Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi owns
Warning: Lemon (Sexual Content)
Ch. 16
Breaking of Ordinance Pt. 2
The silence in the room was enough to make even the most powerful Inuyoukai, cringe. None of the information on Rin made any sense to him what so ever. It was slowly beginning to dawn on him, that there was more to Rin then he had ever come to believe. She was more then just a random human mate that was destined to be with him, this was far beyond that. Sesshomaru clenched his jaw before looking up from the file to stare at the wide eyed hanyou in front of him, mouth hanging open. Narrowing his eyes, he looked back down at the file continuing to read about this Shikon no Tama. Obviously it must have been of great importance for it to not only have it's own record, but to also involve the suspicions about Rin. He knew she would never lie to him about her past if he were to question her, it was clear to him that even if he did, she wouldn't know a thing about it. Only his father would know the meaning behind this as well as Ryukotsusei and most likely Naraku.
"Ya know, there's something in here that talks about that Shikon Tama thing." Inuyasha started, his eyes skimming through the papers clenched in his hands."And by the looks of it, it ain't good."
Sesshomaru stopped what he was reading to once again look up at his brother, impatiently raising an eyebrow for him to continue. He watched as Inuyasha hesitated for a second, opening his mouth as if to speak before closing it. It was plain to see the fool didn't know how to start off without trying to anger him any more then he already was, though the hesitation was the only thing making him want to reach forward and snap the hanyou's neck. Balling his hands into fists, he calmly sat up straight, waiting for Inuyasha to continue.
"It says here that some priestess who was pregnant with a demons child, were both murdered by hundreds of other demons,"Inuyasha whispered the last part in disbelief. This information had immediately caught Sesshomaru's attention as he listened intently."before she died though, her soul along with the demon had combined into one, therefore creating some kind of powerful jewel."
Both brother's stilled for a moment looking at one another, suddenly progressing what was being said. Sesshomaru frowned picking up the crumbled parchment in his hand that was balled into a fist, smoothing it out before laying it down on the desk in front of him so that both could see the picture that was being shown. There in the middle under the paragraph above it, was a small pink pebbled object, below the picture bold words labeled Shikon no Tama were written. Inuyasha shifted slightly in his seat glaring at the picture, easily picking up that whatever that thing was, was not good. Coughing, he held the paper up to his face, looking at where he last left off and began reading again.
"Though before she was killed, the Shikon no Tama formed itself into a small crystal marble-sized sphere, depositing itself into the unborn child and saving it's life with a powerful barrier the jewel created," Inuyasha's eyes widened more then he thought was possible."The whereabouts of the child are unknown as several other priestess hid the existence of the child before anyone could find out. It's been said that if a person were to contain this jewel for spirits at their maximum, they unite to form a really strong and powerful balance within the soul that can be used for either good or evil." He finished quietly.
Inuyasha opened his mouth to say something but closed it when there was nothing he could think of. It was hard to take in everything all at once, especially now that they found something that was hidden in confidence. There were so many questions he wanted to ask, so many answers that he needed to know, not just for himself but for Sesshomaru as well. This new information had just basically told them what it was Ryukotsusei was after. Though Inuyasha not really being the smartest of the bunch, had no idea what any of that had to do with Rin. He looked over to his glaring brother before shaking his head, slowly standing up from his seat. Now it all made sense. The child in the file they were talking about was Rin. The Shikon no Tama that holds great power, was inside of her. So to sum it all up that made it clearer for him to understand was; Rin is the Shikon no Tama. It explained why Ryukotsusei wanted her so much, why Naraku suddenly found an interest in her, and why his father pushed Sesshomaru into her direction.
She was in more danger then they had expected.
While Inuyasha got up and began walking towards the door, Sesshomaru remained seated, breathing heavily through his nose as his breathing picked up. He could feel the hanyou's eyes on him before the sound of the door opening and closing told him that he was alone in the room. The conceit of it all to him was just ridiculous. Though it did explain why Ryukotsusei was risking so much just to have Rin back, Sesshomaru could still not fathom why, out of all the humans to be desired and sought out, did it have to be Rin. His Rin. He knew before Inuyasha could finish what was written about the child as well as the jewel, that it was in fact her who held it within her. He wondered momentarily if it was because of the damn jewel that he was drawn to her. The shikon no Tama lured demons as well as selfish and deceitful humans to it, the power radiating from it was enough to call out to them from miles away. It held power that could make even the most power fullest demon to reach high limits never one could think possible of reaching. He did not want to think like that though. True in the beginning he wanted nothing more then to kill her for all that she was worth, but now he couldn't even bring himself to hurt her then he did before.
Closing his eyes, he let out a deep frustrated sigh, bringing his hand to rub the bridge of his nose. He didn't need some jewel to make him stronger, he was powerful as it was already. Sesshomaru was confident in his own power to know he did not need help from some cursed jewel. His love for Rin was more then some magic that was pulling him to her, it was just her in general that he found alluring. From her stubborn, feisty attitude, to her loving and caring devotion towards him was enough to know it was not the jewel that made him attracted to her. But now that he understood her predicament more indubitably, he had to make sure that she was protected from others who were now to seek her out. Something was triggering the Shikon no Tama as he himself could now sense it's presence. He promised he would protect her, and that was a promise he planned to keep.
Opening his eyes, he stood from his chair using his demon speed, until he was standing in front of his bedchambers. Sesshomaru contemplated on whether or not he should tell her of what he had found out about her, but knew this was something she needed to know. That, and he did not want to hear her 'bitch' at him for keeping yet another secret from her. Reaching for the doorknob, he hesitantly turned it so not to make much noise, before quietly stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. Looking over to his bed he could still see her small frame under the covers, her breathing slow and steady. He watched her for a moment, taking in the way her chest rose and fell from every breath she took. Her hair was messily scattered around her face, though framing above her head, making a halo like appearance. Her plush lips were slightly parted, a string of hair being blown from her face every now and then. All in all even in sleep did she still look beautiful, her face features relaxed, in a serene expression. He wanted to let her sleep, knowing that after today's events had worn her out more then they should have, but he couldn't help himself as he walked over to the bed, laying a hand on her shoulder before gently sliding it down her arm.
Rin stirred a bit feeling something glide down her arm, before sighing in content. She was now half awake due to a tingling sensation raking across her body, but was too lazy to open her eyes. Instead, they remained closed as she willed herself back to sleep. She felt something moving up her leg this time bunching up her little night gown in the process, her eyes instantly snapping awake as her senses were now on high alert. She quickly sat up only to be pushed back down against the bed. Groaning, she let her eyes adjust to the dark, letting them blink a few times, until seeing a certain demon grinning above her. Huffing, she sat up once more, shifting into a siting position. She narrowed her eyes as he continued grinning, standing up from the bed.
"There better be a good reason you woke me up from a damn good dream I was having." She bit out, crossing her arms together. She was always cranky when woken up in the middle of the night."And don't say it's because you wanted to see me, 'cause I see you everyday." She added after a few seconds.
As she sat there glaring at him, Sesshomaru took the time to look over her appearance fully. She was still wearing the see through black night gown, no doubt given to her by Kagome, which stopped mid thigh. Her hair was slightly tousled due to the shifting in her sleep most likely, but only seemed to make her look even more beautiful in his eyes. For a moment he almost forgot why he woke up Rin in the first place. The only thing that seemed to matter as of now was her and her alone. She had that effect on him. Slowly, he walked towards her until he was standing over her upright form. Ignoring the confused expression on her face, he leaned forward bending at the waist, placing two fingers under her chin bringing her face up, and placed a tentative kiss to her parted lips. When she didn't respond right away he brought up his other hand to the back of her head, encouraging her. He inwardly grinned when she started to kiss him back shyly.
To say that Rin was confused, would be an understatement. She had been worried for a second after asking him why he had woken her up, to which he did not answer, only to be stared at for a few minutes and to be pulled into a kiss she hadn't been expecting. It was obvious there was something important he wanted to discuss with her, that being the only reason she could think of as to why he would wake her up in the middle of the night. She guessed when she fell asleep earlier he had stepped out, the cold spot next to her being proof. But as of right now, she could honestly care less with what he wanted to converse with her about, his lips were all that mattered at the moment. Siting up a little more, she decided to be bold and slid her hands up his chest, continuing to wrap around his neck and bring him closer to her. She felt him purr against her lips and smiled.
After a few minutes of kissing each other, they pulled back to stare into each others eyes. It was obvious that they both knew exactly what the other wanted, and this time. . . .Rin wasn't going to object to it. leaning back, she scooted to the middle of the bed hoping that he understood what she was silently telling him. She was sure that for a second his eyes had flashed red, but couldn't be too sure. Before she could blink he was once again hovering over her petite form, breathing heavily against the crook of her neck. She shivered feeling his warm breath hitting the shell of her ear, causing his purr to turn into a sexy low growl. Rin's breathing was becoming shallow, her chest rising and falling when she felt both his calloused hands glide up her hips, past her ribs, stopping under her breasts. Goosebumps started to form on her arms at the contact.
Her skin was warm and soft under his hands, nothing like he had ever felt with any other women. Demoness or human. No matter how many times Rin had complained about being too small, her hips too wide, her rear too plump, and her breasts being too big, he always thought she was perfect. He had told her that a number of times, her only response being she was his mate, therefor he was suppose to say things like that. But no, he had meant every word. He didn't say that just to make her feel better about herself, although he thanked that it sometimes it did. The very first time he saw her, she had been everything he had wanted in a female. Even before he found out she was his destined-to-be mate, he had wanted her from the beginning. And that was the truth.
A gasp escaped her now parted lips feeling his hands gently cup her breasts she still thought were too big for her small body, a jolt of electricity going through her as his thumbs brushed against her now hard nipples. She bit down on her bottom lip to stifle a moan, not wanting to embarrass herself. Her cheeks were flushed, her pupils dilated, and her breathing erratic. This was all so new to her, yet she felt that she had everything down to the 'T'. Being the inexperienced girl she was, she had no idea these were normal reactions when coming in contact with the opposite sex. She wasn't a complete idiot when it came to sexual intercourse, she was after all surrounded half her life by whores, she just didn't know how to go about with the whole thing. Where as Sesshomaru has had years to perfect his skills, he was by far the more experienced one, obviously. And Rin did not want to make a fool of herself in front of him, mate or no mate. She was a clueless virgin, and him a sex god.
His thumbs paused in their ministrations once feeling the frustration radiating off his mate beneath him. Sesshomaru furrowed his brows in confusion before looking down at her, a grin slowly forming on his face. He wanted to kick himself for not remembering that she was still a virgin. With her being the little seductive minx that she was, how could he not forget? The look on her face practically told him all he needed to know; She was insecure. Though she shouldn't be, he planned on dominating her from the start, he understood she wanted to be good enough for him. Lack of better words she would use, but still all the same. He didn't hold it against her, nor would he not be pleased if she were to just lay there while he did all the work. It was what he wanted from her in the first place, deciding it would be best to let his youkai out so that it could get acquainted with it's mate. It would not be wise if she, in the heat of the moment, took control if his youkai were out. It would forcefully put her back into the submissive role, and hurting her was far from what he wanted to do to. Coming to a quick decision, he thought for now being her first time and all, he would not release his youkai. Her first time would be a pleasurable experience she would never forget.
Leaning down, he captured her bottom lip between his teeth, gently, causing her to release it from her own. This time she wasn't able to conceal the quiet moan as he began to suck on it, his tongue making it's way into her mouth. Their lips moved together in perfect sync, both their breathing beginning to pick up as the kiss became more passionate. Sesshomaru pulled back slightly to lift up his shirt. He felt soft hands stop him before he could fully remove it over his head, nails gently raking over his wrists and taking both ends of his shirt, lifting it up over his head, throwing it on the floor somewhere in the darkness of the room. Grabbing her hips, he lay her back down and momentarily got off the bed to untie his belt holding his pants up. The fabric dropped to the floor with a soft thud, the weight of the bed suddenly sinking in front of Rin. She knew he was now completely naked, which caused her to blush furiously. She had always thought the guys were suppose to undress the women first, but couldn't help the smile stretching on her face at a sudden thought. I guess the old saying still stands...saving the best for last.
She felt his hands caress her arms up and down, only to move up once more to stop at her shoulders. His hands took a hold of both straps of her night gown, slowly but gracefully pulled them down the length of her arms. She lift up her hips so that he could slide the clothing down her hips until tossing it to the far corner of the room. Although it was dark, the only source of light being the moonlight through the window, she knew with his demon eyes, he could see her clearly. Her lips pursed as she brought her hands up to cover her exposed breasts, not wanting him to look at her and be disgusted at what he sees. Rin doubted in her mind that she could never compare to all the other girls he's ever been with, probably thinking that's he's seen better then her. She wouldn't be surprised if he changed his mind about what they were about to do.
"Don't." Sesshomaru whispered softly in her ear. Not expecting the close proximity, she snapped her head up causing her head to hit his. She muttered an embarrassed 'ow', while he chuckled humorously. He kissed her lips softly before looking into her eyes, becoming serious."You are beautiful mate. Perfect."
His hands took a hold of both her wrists in a stern grip, prying them apart to his eager eyes. Sensing her discomfort, he began kissing along her jaw line, nipping at her neck every now and then. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable if he was to mate with her, it would only make it more painful for her. It upset him knowing that he was going to hurt Rin once sheathing himself inside of her, but he wanted to make this pleasurable for her as well. Though it already was, it was still going to hurt for her. He was not what some would call of 'normal size'. He was in fact beyond average, which only highlighted seeing as he was a demon. Indeed, it was going to be very painful. She let out a content sigh, her body relaxing under his. She was where he wanted her.
Bringing his head up he needed to make sure this was what she wanted."Rin, tell me if you want to stop. If we continue with this, I won't be able to hold back."He declared through clenched teeth. The glazed over look in her eyes had him on edge as of now. He had to know now or he wouldn't be able to stop."Is this what you want?"
Instead of giving him an answer, she brought her head up, her lips attacking his with so much passion she never thought she had. He growled but said nothing, only kissed her back with as much force as she had used. Pulling back so that their lips brushed against the other, she smiled and licked her lips slowly, watching as his lust filled eyes followed the movement. The truth was that she was scared, but couldn't find it in herself to say anything. She was scared but also knew that this was what she wanted. Rin trusted Sesshomaru with her life and knew that he was the right choice. He was her mate as well as she his. There was nothing, no one, that she wanted more then ever but him. Her hand found it's way into his long slick hair, gently raking her fingers through his tresses. She giggled at the growl he emitted and let out a surprise squeak as his mouth attacked her neck.
He placed both hands on either side of her face as he dropped open mouth kisses to her neck, along her jaw line, down to the base of her throat. Her fingers continued to rake through his hair, further encouraging him to satisfy is mate even more. Her quiet moans began to grow louder as his kisses descended lower along her body. A sharp gasp from her had him inwardly grinning as he took one of her hardened nipples into his mouth, her back arching. His tongue circled around her areola, his teeth tugging and biting softly at her breasts. Her other hand joined the one that had been caressing his scalp, grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulled gently as his lips moved to the neglected breast. She whimpered as he began sucking hungrily, his hand roughly but passionately kneading the other, his thumb rolling it in circular motions. Rin's breathing quickened as her hold on his hair tightened, an unknown feeling beginning to coil in her stomach.
Sesshomaru knew that she was about to cum, which made him stop his ministration on her breasts. He looked up and arched a brow, smirking as she groaned in frustration. Had he known her breasts were sensitive enough to give her an orgasm, he would have done this a long time ago. If she was easily able to get off from just her breast, imagine what would have happened if he started from her core? A mischievous grin plastered on his face as he moved lower to her body, kissing and nipping her stomach until stopping just above where her center was. He was about to move her legs apart only then did she snap her legs close, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. He knew for a fact with just one lick, she would be finished. He wasn't one to tease nor was he one to be teased, but after finding out she could cum just from stimulating her breast, he couldn't help but tease her a little. He was by now painfully hard, so he did not want to waste anymore time then necessary. He had waited long enough and was ready to be inside her.
"Rin..." He growled playfully, nudging her knee with the tip of his index finger. Her glare only deepened as she pursed her lips.
"Nah-uh. Don't even think about it. That's just unsanitary." She knew that was a lie, as well as Sesshomaru. Rin knew what he was trying to do and she wasn't having it. It would only add to her embarrassment. To release before they even started. . . .would only add to her mortification."Can we just finish this already?" She snapped impatiently.
An amused chuckle escaped his lips before he could stop it. He knew she was being stubborn, but couldn't find it in himself to care at the moment. He honestly didn't see what the big deal was. So she was an insecure virgin who didn't want to orgasm before they started mating. He wanted to tell her it was normal, that men and women do it all the time, but as he said before he liked teasing her. Being the inexperienced person she was, had no idea that people as well as demons do it all the time. He smiled softly at her flushed cheeks as she turned to look anywhere but him. It seemed as though he would once again have to make another exception it being her first time and all. But he vowed that after this, there would be no restraints what so ever. Leaning back over her again he kissed her softly, using his knees to separate her legs so that he could place himself between them.
Rin's breathing once again picked up as she felt something hot and hard touch her inner thigh. Curious, she innocently bucked her hips against it, both lovers gasping at the sudden friction. He could practically smell her arousal as it had become stronger then ever before. She looked up noticing Sesshomaru growling low in his throat, the wetness between her legs pooling even more as his red eyes were intensely staring back at her. She could feel him at her entrance, teasing her as he began to lube himself. Spreading them wider, she moaned as he began to push forward, the head of his member slowly filling her. She whimpered at the foreign intrusion, feeling slightly uncomfortable. Sesshomaru inwardly groaned at the tightness of her heat around his member as it engulfed him. It amazed him that he wasn't even fully inside her yet, already feeling he couldn't go any further. Clenching his jaw, he knew this is were he had to hurt her. Rubbing his thumb across her bottom lip, he successfully caught her full attention as she stared up at him.
Everything happened all at once, time stopping as she felt it was only her and Sesshomaru. She screamed in pain as something filled her to the core, a loud ringing in her ear distracting her for a few moments. She literally felt as though she were on fire. Her insides burned, the feeling of it tearing all at once brought tears to her eyes. One minute she was staring into the red hues of Sesshomaru, then before she could blink his hips had surged forward, her eyes clouding into darkness. Sesshomaru didn't dare move, his body still not even bothering to breath. He was sure that she had no idea what had happened. Right when she had made eye contact was when he broke through her barrier, her scream of pain following after. He wouldn't look into her eyes, even as a few minutes had passed. Her breathing had slowed yet her body remained frozen.
Blinking, Rin's dried chapped lips parted, though not a sound came out. She was sure some time had gone by but was too shocked to move. She knew it was suppose to hurt, but not like that. There was something seriously wrong for it to hurt that bad. Other girls said it would hurt for a few moments then pleasure would follow soon after. But what Rin was feeling was something different. Something she couldn't even explain. It's as if something other then her virgin barrier had been broken. As if there was some kind of sacred wall that was to remain intact had been shattered. The only thing she could describe it as, was a forbidden barrier being broken that was never to have been touched. She passed it as being something that involved their bonding thing. That had to be it.
Sesshomaru felt their bonding ritual subside, their souls now officially connected. He scolded himself for not explaining that part to Rin, but what's done was done. Hesitantly, he moved his hips, a loud moan escaping the person under him. He did it again only with more force and growled as he felt her walls clench his member in a vice like grip. Rin began to rock her hips shyly with his, both of them automatically falling into a sync rhythm. Her lips parted as her breaths came out in quick pants, watching the way his stomach muscles flexed above her. Growling loudly, he grabbed both her wrists and pinned them above her head as he quickened his pace.
He hit a spot in Rin, suddenly causing her to scream and throw her head back. She whimpered as he hit it again with a powerful thrust. Bringing her legs up, she wrapped them around his waist as the pressure she felt in her stomach began to form. His member thrust in and out of her hot core at a faster pace Rin never thought a demon could muster. His clawed hand that had both her wrists pinned tightened, though not enough to hurt her, but tight enough to leave a few bruises. At this point she really didn't care if he snapped her wrists in half, all she knew was that she didn't want him to stop. She gasped feeling his tongue on her breasts, moving up to her neck kissing and biting.
She was close, he could feel it. Her hot core surrounded his hardened member, milking him as he thrust into her harder, going deeper. Her moans had turned into screams as he continued to hit that special spot, his growls growing louder as her walls began to clench around him. Throwing her head back Rin screamed her release, pleasure after pleasure sweeping through her from head to toe. Sesshomaru exasperatedly threw his head back, roaring an animalistic, primal roar, and dived his head to the crook of Rin's neck, sinking his canines into the junction where her shoulder met her neck. Rin moaned as another release hit her as well as something hot shoot through her. She felt Sesshomaru growl into her neck, his body stilled then shook. She wondered if it was as intense for him as it was for her. She turned her head to get a look at him only to be stopped by a warning growl.
He stayed inside her for a few seconds, making sure his seed was emptied inside her. Carefully, he propped himself on his arms so he would not fall on her before slowly pulling out, both of them moaning at the aftermath. He rolled onto his back with a satisfied sigh, reached his arm out lazily, and pulled Rin next to him. She threw her leg over his, her head resting on his chest with a smile on her face. They lay in comfortable silence, no words needing to be said. Their mating ritual was now complete, he was now bonded to her, her life span now being stretched to where she could stay with him for as long as he lives. She would be upset that he left a few things out, important things mind you, but could not care at the moment. After the night they had just shared, it was worth hearing her yell at him, curse him for leaving out important information, like the bite mark he gave her that made it so she was practically immortal.
Although tonight he had not planned on them mating, he knew it had been the right time. Come tomorrow, he would have to explain about The Shikon no Tama and her involvement with it, but was not sure if it was the right thing to do now that he thought about it. She was already stressed enough as it is with being hunted by Naraku, along with Ryukotsusei's obvious obsession being the power she held. Could she really handle being told that she held the power that Demons and Humans have searched for centuries and would stop at nothing until they have it within their grasp? No, she couldn't. Of course she was strong in many ways then one, but to be in her position, knowing she would be hunted for the rest of her life, Rin would not be able to stay sane. He hated lying to her almost as much as keeping secrets from her. If protecting her meant not telling her the immense power the she held inside of her, then by Kami he would make sure that she would never find out.
Sesshomaru just hoped he was doing the right thing.
A/N: Holy Shizz...Okay now you can definitely say I am the worst person in the world as of now. This makes lie number what...? I know I said I would have it out by next week, even though that week turned into a few, but I'm not gonna lie: I AM LAZY AS HELL! haha ugh, I'm actually seeing someone about that.(Ha just kidding!) No, but seriously I've been an ass. My only excuse for not updating would have to be a mix between the new season of Ghost Adventurers and the new Halo reach game. Let me tell you, it is VERY addicting. But enough of all that, it's nothing people don't already know about. But seriously, REALLY sorry. And to make it up to you all, I made this the very first LEMON! Haa, cuz you've all waited so patiently. It's mostly lemon, and little hints of the Shikon no Tama. And let me say, you guys have very good guesses. Make me feel real predictable.=p Not sure when the next one will be out, but just know It'll be less then a month. I'm not that cruel.=)
Thank you to Fluffy ninja bunny, K, getagrip91, Artemis of Luna, Animeroxs Rin-Sess and Inu-Kag, I am the Wind Mizuki Kay, animeamd, Ni-Ni chan330, Sutzina Zion, Sesshrin Devoter, Winnowill763784 for Reviewing!
Fluffy ninja bunny- Haa thank you.=) I had planned it differently but was happy with how it all came out. I'm sorry it took so long to update.(I'll bake you some cookies.=D)
getagrip91- I know I loved it too. A jealous Sesshomaru is a Sexy Sesshomaru. Lol.
Atremis of Luna- You're welcome. I know, I have that problem too. I had actually planned on it being him, but thought nah, he serves another purpose. As for Rin...she has a HUGE purpose. *Wink*
Animeroxs Rin-Sess and Inu-Kag- Blah! Are you psychic? Haha, okay you got me. I knew someone would figure it out sooner or later. Yup she does, but the question is...Well I don't really have one.0.o
animeamd- Lol. That would have been funny. Poor Kagome. But Rin's a chicken in my story.(Sadly) But not all the time.
Ni-Ni chan330- Awe shucks.(Blushes) Haha. Thank you, that means alot. I know I'm kinda hard on Rin, huh? Lol. She just so desirable. This chapter explains it more, hopefully I made it seem that way at least.=)
Sutzina Zion- Haa wherever that damn jewel is, you know there's gonna be trouble.=p. I liked writing that part with Rin getting turned on. It was funny! But don't worry, Naraku will get what's coming to him.
Sesshrin Devoter- You never know, anything can happen.(Wink) yeah, it was suppose to be their 'problem', but with Sesshomaru and Rin, it just makes things more exciting.=)
Winnowill763784- Why thank you. You put a smile on my face. Haha. For some reason, the whole cliff hanger thing is starting to become contagious. It's exciting to find out new secrets unfolding huh? Imagine how exciting I was to write them. XD
**Songs for this Chappy**
A day to Remember- If it means A lot to you
Paramore- The only Exception
Christina Aguilera- You lost me
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