
Haley is 32 years old and the mother to Jamie 16 and she's been married to Chase for 6 years when she gets news that wrecks her world but in the end will she get everything she's ever wanted.

Chapter 1

Haley was getting ready to go to Brooke's baby shower when Jamie comes home with his new girlfriend Megan, Haley liked her she thought she was a good person for her son she seemed to make him open up. It wasn't easy for Jamie growing up without his dad and for a long time it was just them. She knew how much it hurt and changed Jamie when she met and married Chase. He often wondered about his dad but she didn't know where he was no one herd anything from him since he left. After a few years she realized he wasn't coming back so she decided to move on..

She couldn't blame him for leaving because she hurt him by leaving for the tour if she had known how much it was going to hurt him she never would have left. It was while she was on the road she found out she was pregnant with Jamie. She got the first plane back to Tree Hill but it was too late he was gone and she never got to tell him how much she loved and needed him.

"Hi mom, how was your day" Jamie asked as he sat next to her.

"Hi Jamie, it was fine, I'm going to Brooke's baby shower in a minute, I've put some food in the oven if you're hungry" Haley said as she got up.

"Cool thanks mom, I'm going to take Megan home soon but I'll be home by ten" Jamie said.

"Ok you two, I'll see you later" Haley said as she left.

"Jamie are you sure you're still going to do this" Megan asked knowing no good was going to come from this.

"Yeah I really want to meet my father and I know if I ask mom it's going to hurt her, I know she still loves him" Jamie said.

"What about Chase your mom loves him to this is going to cause drama" Megan sighed she knew this was going to backfire.

"What about him mom deserves to be with the man she truly loves" Jamie said it wasn't that he didn't like Chase he was a good guy, but he wasn't his father and all he wants is a chance to get to know his dad.

"Ok we'll leave tomorrow after school" Megan said knowing how much this meant to him.

"Haley we need to talk" Lucas asked as she arrived for the baby shower.

"Luke not right now please can't we talk about it later" Haley said right now all she wanted to do was have some fun with her friends.

"Haley you can't keep putting this off you can die if you don't go to the doctors and get it checked out" Lucas pleaded he couldn't stand to lose her she was his best friend.

"I will Luke but not right now I promise you I'll go tomorrow" Haley sighed she knew she couldn't keep putting it off her mom died from it and she didn't want to leave Jamie to grow up without a mom but she was scared, scared that it's to late.

"Ok but if you don't I'm going to have to tell Chase and Jamie so they'll make you, you need to do this Hales because we need you in this world" Lucas cried.

"Luke you promised you wouldn't say anything I don't want them worrying when there could be nothing wrong with me" Haley cried she new eventually she'd have to tell them but right now she couldn't it was just best they didn't know.

"Ok I won't say anything but I'm coming with you" Lucas said as he pulled her into his arms this was worst thing he's ever been through.

"Broody let my best friend go it's time for girly chat" Brooke smiled as she waddled towards them.

"Hi Brooke" Haley laughed as she walked through the house.

"Ok pretty girl I'll be home in a few hours, have fun" Lucas said as he walked out.

Haley had a really good time at the baby shower it was really good to have some fun with her friends.

When she got home no one was in so Haley decided to run a bath and have an early night.

When Jamie got home he found his mom passed out on the couch so he carried her upstairs to bed, she'd been really tired lately and he was starting to worry about her she wasn't normally like this. It really pissed him of that Chase wasn't here more it was obvious his mom needed help.

When Haley woke up Lucas was there and she wondered where she was as she was sure she fell asleep on the couch. "Hi Luke what you doing here" Haley asked as she wiped her eyes.

"I've come to take you to the doctors" Lucas said as he helped her up.

"Damn Luke I said I'd go please don't push me" Haley yelled.

"Haley I told you yesterday I'm taking you, now if you won't let me how about I call Jamie in here and I'll tell him what's going on with you and where's Chase" Lucas asked he seemed to be away a lot right now.

"Ok Luke I'm coming and Chase is in New York trying to get the office sorted he's going to be home tonight.

"Ok come on get ready I'll be downstairs waiting" Lucas said as he left the room.

"Hi Uncle Luke what you doing here" Jamie asked as he saw him leave his mom's room.

"Hi Jamie you're mom and I are just heading out soon, but if you swing buy later we can play some ball down at the river court" Lucas said as they headed towards the kitchen.

"Luke do you know if something's up with mom she seems kind of distant" Jamie asked he was worried about her, the last time she was like this Nan died and he didn't think he could handle seeing his mom feeling like that again.

"I'm sure she's fine Jamie she's probably tired from working" Lucas lied wishing he could tell Jamie but he promised her, he wouldn't say anything.

"Ok well I better go I've got school in a minute, tell mom I love her and I'll see her later" Jamie said as he left he knew there was something going on but he was going to wait until his mom told him he just hoped everything was fine.

"Hales you have to talk to Jamie he can sense there's something wrong" Lucas cried he still couldn't believe this was happening Haley was the best person he knew and she didn't deserve this.

"I know Luke after I've been to the doctors I'll tell him everything" Haley cried.

When Jamie got to Megan's house she was crying "Babe what's wrong" he asked as he pulled her into his arms.

"Jamie I'm so scared" Megan cried she still couldn't believe this was happening they were both so young.

"Megan what's happened, are you ok" Jamie asked getting worried he never seen her like this.

"I'm, I'm pregnant" Megan cried as she hugged him.

"Pregnant, pregnant huh what" Jamie stumbled.

"I'm sorry I know right now we don't need this" Megan cried.

"Don't worry we going to be ok whatever you want to do is fine with me" Jamie whispered as he held her.

"Jamie I know were young but I really want to keep this baby" Megan cried hoping he didn't leave her because she needed him right now.

"You do, so do I, I know we're young and it's going to be hard but I promise you I'm going to be there for you no matter what" Jamie smiled as he kissed her.

When Haley got home she still couldn't believe what happened how was she going to tell Jamie and Chase. This was all too much she knew what she had to do she couldn't let them see what she saw with her mom, she was going to go and stay with her dad until she was better, right now she had to do what was best for her family.

When Jamie got home he found his mom looking through photo albums crying "mom are you ok" he asked as he pulled her into his arms.

"I'm fine, Jamie you know I love you don't you" Haley cried.

"Of coarse I do mom what's going on" Jamie asked needing to know what's going on.

"I need you to know how much you mean to me, you are the best thing that ever happened to me Jamie, you changed my world and I couldn't imagine my life without you, you've bought me so much happiness and all I want is for you to be happy" Haley cried.

"I love you too mom, please tell me what's going on" Jamie cried he'd never seen his mom like this.

"Jamie I have to go and see granddad for a while, I need you to stay here and finish school because I know you can do it you're just like your dad when it comes to sport and I know you can make the NBA if you put you're mind to it" Haley cried.

"Mom I need to tell you something, Megan's pregnant so I'm going to have to go part time to school so I can get a job" Jamie said hoping she wouldn't be to mad.

"Oh Jamie" Haley cried she was going to be a grandma know she knew she had to fight this thing she had to be there for her grandchild.

"Mom please tell me what's wrong with you" Jamie cried.

"I, I have Cancer" Haley cried into his arms she knew she had to tell him because if she didn't he might never forgive her.

"Mom please tell me you're going to be ok, I can't live without you here with me" Jamie cried he couldn't lose his mom as well.

"I'm going to do everything in my power to be there for you and my grandchild but I need you to keep this to yourself because Chase is trying to get his business of the ground and I don't want him worrying about me right now" Haley cried.

"Ok mom I won't say anything but promise me you'll ring me all the time so I know you're ok" Jamie cried.

"I promise, I'm going to be just fine and you know why because I've got so much to live for" Haley cried as she hugged him.

End of chapter please review and tell me what you think thanks.