mind. "You're dealing with extra-terrestrials."