Booth looked at the keys and silently led Brennan to her car, opened the passenger door and helped her in before going around to the driver's side. As soon as Booth got in the car Brennan took his hand, Booth didn't say anything he just let Brennan hold on. Half way home Booth felt Brennan's grip loosening, looking over he found her asleep. Booth pulled into Brennan's parking space 20 minutes later, he debated what to do; on one hand he wanted to pick her up and never let her go and carry her into the apartment, but this was new to both of them and he didn't want to scare Brennan off. Reluctantly Booth shook Brennan's shoulder, "Bones, wake up."


"Yes, we're home, you can finish your nap in bed as soon as you get out of the car."

"Hum." Booth smiled and helped Brennan out of the car and into her apartment.

"I'm going to shower before I finish my nap I'm far too filthy to be in bed."

"A shower sounds like heaven, one so hot I can barely stand it."

"Take one Booth I have the guest bath."

"I'd love to, but I have no other clothes, and once I take these fatigues off they aren't going back on."

"Your shirt and shorts I borrowed when we repaired your plumbing are in the bathroom closet."

"I don't believe it you stole my clothes!"

"I didn't steal them; I was going to give them back I've been out of the country for a year!"

"You had them for OVER a year BEFORE you left the country Bones!"

"If you missed them so much why didn't you come get them?"

"I didn't want to be rude!"

"Uh hum, go take a shower Booth."

"Bones come here."

Brennan walked to Booth; he pulled her into a hug. "I love you. You can steal my clothes anytime you want." Booth kissed Brennan's forehead.

"Thank you. I love you too."

The two parted for the bathrooms, a half hour later Brennan head the door to the guest bathroom close.

"Booth, can you come here?"

A second later Booth's frame appeared in Brennan's bedroom doorway."Yeah, Bones?"

"Can you stay in here with me?"

Booth rubbed the back of his neck, "Uh are you sure Bones? This is new and I don't want to do anything you aren't ready for…"

"Booth, I'm ready for it, just not right now we're both too tired. I want to go to sleep, but I'm not ready to let you go yet."

Booth smiled and crossed the room climbing in beside Brennan he let Brennan position herself next to him the way she wanted and then put his arms around her, holding her tightly. Booth woke up five hours later when he felt the bed give. "Bones, where are you going?"

Brennan looked back, "I'm going to make dinner I'm starving."

"How can you make dinner? You've been gone for a year; you have no food in the apartment!"

"When Angela and Hodgins got back from Paris two weeks ago I called Angela and asked her to come air out the apartment , put clean sheets on my bed and get the ingredients for macaroni and cheese. She came over this morning before we got here."


"Yeah, you've got about an hour until we can eat, why don't you call Parker and tell him we'll come pick him up tomorrow."

"You're willing to spend your first full day back in civilization with a ten year old that hasn't seen his dad in a year and will be beyond hyper because of it?"

"Yes." Brennan smiled.

"Temperance Brennan have I told you lately how much I love you?"

"Not for a few hours."

"I love you with all my heart Bones, I always have and I always will."

"I love you with all my heart too Booth, I always have and I always will. " Brennan kissed Booth's cheek and headed to the kitchen. Forty five minutes later Booth came into the kitchen."Bones, Parker's so excited I doubt he'll sleep tonight. Be prepared to not get a moment's rest this weekend!"

"You're just as excited Booth, I can tell."

"I am. Do you need help?"

"No, I thought we'd eat on the couch."


They ate and talked late into the night, mostly about Brennan's expedition. The next morning before they picked up Parker Booth got up and went to his apartment to get enough of his and Parker's things to last the weekend and his TV and DVD player. The weekend was mostly spent on Brennan's couch watching moves and hanging out, Parker didn't let go of Booth that much.

One year later:

On June 20, 2012 Booth lead Brennan to the bench by the coffee cart at 12:04 PM. "Bones remember the last time we were here."

"Yes, this time's much better though; you've been home for a year and Grace is here."

Brennan smiled at the baby in her arms drinking a bottle and close to sleep."She's done, you want to burp her?"

"Yeah." Brennan handed Booth Grace, and smiled at the picture before her, Booth in a pinstripe suit, cocky belt buckle, yellow and orange stripy socks with a matching tie sitting on a bench overlooking the reflecting pool burping a baby.

"Happy three month birthday, Gracie Belle."

"Booth, her name is Grace Isabella, not Gracie Belle!"

'Gracie Belle is a nickname, she likes it don't you Gracie Belle?"

Brennan smiled, she didn't really mind the nickname, and it was cute. Booth, do you think it is odd Gracie was born nine months to the day we came back home?"

"No, it was fate Bones, just like everything else in our relationship it was meant to be."

"It was wasn't it?" Brennan smiled and kissed Booth.