This is after Shadow Kissed. Dimitri wasn't taken.
"Rose? Roza? Wake up!" I kept hearing someone scream at me. I groaned in response. Why can't they just leave me alone?
"Come on Rose, open your eyes." Wait, I recognized that voice. I would recognize it anywhere. I opened my eyes to see him. My mentor, my friend, my love. Dimitri. Oh Dimitri. Our relationship had always been strained because dhampirs normally don't have real relationships. But a couple of days ago, we had finally given into our feelings. That night at the cabin. I would never forget it.
"Oh thank God you're alright, Roza."
"What happened?" I asked confused. "Hmm, I may have hit you a little hard on the head…" explained Dimitri. Oh yes. My practices that I have twice a day with Dimitri. Although they have gotten better ever since we were more comfortable with being together.
"So does this mean we're done for now?" I asked excitedly. I would rather just spend time with Dimitri than practice fighting with him. I looked up at his face. I couldn't help but marvel in his beauty. His hair, his body. And then there was his smile. Although he would rarely give a full grin, his half smiles were good enough for me.
"Ah, Rose. Always eager to get out of practice," he said with a half smile. I felt my heart speed up for a second. "Well comrade, you have to use what you got. And right now I have an injured head. Personally I think that should be enough to get me out of classes also." That earned me another half smile.
"Well personally I don't want to deal with Kirova but if you don't think you can go to class I can go talk to her," he told me while he grabbed my hand. I loved the feel of his strong, long fingers in my hands. "No, I'll be fine Dimitri," I said while sitting up. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and stood up again. I wobbled a bit and Dimitri automatically stood up to steady me. His hands held onto my shoulders firmly.
I smiled up at him. Without thinking I took my hand and ran it along his cheek bone. He leaned into my hand. I always was surprised at the power between us. Every touch was like an electric jolt. He moved his hand on top of mine. Then he moved my hand to his lips and put a gentle kiss into the palm of my hand.
One of the many, many things I loved about Dimitri was how he could go from fighting demon to a gentle angel. He was always so careful with me when we weren't practicing. When we were practicing he didn't hold out.
"I should probably go get ready for class," I sighed not wanting to leave. I loved the feeling I got when I was around him. "Yes, you should." He moved his hands around my body and onto my lower back. He pulled me closer to him. We stood there for a minute in this very comfortable embrace. I unfortunately had to pull away or was going to be late for class.
I stood on the tips of my toes asking for a kiss. He then bent down and gave me a passionate kiss. My arms wound around his neck trying to hold him to me. By the time we pulled away both of us were gasping for air.
He took a few strands of my hair and tucked them behind my ear. "I love you, Roza," he told me. There was so much love in his voice. It thrilled me to no extent to hear my name at the end of that phrase. I still found it hard to believe we were together. "I love you, Dimitri," I said while trying to fill it with as much love as him. We smiled at each other. He bent down to give me a sweet but short kiss.
With reluctance I finally left to go to my room. I needed to shower, get dressed and get to class in 30 minutes. It didn't help that my normal showers normally lasted 20 minutes. I was able to cut my shower time in half. It took me another 5 minutes to get dressed. I still had 15 minutes left to class.
Through the bond I could hear Lissa telling me to hurry up and get to class. I am so happy that I have the same classes as Lissa. I ran into the classroom with 3 minutes to spare. I grabbed the seat next to Lissa.
"Hey fireboy," I said once I saw Christian sitting next to Lissa on her other side. "Hey Rose," he responded. After all this time we were finally becoming friends. Well, let's just say friendly.
Some guardians then came into our class. Sometimes a few will just stand in the back or off to the sides. It was then that I smelled the oh so familiar cologne. Dimitri. I looked around the room and saw him standing a few feet from me smiling. After we made eye contact he let his guardian mask fall into place.
Throughout class I saw him staring at me the entire time.
I could sense feelings of wonder in Lissa. I looked at her. Through the bond I heard her say, Guardian Belikov has been staring at you all class. I glanced at her and shrugged. She eyed me suspiciously. I haven't exactly told her about Dimitri and me yet. I guess I have to now. Now she was full out glaring at me. "I'll tell you later," I responded kind of harshly. Still glaring at me she responded "you better."
I looked over at Dimitri. He gave me a half smile. I smiled back. All of a sudden I could feel the darkness in Lissa through the bond. I looked over at her. She had a scowl on her face. "Lissa," I began, "have you been using magic to much lately?" "No," she hissed. I guess we were angry at each other now. I stood up in class. "I have a headache. Can I go to the infirmary?" I asked Stan.
He nodded. "I'll take her," I heard Dimitri say. I bet he knew I wasn't actually sick. I walked out of the classroom and just kept walking. I ended up walking towards the cabin. Our cabin. Mine and Dimitri's cabin.
I just kept walking. I couldn't tell in Dimitri was behind me but I honestly didn't care at this moment. And then it happened. It all happened so fast.