Glimpses of Strangeness
Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½ or any related characters in any way, shape or form.
Author's Notes: Akane and Kuno is, somewhat understandable, considered one of the least probable couplings in canon. However, while Kuno has his faults, he also does have many good qualities – I can admit that even if I don't particularly like him as a person. It's just that normally he's so egotistical, or otherwise overplays himself to become annoying, that it's easy to overlook that fact. And seeing as how some even less-canonically plausible pairings are widely spread here, I figured I'd try my hand at seeing if it would be at all believable for Kuno and Akane to get together. Did I succeed? That's up to you to decide.
Crimson Clouds and Blue Thunder
Tatewaki Kuno could not believe his luck; barely more than a month ago, the situation that he would actually be in one of his favorite restaurants with the company of the girl he adored, the beautiful, vivacious Miss Akane Tendo, would have only been present in his dreams. It was, perhaps, fortunate that he had matured surprisingly since that last point in time, or dream this would remain.
Akane fidgeted nervously with her food; she wasn't used to being in a place so… upper class… as this. Evidently sensing her distress, her dinner partner smiled at her reassuringly, though despite herself she just couldn't feel calm. Perhaps it was that lack of ease that made Tatewaki speak.
"As enchanted as I am by your company this evening, Miss Tendo, I must inquire as to your purpose." The heir to the Kuno family stated softly, slipping into the formal speech as though it were the linguistic equivalent of a comfortable set of shoes.
"Whatever do you mean?" Akane asked in response.
"Do not mistake my meaning, I am eternally grateful to you for you sympathies when my beloved sister took ill. In truth, I do not know how I would have coped were it not for your kindness and succor. But the events of the past weeks have forced me to grow past my former blindness, as it were, and I must admit that I am puzzled by your deigning to aid me so. I am aware that I am not your most favored of associates." Tatewaki explained softly.
Akane mouthed an exclamation of surprise, and blushed softly. How was she to respond to that? Should she tell him the truth? Could she, even? Finally, she insisted she would; she owed it to him after all that had happened. "That's… not entirely correct." She began slowly.
Tatewaki Kuno quirked an eyebrow quizzically, but said nothing.
Akane took a deep breath and continued. "The truth is, I actually had something of a crush on you, when I first started going to school. You were a year older than I, and strong and handsome too. It was actually rather flattering."
Now Tatewaki allowed himself to look puzzled. "But why did you act that way?"
"To begin with, I was… shy. Uncertain. I already kind of had a crush on somebody else, so I wasn't sure. I was also somewhat intimidated by the idea. And then there was that speech you made." She said, looking dark and making Tatewaki feel somewhat embarrassed. "At first, I couldn't believe you would say something so… so ridiculous! And when they kept on challenging me, and you kept on showing up right after they were all done, I started getting angry. I hated having to go through with that – do you have any idea how scared I could get sometimes? All those horny losers trying to knock me out? I was afraid of what might happen if I did lose! And I was so angry with you; for starting it all, for that stuck up way that you kept acting as though you just knew I was yours and this was some sort of game…"
Now Tatewaki was looking really embarrassed. "I… know that my actions were inexcusable, Akane Tendo, but I really did have your best intentions at heart."
"Really?" Akane asked, her mannerisms and tone making it quite clear that she was kin to Nabiki Tendo.
Suppressing a shiver at the resemblance, Tatewaki went on. "I had no idea at the time that those other boors would be so persistent; I merely believed that if you proved your superiority to them, they would realize their innate lack of worthiness to pursue you and would never dare to question my own courtship of you. That and I also believed it would help you."
"Help me." Akane stated flatly. So lifeless was her response it couldn't even be called a query; it was just a statement of fact.
Tatewaki couldn't look her in the eye as he explained. "I knew that you were a strong martial artist, but also that you wanted to grow stronger. I thought that allowing such a tournament to become a regular event would enable you to become more skilled, that the constant pushing of your limits would help you attain the higher mastery that you sought."
At that, Akane fell back in her chair. As infuriating as she had found the whole mess, she had to admit that the constant battles had helped her get stronger. In fact, if she thought about it, she would hate to think how much worse she might have fared around Ranma or any of the lunatics who followed him if she hadn't been forced to undergo that "training". Somewhat sheepishly, she decided to steer the topic towards its end. "I see. Anyway, the ultimate reasons I pushed you back were twofold. Your arrogance, and Ranma."
"…Speaking of Saotome, why is he no longer an obstacle?" Tatewaki asked, struggling to conceal his natural jealousy of Ranma.
"…I guess, in the end, I realized you had many of his good qualities and few of his faults." Akane finally decided. At Tatewaki's expression, she elaborated. "You're both good looking, confidant, skilled martial artist. You'd both sacrifice for the person you loved, and refused to give up. The thing is, Ranma is… Ranma is insecure. He's secretive, shy, closed up. We talked often enough, but he never really opened up to me. He sometimes made gestures that he might care for me, but he always backed off and denied it if I tried to press things. You, though, you're different. You're like an open book – straightforward, blatant about your feelings. I never have to wonder about what you're thinking or feeling, and I guess that's why I like you more than I like him."
She blushed at that, and Tatewaki smiled. "Of course, I first needed to get my head out of my posterior before I could be approachable." He joked, eyes twinkling as Akane giggled softly, her smile making her face light up. Gently picking up the almost obligatory glass of sake, he tilted it slightly towards his dinner date. "To us?" He suggested.
She picked hers up and clinked it musically against his. "To us." She agreed.