A/N. Thanks so much to everyone that's read and reviewed this story, it prompted me to write my other story I Take A Page From Hades' Playbook all the more quickly, as I felt that I wanted another Thalico that didn't jump the shark as much as this one.

I've finished that story although I'm thinking about a sequel to it: I Keep A Secret From My Dead Sister.

Though I'll only write it if I feel motivated and requests help!

Because I love this pairing now, I felt the need to explain why I think it works and why I like it. Hence the list:

Review or PM me to add some reasons to it or paste it in your profile if you support this pairing!


10 Reasons Why Nico and Thalia (instead of Nico and Rachael or an OC).

1. Bianca. Bianca even after death plays such a central role to Nico as a character. It therefore would be much preferable when Nico does get together with someone for it to be someone Bianca would approve of, and there's only one way she could properly approve of someone now that she's dead – that would be mean it would have to be someone she knew when she was alive. Thus Thalia is the obvious choice.

2. Child of Hades, child of Zeus. No elaboration needed.

3. Rachael is older, yet Thalia is stuck in time as far as aging goes. Much like Nico's own situation earlier in life in the casino. Therefore Thalia and Nico are distinct because they have nondescript ages, yet given a few years could find themselves the same age physically.

4. Emo-love. Lol.

5. The huntresses stole Bianca from Nico, it's only fair he steals something/someone from them. ;)

6. Nico holds grudges and lets his feelings fester while Thalia lets everything out in a violent bout. In this way they're good together because he can inspire her to be calmer and she can inspire him to get all his anger out quickly before it becomes dark and festering evil.

7. Nico has clear issues with Zeus that would be better resolved with a relationship with his daughter. Then he always has Thalia for hostage purposes in case things escalate.

8. It's too much of a waste for Thalia to be a huntress forever. Lol

.9. By the time Thalia is well and truly over her Luke/boy issues Nico would be well old enough to date. Because nobody wants Thalia to be a bitter boy hater for long (like Zoe and her Hercules issues, lol).

10. Nico wouldn't challenge Thalia for a position of leadership in their relationship, something that would please Thalia very much (contrary to Percy or even Luke who would challenge Thalia and make her angry).

If you can think of more PM them to me or review with them!