Chapter Five

"Why don't we rent a movie tonight?" Michael asked Holly as they left improve class.

"I don't know," said Holly. She wanted to spend more time with Michael. She wanted the romance back in their relationship, but was afraid if it started again, they'd be forced to end it suddenly. Michael shared the same fear, though neither had ever spoken about it. He felt slightly hypocritical after telling Erin to not waste any time getting back together with Andy, but his situation with Holly was different, right?

"C'mon, it'll be fun. No pressure, no expectations. Just a couple of old friends hanging out, what do you say?"

"Well, when you put it that way I have to say yes, don't I?"

"That's the spirit!" said Michael. "How about It's Complicated?"

"I don't know, Meryl Streep always makes me feel inferior," said Holly. "What about 'The Hangover'?"

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"We've seen 'Blades of Glory' too many times, I think," said Andy.

Erin nodded and picked up a copy of Dan in Real Life. "How about this?"

"Maybe," said Andy. "I'll think about it."

"What's to think about?" asked Erin. "We love this movie."

"True, but it always makes us cry," said Andy. "I'm not sure I feel like crying tonight."

"Well, we haven't seen this one yet," said Erin as she held up a copy of Away We Go.

"No we haven't," said Andy. "No time like the present." Truth be told, Andy felt tempted at least once a day to take Erin on a road trip and just disappear from Scranton without a word to anyone, at least at the office.

"Hi Pam," said Erin as Pam turned down the comedy isle.

"Oh, Hey Erin; how was class tonight?"

"Good. Yours?"

"Not bad," Pam replied. "Jim and I decided to rent a movie tonight."

"How about this one?" asked Erin holding up the copy of Dan in Real Life.

"Perfect, I haven't seen it yet," said Pam taking the DVD. She was eager to get home, check on Cece, and relax with Jim.

"Yech!" said Michael as he got in line behind Pam and Erin. "Why does that guy have his head on a pile of pancakes? That's just...gross."

"Oh, hey Michael," said Pam. She noticed that he was holding a copy of The Hangover. "Look who's talking, that movie has a gross out scene every two seconds."

"It's a classic," Michael protested.

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Holly sat at Michael's computer watching and old Colbert Report clip as he made some coffee for them. As funny as The Hangover was, the wedding at end still made things awkward; especially when Michael mentioned that he had often wanted to say similar things to Jan when they got to the part where Stu finally told off Melissa.

"Here you go," said Michael handing Holly a mug. "Best coffee on the planet."

"Decaff, right?"

"Of course!" Michael pulled up a chair and looked at the computer screen. "I remember when we followed the election on Comedy Central."

"Well, it is the only cable network with any sanity even if it is fake news," said Holly. "Look, about today-"

"Please don't leave," Michael begged. "I don't want to lose you again."

Holly felt her stomach do a flip flop. Michael still loved her. She, of course still loved him, but speaking the words terrified her. "I don't want to leave, but the tension in the office has to stop. Do you really have a plan?"


"What is it?"

"Let's just say that I've learned some information that will put a stop to everything."

"What information?"

"Please don't ask," Michael begged. "It's really hard for me to keep secrets and I promised Jo I wouldn't tell. But trust me, this is good."

"Alright," said Holly as she brushed Michael's disheveled hair off his forehead. Without thinking she leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. She lingered for a few moments and abruptly pulled back. "Sorry I—" she began but was cut off as Michael pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her back.

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"Those are looking pretty good," said Jim as he peered over Pam's shoulder as her latest sketch of a horse.

"I was thinking about showing these to Erin tomorrow," said Pam.

"She'll love them," said Jim.

"You don't think she'll think I'm trying to get in on the action or something?" asked Pam.

"This is Erin we're talking about," said Jim as he burped Cecelia. "She doesn't think anything bad about anyone...Except for Angela, but who can blame her there. Besides, her writing inspired you to draw those wonderful pictures. She'll be flattered."

Andy woke up and saw the credits rolling across his TV screen. Darn it! I fell asleep again. He noticed Erin sleeping with her head on his shoulder. "Hey Snapdragon, wake up the movie's over," he whispered as he gently nudged her. Andy had made a conscious effort to avoid calling Erin any of the pet names he had wasted on Angela.

"Mmmmmmm," Erin groaned as she opened her eyes a fraction of an inch and closed them again.

"Well I guess I'll just have to carry you up to bed," he smiled as he gently brushed his lips across her forehead.

"What are you working on?" Holly asked Erin as she entered the break room and opened the refrigerator to get some creamer for her coffee.

"Nothing, just writing down some ideas," said Erin as she sat at the table writing in her notebook. She's been doing the ten pages a day challenge from her instructor. The idea was to finish the first draft of a novel in a month. Some days were certainly much easier than others.

"Mind if I join you?" asked Holly.

"Sure, no problem," said Erin.

"Good," said Holly. "We really haven't gotten much of a chance to know each other."

"There's not really much to know about me," said Erin who had recently grown an aversion to talking about herself, fearing that she'd annoy people and leave a bad impression.

Holly decided not to push the subject. Michael had told her about the fact that Erin had grown up in foster homes. "You and Andy seem very happy."

"We are," said Erin. "He's pretty much my best friend as well as my boyfriend."

"He's a good person," said Holly. "He's one of the few people in this office who was always nice to me when I was here before."

"Really?" asked Erin. "Why would people be mean to you? You're a really nice person."

"You're sweet," said Holly. "I guess it was just that I was new and the people in this office don't react well to new people."

"Tell me about it," said Erin. "Once Stanley and Meredith acted like I was trying to get Pam fired when I was just trying to make conversation with them. They even said that no one would ever like me as much as Pam."

"What!" said Holly. "Why would anyone think that you of all people were trying to get anyone fired? You're always so friendly and cheerful."

"I guess it's just easier that way. I know what people really think of me, what they've thought of me all my life…"

"Erin," said Holly as she squeezed Erin's hand. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I have Andy. I'm fine."

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Angela noticed Erin's notebook sitting out as she walked past the receptionist desk. She looked to see Erin in Michael's office taking notes. The door was closed. An evil smirk spread across her face. She grabbed the notebook and took it to the break room where Stanley, Kevin, Oscar, Phyllis, Meredith and Creed were eating lunch.

"Hey everyone, look at this. It seems our receptionist had been writing little stories," said Angela as she held up Erin's notebook.

"Oooh, let me see," said Kevin. Angela handed him the book and he began reading. The others looked over his shoulder. Stanley began laughing.

"Why is that girl talking to a pony?" he asked. "That is the stupidest think I've ever heard."

"Aw, the pony's her only friend," said Kevin mockingly.

"I always knew Erin was weird," said Meredith.

"Guys, let's put that away," said Oscar.

"Why are you always such a buzzkill, Oscar?" asked Meredith.

"I just don't think Erin wanted anyone to read that," said Oscar.

"Then she shouldn't have left it sitting out," said Angela.

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Erin headed back to her desk to fax the documents Michael had prepared for corporate. After she got the confirmation she turned around and noticed that her note book wasn't where she remembered l leaving it. She began frantically searching through the desk causing Andy, Jim, and Pam to look up.

"Erin, what's wrong?" asked Holly.

"My notebook's missing," said Erin as she clutched her hair.

"I'm sure it's around here somewhere," said Holly as she put a calming hand on Erin's shoulder. "I'll help you look." Erin nodded.

"Ryan, have you seen a teal notebook with Harry Potter stickers on it," asked Erin as Ryan passed by. "I can't find mine."

"No," said Ryan. "But I did see Angela grab something off your desk and head to the break room."

The color drained from Erin's face. She turned and started running to the break room. Andy, Jim, and Pam exchanged nervous glances, stood up and followed. "Erin, did you get the confirmation?" asked Michael as he poked his head out the office. "Where is everyone going?"

Holly gestured for Michael to follow.

When Erin entered the break room she saw to her horror that several of her co-workers were reading her story out loud and laughing. "Give that back!" she demanded.

"What's the matter, couldn't you find any human friends as a kid?" asked Angela.

Erin went to take the notebook from Kevin, but he held it out of her reach.

"Knock it off before I start kicking some ass!" Andy yelled angrily.

"I'd like to see you try, trust fund baby," Phyllis mocked.

"Alright, that's enough," Michael shouted as he entered the break room. Everyone jumped. They had never seen him that furious. "Kevin, give Erin back her notebook."

Kevin looked at Erin and noticed she was crying. He held out the notebook. "Erin, it was just a joke."

Erin snatched the book, glared at Kevin wordlessly and stormed out of the break room. Andy shot everyone an angry look of his own and followed her.

"Everyone in the conference room right now," said Michael. He wasn't yelling, but there was a serious undertone in his voice that people didn't dare hesitate to follow his orders.

"Jim, Pam: go do some cold calling with Andy. Have Erin go with you to take some notes."

Jim and Pam nodded wordlessly and left the room. Michael glanced at Holly and headed toward the conference room.