Stained Black

By Blacknayami

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars, George Lucas does and I am grateful to him for creating such a wonderful story. This story is written purely for fun, I am not getting paid for writing this.


The whole damn thing started like a bad holomovie. Young slave falls in love with the beautiful queen, braves everything to save her and becomes a jedi knight. He gains strength, fame and eventually her love. And then…

Let's ignore that part of the story.

But now handsome knight is gone and the beautiful queen is gone and in their places is a dark, twisted excuse for a human being and an angel who lives only in his memory. Not to mention the child…

We'll gloss over that part of the story too, shall we?

So cruel. To take everything away from the once dashing knight was bad enough, but giving him a glimpse of the one being who had meant more to him than anything anywhere then snatching her away? Wasn't everything else enough? It didn't matter that suddenly he was, by some strange trick or caprice of the force, as handsome and powerful as he had been. What was his former beauty to him? A gilded cage shielding a repulsive monster.

It really was like a bad holomovie, or an outrageous soap opera. The tragically beautiful story of two lovers separated by the affection that had joined them together.

What do you think happened to the broken knight? Did he kill himself? Did he become so twisted and evil that he began to destroy the populace of the galaxy, exacting revenge upon a world that had been unrepentantly cruel to him? I'll admit that he contemplated the first option more than once, and he did follow through with the second one.

The power that he once craved means nothing to him now. Nor does money or any material possession. He envies even the poorest family, for they have what he has lost and has never recovered from the loss of.

What if he was given back something from his past? What if he found another reason to live, someone to care for? Could he trust himself with this cherished remnant? Could he ever dare to love another again? Could a soul that had been stained impossibly black ever regain even a shadow of its former purity?

Could Anakin Skywalker ever come to life again from the monster Darth Vader?

Chapter 1: Verdict reached, Sentence passed

Admiral Firmus Piett tried to seem casual as he strode over the communications centre of the Star Destroyer " Executor". He put a look on his face that he hoped seemed dangerous, mysterious and handsome (Dating Do's and Don'ts chapter 9 page 547) and gave a roguish grin to the stunning green twi'lek working there.

" Hello Diama", he greeted. " How are you on this fine day?"

" It's night Admiral and I'm tired and trying to do my job", she snapped, clearly unimpressed.

" Excellent!" Piett replied. " I like it when officers are working hard".

" Good, why don't you let me get to it then?"

Uh oh, thought Piett. This isn't going too well. They say women like compliments, right?

" You know Diama, I like your… uh…" He hadn't really thought this through. She was wearing the standard military uniform so he couldn't compliment her clothes. The twi'lek turned to him, raising an eyebrow irritably.

" I like your eyes!" Piett exclaimed, feeling he'd had an excellent idea. " They're, uh green!"

" I noticed", Diama responded acidly. She turned to her companion. " You okay for a few minutes? I suddenly feel an urgent need to go get a cup of caf (noticing Piett's hopeful expression) alone".

" No prob Diama", the man replied, trying valiantly not to laugh.

The green-skinned twi'lek stomped out irritably. Her companion did not try to hold in his laughter now that she was gone, much to Piett's vexation.

" Stop laughing!" snarled the admiral, his cheeks glowing red with embarrassment.

" You really don't know how to talk to women, do you?" the communications officer chuckled.

Piett slumped off. He would avoid visiting the communications centre for many days to come until Diama was finally transferred to another Star Destroyer.


" I disagree, it puts too many high ranking officers at risk!" exclaimed Princess Leia, slamming her hand against the polished black table.

" We've gone over this Princess, and have agreed that this must be done", responded General Rieekan. " Are you sure you aren't more worried more about the life of Han Solo than anything else?"

Leia turned to him irritably, no doubt about to make a cutting reply, however Mon Mothma cut in.

" I don't like it any better than you Princess Leia, nevertheless this could be our only chance". The leader of the rebel alliance turned to a guard standing near the door.

" Send for commander Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca", she ordered. The high council sat in tense, stony silence until the rebels in question entered the room, glancing about nervously at the irritable faces around them.

" Please have a seat, all of you", requested Mon Mothma. " You have a new mission".


The first thing about the Emperor that Vader always noticed when summoned into the other's presence was cold. His master's throne room was filled with a deathly chill that lingered in the chamber even when Palpatine was not in it.

The second thing was how all of his worst memories, the most painful, humiliating ones always seemed to resurface in the other's presence.

The third was the feeling of intense hatred that built up inside of him, roaring like a furious inferno, screaming to get out. Vader had learned to cloak his emotions, however this overpowering feeling was one he could barely control.

Vader struggled to rid his mind of thoughts of Padme coughing up blood because of this man, not knowing his son was alive because of this man, existing in a life-support suit for years because of this man-

" Rise Lord Vader", intoned the emperor, and the sith apprentice stood from his kneeling position before his master. There was a long silence during which both considered carefully how to proceed.

" I have felt a great disturbance in the force", Palpatine spoke up finally.

Vader considered. Should he deny having felt the same thing? Should he agree to it? But he was worried he knew what the disturbance was…

" The light, which has suffered for years and was all but extinct, suddenly revived and gained strength. Why do you think that is?"

" Skywalker gains power my master", the sith offered hopefully.

" Ah, but which one?" Palpatine let the thinly veiled accusation hang in the air for a moment.

" Why did you let the rebels go Lord Vader?"

" My master, I…" There was more silence, during which Vader scrambled for an excuse and found none.

" You suggested to me that I take Skywalker as an ally. At the time I thought that my dutiful servant was working to benefit me. Now I wonder… did he have another reason for suggesting this?"

" I had no other reason my master", insisted Vader.

" Did you not? I find myself doubting whether your feelings are as clear on this matter as you would like me to believe".

His opponent made no answer.

" You cannot deny it. I thought not. Very well, since the boy threatens your power I will have him taken care of-"

" NO!"

Palpatine stood suddenly, his eyes flashing furiously. " You will do as I say Lord Vader!" he snarled. " Remember where your past weakness brought you: burned and broken, crawling on the banks of a river of lava and fire! You would do well to remember who breathed life back into the sorry excuse of a corpse you were then, who gave you riches and power beyond your wildest dreams! Get out of my sight, and don't you dare try to interfere in my plans!"

Palpatine sank back into his throne and watched as Lord Vader stormed from the chamber.

" Sentimental fool", growled the monarch. " That was always his undoing, his stupid heart". And having said this, the emperor turned towards the shadowy area behind his throne.

" Mara my child, I believe it is time that your skills were put to use…"

A.N.: Hello everyone, here is the sequel to " Vision of the Past"! I hope that you've enjoyed the prologue/chapter 1. Thank you to everyone who voted on the name of this story and who reviewed/alerted me! " Stained Black" got roughly 60% of the votes, so that's what we'll call this story. Did you like Piett's interaction at the beginning? Please leave a review and tell me what you thought of this chapter! Thank you!