My second fan fiction, part of The Impossible Trilogy.


Kinda cliffhanger-y.

A little smoother than Do You Trust Me? but still kinda rough.

Post Breaking Dawn, cause that's awesome.


So enjoy.

Chapter One

Alice's POV

I replayed the vision in my head several times. I was laying on a bed, surrounded by my family.

But there was something very different about me. I was pregnant. But how? We all knew that was impossible. Rosalie had proven it time and time again.

But at the same time, it was true. My visions didn't lie.

I looked to Jasper; he was standing at my side, waiting for me to tell him what I saw.

A wave of fear ran through my body. How would I tell him?

"What did you see?" he asked, looking worried.

"I.... I saw... myself." I said. He waited for me to continue. "I was pregnant."

He didn't move.

"Jazz? Are you okay?" I shook him gently. He still didn't move.