Slight spoilers in my explanations if you have not beaten The Room. Very slight though.

Alrighty then, first story on this account. Whoo! Yeah. Some things I probably should clear up before you venture on: I definitely used and abused creative license here. First of all, Henry does not end up in the subway station after his first journey into the hole. He ends up in Silent Hill, which never actually happens in the game, so yeah. Second, I'm gonna assume that the story lines from Silent Hill 2, Homecoming, and The Room are occurring simultaneously. I don't know if this is true, it's probably not, so I'm just gonna make it true for this story. Third, I don't know how many of the original characters I'm going to use from the games. Remember people like Walter, Eileen, Angela, Laura, Elle? I don't know if I'm going to use them yet. I probably will use some of them. So yeah, if it wasn't already obvious, I'm only following certain parts of the original story lines.

Oh yeah. While writing, I was using this nifty little Silent Hill map. Feel free to take a look if you want a better idea of which locations I'm talking about: www(dot)silenthill(dot)co(dot)za/map/

Disclaimer: I don't own Silent Hill or any characters or places affiliated with it. Blah, blah.

Alright, this was his bathroom, but where did that hole come from? He could have sworn that it wasn't there before. He really hoped it hadn't been there before. Henry shuddered at the thought of people watching him shower as he stepped closer.

He could hear people on the other side. It sounded like children, but it was too faint for him to be sure.

Henry figured that this hole would be the only way he would ever be able to get out of his apartment. It was worth a shot at least.

Plus, it was just big enough for him to squeeze through. That had to be a sign, right?

Swallowing all his fears and doubts about crawling into strange holes, Henry climbed in and began crawling. The sounds were getting a tiny bit louder, but he still couldn't tell exactly what they were.

There was a light. No, wait yeah, he could see a bright light at the end of the tunnel. He had a vague feeling of moving towards his own death before shrugging it off and continuing on.

The light just kept getting brighter and brighter as he moved forward until he was eventually blinded. He felt himself fall forward, but he still couldn't see anything.

He braced for impact, but fortunately, the landing was light. He stood up gingerly and brushed the dust off his clothes, looking around as he did so.

Where was he? The buildings surrounding him reminded him vaguely of a small town he had once visited as a kid, but that town had been pretty typical, so that didn't help him much.

Still, there was something strange about this place.

This fog…

Henry looked around again, trying desperately to find some discernible sign of life. Or even a building. A church maybe? Or a police station. All the buildings looked the same though. He stepped closer to the one immediately to his left. A flower shop…

How normal.

Even so, it was strangely unsettling. He wasn't one to believe in auras and all that, but the place had a weird energy coming from it. Actually, this whole town had a weird energy. He figured it would be better to just keep moving and get out of here as soon as possible.

Things would be so much easier if he could actually see.

Note to self: next time you crawl through a strange hole in the wall, bring a flashlight.

Aimless wandering sounded like his only, albeit unappealing, option at the moment. The road he was on stretched as far as he could see, so he decided to follow it and see where it led.

Apparently it didn't lead anywhere interesting. So far, he had passed two restaurants and a bar, and the road was already at an end. It didn't look like the fog was going to let up any time soon, and he was beginning to feel a little claustrophobic

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea…

He was actually starting to miss his apartment, all the thoughts of the past few days pushed to the back of his mind. He had wanted to be out of there so badly, but the alternative wasn't proving to be much better.

He couldn't really explain it, but he just felt extremely unsafe here. It was as if something was following him, but every time he looked, all he could see was fog and the ghostly outlines of buildings.

The whole lack of life unsettled him more than it usually would have. He wasn't normally a people person, which is probably why his neighbors didn't think much of his hermit-like behavior over the past few days, but he was beginning to miss human contact.

Henry was debating on whether or not to walk into the bar. Maybe there was someone in there, if he could even get in that is, but there was also an odd smell coming from it.

Weighing his options, he could either wander down one of the side streets, or he could try one of the various restaurants and stores. The bar was out since he definitely smelled something rotten coming from there. He doubted he even wanted to know what that was.

He turned to the building behind him and was met with a child-like fast food restaurant. He could just barely make out the "Happy Burger" sign on top. The place looked innocent enough, and it smelt about as normal as a fast food joint could smell.

He approached the door and gave it a slight push, feeling it swing in slightly as soon as he touched it.

Wow, who left the restaurant unlocked?

He walked right in and was met with darkness. He searched for some lights but came up empty.

If he were a light switch in a restaurant, where would he be?

He honestly had no idea. He had only worked in a fast food place as a teenager, and those painful memories had long since been blurred from existence.

He spent about five minutes looking before he finally gave up. His knee was pretty bruised from banging it on the counter about five thousand times, and he doubted that there would be any electricity here anyway.

What's the point of lights if no one's here to use them, right?

He did find a door that he assumed led to an office of some sort, but he didn't think it would be of any use without a light to lead his way. There was also a door behind the counter that probably led to the kitchens. He decided to check through real quick. If anything, he could at least find a weapon. Not that he felt like he needed one, but yeah, he felt like he needed one. For safety purposes.

The door was a little heavy, but he pushed it open a bit before squeezing through. No sooner was he through the door than the smell hit him. It was a distinct, unpleasant metallic smell. Not unlike blood.

He was about to turn back and leave when he saw a small light coming from the other side of the room. It was a little beam sitting pretty close to the floor. Probably a flashlight.

He moved slowly away from the door and let it shut softly behind him. He was frightened, but he figured that the flashlight would be of more help to him in the future. Especially with this crazy fog.

He felt his way along the counter, trying to find a knife of some sort. If he was lucky, he wouldn't accidentally cut himself on anything.

His hand slid slowly along the surface as he moved forward, but he stopped suddenly, startled, when his hand came into contact with something wet. It was cold and sticky, and he prayed to God that it wasn't blood. He brought his hand to his nose and smelled it lightly, trying to pick up the metallic scent from before.

Thank God, it smelled sweet. It was probably a spilled drink.

Moving forward a little more, he replaced his hand on the counter and kept feeling around until he came into contact with a cool blade. He picked it up and ran his finger lightly along it. It was a decent length blade, probably a butcher knife. It would have to do.

Gripping the knife in his right hand, he moved toward the light source again. It seemed luck was on his side, as he didn't run into anymore 'messes' of any sort on the way. He reached the flashlight quickly and stooped down to pick it up, when he was met with another surprise.

Rather than grabbing the plastic of a flashlight handle, he touched what felt like human skin. It was cold and hard and thoroughly scared the crap out of him. He gave up on the handle and instead gripped the lit end, tugging lightly until the other person decided to let go.

It took him a bit of effort to get the flashlight, but eventually, with some light popping sounds, he got the light free. He hesitantly aimed the beam in the opposite direction. There was a face staring back at him, but it was obvious that the person was dead.

He stepped forward a little and knelt down. The eyes were glassy, and the mouth was open in a look of surprise. The person was young. Too young.

Henry backed up and shone the flashlight around the room quickly, taking in the blood on all the walls surrounding the body and pooled on the floor.

What did this?

He didn't really want to stay and find out. He quickly moved back where he came from and found the door. Pulling it open proved to be more difficult than pushing, but he got it open enough to slide through.

A small breeze swished against his back as the door slid closed. He hardly repressed a small shiver. He should feel more bothered by the scene in there, but for some reason, he just wasn't. He couldn't explain it. There was getting to be a long list of things that he couldn't explain. Better to not think about it.

A soft noise startled him out of his thoughts. It had sounded like the front door. Straining his ears, he could hear the sounds of a person's footsteps approaching.

Panic overtook him. He frantically searched for a place to hide but could find none save for crouching down behind the counter. Not exactly an expert hiding spot. But it would have to do. He thought of the office from earlier, but that was too far away, and the 'thing' would most likely see him.

Henry quietly crouched down and squeezed into a small gap between two cabinets, turning off the light as he went. The figure was only getting closer though.

What was he thinking? This hiding spot was terrible. He could see a flashlight beam shining on the walls, which means that all the person would have to do is glance down, and they would see him.

Wait. The thing has a flashlight. For some reason, that made him feel a little more at ease. Maybe the thing was human after all?

Cursing himself for trying to squeeze into such a tight space, he quietly crawled out and stood up slowly.

As soon as he moved, the flashlight beam was shone directly into his face, temporarily blinding him. He lifted his arm up to shield his eyes and attempted to figure out if the thing was really human.

He heard a small click as the light moved down slightly. He looked up to find a gun pointing right at him. Okay, it was probably human.

"Wait!" He lifted his arms up in the air, as if in surrender, "I'm not armed."

He didn't even know why he said that. Was that supposed to make the person feel better? Apparently it did because the person lowered the gun and lifted the flashlight once more.

Henry slowly reached for his flashlight, causing the other to tense up a bit. The person went for their gun again, but Henry just threw up his arms in that mock surrender signal once more and offered a simple explanation, "I'm just gonna get my flashlight."

Henry waited a second before slowly lowering one arm and taking his flashlight out of his pocket. He clicked it on and shone it at the person standing before him.

Well, he looked normal enough, albeit a little frightened and tense. There was a strange look in his eyes too, but Henry didn't want to put too much thought into it.

"Um, what's your name?" He figured that if he tried to be friendly, then maybe the guy could help him out of here. That is, if he even knew where he was.

The guy didn't say anything. He just stood there and stared. Frankly, it was creeping Henry out a little.

"I… uh, I'm Henry," he offered quietly. Maybe the guy was scared of him. He had no idea what to do. He was never good in social situations, especially not one as bizarre as this.

The guy visibly relaxed a bit before giving a quick introduction, "I'm Alex." He said it confidently. For some reason, the voice didn't seem to match the way he looked. He looked scared still and the slightest bit angry. It was difficult to describe.

Henry gave a small smile before stepping forward a bit to shake his hand. Alex held out his own and gave Henry a quick, strong handshake before backing away a bit.

"Sorry about almost shooting you there. You just can't be too careful, you know?"

No, Henry didn't know, and he told Alex so. He didn't know where he was or what was going on.

Alex looked a little surprised before letting out a small laugh. What was so funny?

Henry just stared at him and tried to suppress the urge to glare at him. He really didn't appreciate being laughed at, especially when he didn't know what the hell was going on.

"Sorry about that. It's just, I'm on the same boat as you." Alex shrugged his shoulders before reaching his hand into his coat pocket.

Alex walked toward Henry, holding what looked like a crumpled piece of paper. At closer inspection, it turned out to be a photograph.

"I'm actually looking for my little brother. I don't know why, but I have a feeling he's here, so have you seen him?"

Henry could hear a slight sadness making its way into Alex's voice, and he suddenly felt a twinge of sympathy. He stared at the photo and saw the image of a young boy staring back. He couldn't have been more than ten.

"No, I haven't seen him," Henry said it gently and could see the disappointment flash across Alex's face as he pocketed the photo, "I'm sorry."

"It's alright," Alex offered a quick smile, "I'll just have to keep looking."

Henry smiled back a bit, but he still felt strange about the whole thing. He felt like he should help Alex more, but there was nothing he could do.

"He looks a lot like you," Henry whispered softly. He didn't know if that sentence was supposed to comfort Alex, but he felt it was just necessary. It was true too. The boy in the photograph did look the spitting image of the man in front of him, only way younger. It was pretty obvious that they were brothers.

"Yeah, we get that a lot," Alex laughed as he began to move toward the door.

Henry felt the mood lighten considerably and decided to follow Alex. Fortunately, Alex didn't question his new-found shadow.

Done! And it's only five in the morning. Geez. Yeah, so anyway, as you can see, the only things so far that hold true with the actual games are (1) they have the same names, and (2) Alex is looking for his brother.

Anyway, let me know what you think. I'll try to update as soon as possible, which, with school ending soon, shouldn't be too difficult.

Thanks for reading!

- KW