A/N: So I've only read the first two books from the Series and I don't know what they say or teach about witches in the book but this is based from the show, True Blood, obviously. It starts after season two and it really isn't going to go along with season three. So just look at it as a different time or whatever. It focuses mostly around Eric and sometimes Bill, the other characters are going to be in it but not a main part. Any thing in here relating to witches is from my imagination, not from anywhere else. Anyway, just enjoy.

And of course, review if you want me to continue! Please!

Bon Temps wasn't exactly where Emma imagined she would find herself next but she knew she had to be there. She didn't have a choice, it was an order. She did whatever she was told to do. After driving through the night she was now tired and hungry. The only place that seemed to be open in the middle of nowhere was some place called Merlottes, Emma didn't know if that was good luck or just a coincidence.

Emma pulled her silver BMW into an empty spot. She looked around at the other cars and knew she was in an area that was lower than she was. She didn't mean to be judgmental but it wasn't her fault. She was raised to believe she was better than the average person or super natural creature. Emma turned to the Irish wolfhound sitting in her front seat. She still found it amazing the large dog fit in the car.

"Alright Buddy, you stay here in the car. I'm gonna go find that telepath." She said to him patting his head gently.

Emma walked in and saw the whole placed was filled with people. She wasn't exactly sure whether or not to sit down or wait to be seated but she knew it wasn't a fancy place. Emma looked around. Her eyes landed on brown haired man sitting by himself with a bottle of True Blood in his hand. She stared at him for a few moments but then looked away. She walked over to an empty table and waited for someone to come over.

A blonde girl walked over. She had a huge smile on her face. "Hello, welcome to Merlottes." She placed a menu on the table. "Are you new to Bon Temps?" She asked seeming interested.

"Just going through." Emma answered simply. She looked her up and down. She noticed two small circles on her neck, fang marks. "Nothing special." She shrugged forcing a smile on her lips. "Is that a Vampire over there?" Emma asked softly motioning to where the Vampire was sitting. Emma already knew the answer but she had to figure out if this was the girl she was looking for.

"Yeah, thats Bill." She answered without hesitation. "I'm Sookie, by the way, Sookie Stackhouse." She informed her. Sookie stared at her for a few moments and then a confused look washed over her face but she quickly replaced it with a smile, probably hoping Emma didn't notice but Emma did notice.

Emma could feel Sookie's mind trying to pull into hers. She felt a smirk on her face. "Emma Proctor." She introduced herself lying about her real last name which was Walcott. She had to keep that information to herself just in case any one ever heard about her from when she was a child.

"Well, its nice to meet you." Sookie said. "I'll be back to take your order in just a few minutes." She said.

Emma nodded her head and then turned back to her menu. She knew Sookie couldn't read her mind, no telepaths ever could. It was something Witches never understood it either but it had benefited them for centuries so they didn't try to question it.

Emma felt grossed out by all the food on the menu but she knew she had to order something, not just because she was hungry but because it would be strange for her to come in and not order food. She looked for the cheapest thing and decided on ordering that. She didn't want to waste her money on food that sounded gross. Sookie soon walked back over to her table.

"Did you make up your mind?" She asked as she pulled out a pad of paper and pen.

"Yeah can I get a burger with fries and some water." Emma answered her.

"Yeah, I'll get that right out for you." Sookie smiled at her before turning abruptly on her heels and disappearing to another part of the restaurant.

Emma looked around, examining all the people in Merlottes. Emma was trying to figure out a way to wiggle into this town without seeming strange or different. Emma suddenly felt eyes on her. She turned her head and saw the Vampire staring at her. His gaze held onto her like a force that was holding her to her seat.

Emma had never been comfortable with Vampires, or any super natural creatures. Witches had constantly be rejected by the other creatures because Witches were completely capable of living normal lives, making the others jealous. So they often took their anger out on them. When Emma was only six she had a Vampire feed on her, leaving her to die but for some strange reason she lived, it wasn't the first time Emma had almost been killed either. Emma had multiple near death experiences but she never could remember them, only when she was attacked by the Vampire. Ever since then she did her best to ignore Vampires but now it was no longer an option for her. She had to do as she was told.

Emma turned away hoping the Vampire would stop staring at her but she knew it wasn't likely. She soon had her food in front of her. She ate quickly, wanting to leave Merlottes. She continued to study the people trying to get familiar with them. She noticed Sookie walk over to Bill a few times but Emma did her best not to make eye contact with them. Emma knew she had to get her fear of Vampires under control or she was going to ruin the plan.

Once her plate was empty Sookie walked back over. She placed the check on the table. "So are you staying somewhere in town?" She asked pulling a seat from another table and sitting in front of Emma.

Emma stared at her unsure why Sookie seemed so interested in her suddenly. "I'm actually staying at a friends house, she lives right out Bon Temps. But I was driving through here and decided to eat." She answered knowing what she said was a lie. "But I should really get going, its getting late." Emma said as she grabbed her purse and began to look for her wallet.

"Well who are staying with?" Sookie asked leaning forward on the table. Her hands were in front of her. Emma looked at her knowing Sookie was trying to read her mind. She was doing the best she could without touching her but it wasn't working.

"An old family friend, Stella Corey." Emma answered as she pulled her wallet out. She opened it quickly. She pulled out money but as she did her change spilled on to the floor. Emma bent down quickly to pick it up. As she grabbing it she noticed someone crouch next to her. She looked up and saw Bill staring at her again.

Emma stood instantly. "I really should leave." She said grabbing her wallet and shoving it back in her purse. Bill stood upright next to her. He handed her the change he had collected from the floor. "Thank you." She said refusing to look directly at her. "It was nice to meet you, Sookie." She said as she slung her purse over her shoulder.

Emma walked right for the door as she noticed all the people in Merlottes watching her now. She had caused a scene and attracted unwanted attention to herself. That was not a good thing, not at all. She walked out and went to her car. She noticed the passenger door open and saw the car was empty. "Great." Emma mumbled to herself. She opened her door and threw her purse inside the car.

"Buddy!" Emma called out and waited to hear anything but no sounds came. She walked a few steps away from the car and called his name again but it was only followed by silence. Emma closed her eyes. She shook her hands at her sides to loosen her body up. She brought her hands together in front of her and thought clearly. She felt a slight breeze around her and she heard the leaves blowing around on the ground. "Adeo Mihi." She said softly wanting nobody to hear her. Emma waited and she heard a bark in the distance.

She opened her eyes and looked around. Suddenly she saw something running towards her. "Hey Buddy." She said as the dog stopped right next to her. She patted his head softly. "You had me worried for a moment." She told him. Suddenly she felt some one else there. She turned and saw a man standing close by.

He had short, shaggy hair that hung from his head loosely. He had bright blue eyes that were shining in the dark. "Hey, hope I didn't startle you." He said walking over. "I'm Sam Merlotte." He held out his hand and Emma shook it quickly.

"Emma Proctor." She said bring her hand back to her side. "I hope he wasn't bothering you." Emma said motioning to the dog. He wasn't good around strangers, especially male ones but he seemed calm, calmer than normal and it made Emma worry slightly.

"No, its fine. I'm a dog person." He shrugged. "Well I gotta get back inside now, it was nice meeting you." He said before turning away from them. Emma watched him and then walked back over to her car.

"Get in." She ordered Buddy and he listened. Emma climbed in and started the car. She slowly pulled out of Merlottes parking lot knowing she had to go back home. There was more than just Vampires in Bon Temps, she could feel it and she wasn't trained to deal with that. She needed to go back home.

Emma pulled her car into the dirt driveway. She put the car into park and shut off the ignition. She listened to the crickets for a few moments but then climbed out. She decided against taking in her suit case right then. She would probably be leaving in the morning anyway. She pushed open the door. "Come on." She said looking at Buddy when he wouldn't climb out of the car. His ears went down as she stared at her. "Whats wrong?" She asked but already knew she wouldn't get a response from him.

Emma reached into the car and grabbed his collar. She used all her strength to pull the big dog out of the car. "Behave." She told him firmly. She slammed the door shut and clicked the alarm button for her car before walking up to the house.

It was a lot bigger than she expected, it was huge actually but the house was clearly old and worn out. She hoped there weren't any bugs or mice inside but she knew she could easily fix that with a spell. She stepped onto the porch. The steps made a creaky sound that seemed to echo through the entire area. Emma walked up faster as she felt herself becoming scared. She stood in front of the door and knocked softly.

Buddy sat next to her as a low growl escaped his mouth. Emma looked at him, now she knew something was wrong. Buddy was trained, by Witches, he knew when things were unnatural or off. Emma knocked on the door harder but there was still no response. She quickly pulled her cell phone from her pocket and dialed the number she was given. She could hear the phone ringing from inside the house but there was no answer.

"We have to go inside." She said looking at the dog. He looked up at her. He seemed to nod his head, knowing what she was saying. Emma placed her hand on the knob and turned it quickly. She pushed open the door and entered. Buddy followed right behind her. Emma looked around for a light switch but she couldn't seen anything. She turned toward the ceiling and saw light bulbs.

She pointed at them. "Lumen." She said and light suddenly went through the house. Emma walked further in, going to a new room. "Hello?" She called out. "Is any one here?" She asked loudly. "Stella Corey, its Emma from the W.C.A." She said louder but there was still no answer.

Emma noticed Buddy had walked in to a different room. She followed him and saw he was in the kitchen. She walked in and felt all the food from Merlottes instantly come rushing back up through her stomach.