As a warning, extreme stupidy. Granted, I hope it's hillarious stupidy!

The students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were at a breaking point. Even the Slythrine's were getting fed up although, granted they didn't show it as much as everyone else. It's not just the students who are getting fed up either, it's clear that the teachers want nothing more then to take that huge pink bow on top of that ugly toads ugly head and shove it down her throat.

That would sort her and her stupid 'cough'.

So it was no surprise that on one Thursday afternoon in the Gryffindor common room you would find the 5th years gathered around moaning about what a pain in the arse one Dolores Jane Umbridge happened to be.

"She's nuts! How does she expect us to pass our O.W.L's studding this crap?" a disgruntled Seamus asked the room at large.

"Something has to be done about her! I know, why don't we kill her and make it look like an accident? Then we won't have to listen to her croak for an hour every bloody Tuesday and Thursday." Ron said getting on a evil grin.

"I don't know about killing her but we should defiantly do something to her." Neville said.

"How? She's on the best practical terms you can possible get to Fudge!" Hermione pointed out "It won't be much use, her and the minister are really close."

"Maybe a little to close, if you know what I mean." Ron muttered to Harry who sniggered.

"Then we'll just do it for fun. She's already made us write with our own blood, taken away our normal privileges, and ruined our chances for winning the house cup, what more will she do? Throw is in Azkaban?" Dean asked.

A bell rang in the distance and they all grabbed their bags, heading to the old toads classroom.

On their way to the classroom Harry whispered as they entered the DADA corridor, "Just follow my lead."

Ignoring his housemates bewildered look he marched right up to the end of the line were Malfoy and his cronies were talking. The Gryffindor's and Slythrine's sneered at each other then went back to their own business.

The door opened a few minutes later and they all trooped inside, the doors closing as soon as Pansy made it over the threshold.

"Everyone sit!" Umbridge said in a sing son voice smiling like she was a toad who'd just seen its fly.

"I'm surprised she doesn't have a lily pad as her seat." Harry whispered loudly to Seamus, who was sitting next to him. The Gryffindor's smirked and the Slythrines looked at him stunned.

Umbridge pretended not to hear and taped the board with her wand, the pages they were to read appearing on the black board.

"Everyone take out your books and turn to page 286." She said in her sickly fake girly voice.

"You think she's going to be teaching us how to catch the big juicy flies?" Harry whispered loudly again, this time to Ron and Dean who were sitting behind him and Seamus.

"Nah, she wants to keep the big ones for herself." Ron answered back.

"Is there something you two would like to share with the class?" Umbridge asked in fake cheery voice that was just barley concealing her anger.

"Not at all" Harry smiled, then adding, "Your highness" in a lower but still addible voice.

"You may begin." Umbridge told the class her frustration obvious.

After a few minutes of 'reading', Harry winked at Lavender and she took that as her queue.

"Why do you think she wears all that pink?" Lavender 'whispered' to Pavarti.

"Isn't it obvious? She needs it to attract her mates because she's too ugly to do it any other way." Pavarti said back, not really trying to keep her voice down.

"Is there a problem, Ms. Patil?" Umbridge asked.

"No, Toa-Ms. Umbridge." Pavarit smiled sweetly.

The boys sniggered at her daring and Harry could have sworn he saw Blaise Zabini crack a smile from his seat next to Malfoy.

"Then go back to your book and stop talking!" Umbridge snapped.

Silence filled the room again until Dean whispered to Harry, Seamus, and Ron, "Why do you think Fudge even bothers keeping her around?"

"Probably because she brings the girls, with all that pink I'd say Umbridge is lesbian." Semaus whispered back.

"MR. FINNEGAN COME HERE NOW." Umbridge shouted forgetting her girly voice.

Seamus, grinning, walked up to her. He knew he was in trouble so thinking to himself, why not take it one step further?

"Professor," He said seriously once he reached the desk, "I know I'm attractive an all, but all the girls I know are pretty straight last time I checked."

"Mr. Finnegan you will take this to your head of house and receive your punishment for disrupting my class." Unbridge spluttered ignoring his comment.

"Oooo, someone needs to get laid." Dean said not bothering keeping his voice down.

"MR. THOMAS, YOU WILL ACCOMY HIM." Umbridge shouted.

"Yes your toadness." Dean answered fighting desperately to keep his face straight.

"Yep, she defiantly need's some." Ron nodded.

"Shut up, Mr. Weasley, 50 points from Gryffindor!" Umbridge shouted desperately, in hopes of making them shut up.

Not that they cared, they had so few points it's not like they were going to win anyways.

"Were do you think she goes to get a good shag?" Harry asked the room at large.

"Mr. Potter!" Umbridge screamed aghast.

"Probably the Hog's Head!" Lavender shouted back from her place on the other side of the room, "That's the only place anyone would take her!"

"As long as they were staggering drunk." Hermione added.

"I don't even think they would take her then." Pavarti added shaking her head.


"Well, how will she know we're coming?" Harry asked, his grin throwing off his innocent voice.

Umbrdige grabbed her wand and sent a patronus ahead, that only caused the entire room to roar with laughter as a little toad hopped out of the room on a mission to convey its message to the deputy headmistress.

"OH THAT'S RICH!" Ron roared double over with laughter.

"OUT!" Umbridge screamed.

They all scrambled out the door, tears of laughter rolling down their faces, a book narrowly missing Seamus' head.

Once they reached McGonagall's classroom and Seamus handed her the note she to cracked a smile.

To everyone's surprise 10 minutes later all the 5th year Slythinins were standing in front of Professor Snape 'awaiting their punishment', Blaise Zabini handing him a message from one Doreles Umbridge.

Soooo, what you think? Stupid? Funny? Both? Tell me...please? :)
Also, no offence towards gays, lesbeins, bisexuals. I just think Umbridge wouldn't take such an accusion lightly.