The smell of dust engulfed my senses, as Bella walked the road down the jail. She was free. Free from the nightmares of the day Victoria killed Charlie, free of the days Jake turned his back on her. Jail was such a bitter place, filled with sorrow and misery, anger and hate. Such emotions flowed through the whole atmosphere, along with the screams of pain and anger. She was happy to get out of that place; thanked god with her many prayers , in fact.

She waited near the dirt covered road, her hands shoved in her old worn out jeans. The shoe laces of her shoes were gone, taken away on the first day she entered that hell hole. The bus was coming soon, and she hoped fast . She hoped to get away from this place, and never come back.

Luckily, the bus came right on time, and she was getting away from this place soon. She walked down the aisle of the hot musty bus and sat in the far back, away from prying eyes. The ride was long, full of bumps and swerves, throwing her off balance once or twice. The sky here was, cloudy and a film of grey dust. Nothing reminded her of the green areas of Forks, of endless land and trees, and the cool breezes.

The bus ride was long and smelly. Bella knew when she got home she would have to ask Martha to run a hot bath for her. Hadn't had one of those in so long, just the cold short showers next to a hooker called Star. She ached to be in a comfy bed with fresh linen sheets that had just came out of the wash, smelling like roses and sugar. The wooden floors would be wiped off and the kitchen smelling of Martha's home baked cookies.

The house was the only thing that Bella felt truly belonged to her anymore. Everything was haunted by forbidden memories she would never go into. Bella looked outside only to see the lush green hills of Forks Washington. Not many things had changed in the seven years that she had been gone but then not many things had changed in the last sixty years.

The bus came to an abrupt halt in front of the Newton's shop, something Bella wasn't looking forward to. Mike's family were better known as the blabber mouths of the town, always gossiping every chance they got. And now they had a new addition to the family- Jessica Stanley, and her two bratty ass kids. The last time she saw them they were two years old and already giving out attitudes.

Angela and Ben had gone their separate ways some years ago, having different dreams. Angela was now the best selling author of the book, "Lost in A Crowd". And Ben, he became a photographer and traveled the world with his wife and two girls. Tyler and Lauren eventually got married and had two kids, but two years ago they got a divorce and Lauren is now marrying some rich doctor.

Jake ended up imprinting on a sweet girl named Penny. They now had one kid and were on some sort of vacation in the Bahamas. The rest of the pack.. Well Paul and Jacobs sister Rebecca got married and had three kids. One of their kids Janis died of cancer at the age of three; Rebecca still can't get over it. Embry lived in a rehab center after going on drugs a couple of years ago, when his imprint Sarah died in a car accident. Sam and Emily still lived in their little cottage with their four kids. Leah ended up not imprinting at all, and left the pack at the same time Bella went to jail. She said that she couldn't handle the pain anymore. Just seeing Emily and Sam with their kids ate out her heart. She now lived in a small village on the coast of Greece. And Seth was teaching at one of the local LaPush schools. Charlie, still lived in their old house, along with Sue Clearwater.

Bella walked down the familiar streets, with a smile on her face. Aries's Boutique shop was still up and standing. Renee had dragged Charlie there so many times when they were still together, bright eyed and young. So full of joy. Now she mopes around at home, mourning the loss of Phil. He died of lung cancer a year ago, taking everyone by surprise, since no one knew Phil had smoked in the first place.

Bella found herself in Forks cemetery, and choked on a sob. She had never meant to come here. Why had she come her? All it would do was bring her pain and anguish. But her feet moved on their own accord, bringing her to a headstone. Abra Swan Jackson, born August 4, 2006- September 18 2009. Beloved Daughter. "She will always have a place in our hearts". Bella felt a tear slip down her cheek, but never bothered to wipe it. Next to that stone was another. Timothy Dan Jackson, born January 2, 1987- September 18 2009. Beloved Son, Husband, and father. May his soul rest in peace.

Memories flooded Bella's head. And they hurt.

Bella being twirled in the air by a blond headed stranger. Her head was thrown back in happiness, you wouldn't have thought this girl had been heart broken only months ago. He kissed her mouth in pure tenderness and she melted against his broad chest.

Another memory of her holding a child to her breast, smiling as she saw the blond headed man wink at her. He picked the little baby girl out of her hands and cooed, "My little Abra, you are the light of our lives. Look at your beautiful self". He sighed, " You look just like your mother. Such an innocent face". Bella smiled at the man, her eyes shining with love.

And another came. She was clutching the child to her breast, crawling away from the man coming towards her. Her husband lay on the ground, blood spewing from his head. His body lay lifeless on the ground, eyes open in wide surprise. She whispered soothing things to her distressed baby, as the man came closer. "I've been watching you my dear", he whispered. "I watch you sleep and eat. I watch you and your husband sometimes making love, and imagine me there instead of him". She felt sick a dizzy, but she would protect her baby.

"Get away from me", she screamed. "Please just leave me and my baby alone", she pleaded. But he didn't listen.

"That should be our baby", he screeched, eyes wild. "That should be my baby, not his", he spat. Coming closer he ripped Abra out of Bella's arms. She fought him with all her might but he simply knocked her over with a blow of his fist. He held her baby and glared and her, "I've loved you as long as I can remember. When you first came to Forks, I knew you were the one, but you ended up with that Cullen. And After he was gone I was sure I had my chance, that you would love me. But then the Jackson's came to town and you fell in love with their oldest son, Tim. I saw how you smiled at me, tempted me, played with my emotions.", he yelled at her and shook Abra.

"Please", she pleaded with him, "let me have my baby".

"Why, so you can just rub it in my face", He screamed. Bella shook her head, she had never met him before, and if she did she didn't remember. Her baby was shrieking and Bella sobbed for him to just stop. "No", he growled, "let's see how you cope, as you see everything you love. Everything you cherish be gone in a flash", and with that he dropped her baby. It was like a movie, the scene going in slow motion. When baby heard the snap of her baby's neck, she lost herself. It was as if she had no soul, and there was only a body.

The man ran away, like the cowered he was. The police found her, laying on the ground eyes just as lifeless as her dead husband. No one could find the man who had done this to her family, no one but Bella.

She found him in an old warehouse, laying drunk in the corner. She didn't care what she did anymore, as long as that sick bastard was dead she wouldn't care. He made a grab for her but she punched him in the face, not caring for the pain it brought to her hand. Going in her purse she found the gun, Tim had gave her for protection. He wouldn't want her to do this, but she needed to. He hurt her so much for taking away her family.

"So you've come for me huh, girly. Couldn't resist this handsome face", he slurred. She snarled at him and brought the gun up, smiling when she saw the fright in his black eyes. "Rot in hell you bastard. I hope that you burn in the fires of Hades and hurt as much as I am. You took away everything I loved and now I'll take away your life. The one thing you cherish most, you motherfucker", and with that Bella pulled the trigger. She saw his eyes go wide in surprise and saw the blood seeping though his white t-shirt.

The police had found her later, and then to the dead body in front of her. She didn't fight as they cuffed her, only nodded in acceptance. She had killed someone, and although everyone knew she had every reason to, they still had no choice. Tim would be disappointed, but at that moment she didn't care. She just wanted to be with her baby and husband. It hurt to know that the man who had saved her from heartbreak and cared for her when everyone else had given up.

"I love you", she whispered to the gray cloudy sky.

Bella was brought back to the present when she saw a tiny elder woman put a hand on her shoulder. Martha. The woman had taken care of Abra when Bella and Tim were at work, and she too held the same pain Bella did. "Charlie told me you got back", she whispered to Bella. "Mike Newton said he saw you walk this way. Why do you come here Bella if it hurts you so much."

Bella looked at the woman who was like a mother to her, "Because it lets me know that they were once alive. That I didn't dream of that miracle of a baby. Or that sweet loving husband. It lets me know that I wasn't alone once", she cried. But it hurt, just like Martha said, so much. She would do anything to get them back.

Ok so the Cullens will come in the story later, but in the mean time while I write this, check out my other story "lost in found". Summary:

Edward left Bella, the day the were to be married, giving his cold black heart to another. Bella is turned by Victoria, and decides to join the Volturi, knowing that she will never be able to live the same asks them for death. But will she get love instead?