Peanut Butter Agent
Funny thing, I tried to find out if the Palm Woods had like a street name and stuff but all I found was an LJ community. It had two amazing logos (Disclaimer-that I do not credit for). "Palm Woods a Big Time Rush slash community" and "Palm Woods because these boys just love palming wood" I had to share that. ^^ Oh, and today is Lucky Penny Day. It's a real holiday too.
Kendall POV
Time: About three pm
Date: Sunday, May 23, 2010
Target: Diamond, James
Location: Palm Woods, California, Apartment 2J
Notes: Target is making frustrated noises.
Feeling: Curious
The bad news is I just got back to the apartment after my date with Jo, who I don't even like. The good news is James is here. I'm pretending to be a spy because earlier I made a bet with Katie that if she found a penny on heads within two minutes of making the bet than I would pretend to be a spy and write a log thingy. I think it goes without saying that she found a penny. Though, since I have to do this, I may as well have fun with it. So, James is doing something in the kitchen and I'm going to find out what.
I peer over the counter and easily locate James. He's wearing only a t-shirt and boxers. Black boxers. His back is to me and he seems to be trying to open something. Slightly to the left of him is a plate that has two slices of bread on it. On of them is also covered in a foreign purple substance. There are also two butter knives on the counter next to the plate.
Time: Around three ten pm
Date: Sunday, May 23, 2010
Target: Diamond, James
Location: Palm Woods, California, Apartment 2J
Notes: I think it's safe to assume that the target is making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Also, target's legs look nice.
Feeling: Mischievous
I creep around the counter, glad that I only have socks on my feet. I reach James and stand close enough behind him that I can feel his body heat. I'm almost positive that he can feel mine too. That's why I was surprised when he backed into me, yelped rather loudly (and girlishly), jumped forward, and practically fell in an undignified heap at my feet. Then he glared up at me upon realizing I was the reason for his unbecoming fall/crash landing. I smiled down at him and offered my hand, which he accepted. Upon pulling him up, I ended up with an arm (and mouth) full of James. Oh, and my forehead is bruised from the peanut butter jar.
Time: Around three fifteen
Date: Sunday, May 23, 2010
Target: Diamond, James
Location: Palm Woods, California, Apartment 2J
Notes: I'm kissing James.
Feeling: Satisfied
Was that okay? I thought I did a pretty average job. I already know what I'm doing tomorrow. It should be longer too. Expect fluff and something that will take you more than two seconds to read.