Title: When I Come Around

Author: SniffingSharpies

Pairing(s): Rimahiko

Rating: T

Summary: Nagihiko is a new kid, just trying to get along, but he passes off as a stuck-up no-good manwhore. (Yes, I said manwhore). He's stuck with Rima Mashiro as his guide around the school for the next week, but will they be able to get along? Rimahiko. Rated T for language.

Author's Note: Thanks for all the feedback. x3 At first I though of waiting a few months to update, then I realized I shouldn't torture my reviewers like that. [Even though I did wait a while to post this 'cause I've been uber lazy. Plus I recently got back from band camp... ANYWAY...] Here's what you've all been waiting for: CHAPTER 5! :D

Disclaimer: I own nothing, all rights to Shugo Chara! belong to Peach-Pit.

Chapter 5- The Past

I still sat in the same chair in the waiting room. About 10 minutes had passed, but it seemed like hours. I was practically freaking out right now, but I controlled myself.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to see Kukai. "Hey." He nearly whispered. "You heard, too?"


We talked for a few hours. About Nagi, his mom, all that.

Normal POV

"Stop. Please." He begged. She just kept hitting him. It stung, every strike hurt worse than the one before.

"Not until you learn your lesson!" She yelled.

"Mom, please stop. I've learned my lesson." He whimpered, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Are you crying?" She teased him. "You little cry baby!" Snap.

"I HATE YOU!" Snap.

"I love you, Nagi." Snap. "With all my heart." Snap. "That's why I do this." Snap. "You'll never learn, will you?"

"You don't love me." He said to himself more than he did to her. "You never have." Snap. "You never will."

She slapped him. "Yes. I do!" Another whip. "I love you more than the world."

There was a knock on the door. As she turned around Nagi took the opportunity to run out the back door. He jumped over a fence and heard his mother yelling after him "come back! I'm not done with you!"

He ran. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he ran. As long as he could get away from that dreaded place.

Meanwhile at his house, which he didn't refer to as home because it was never a home to him. Home is a place you're welcome. Home is a place of refuge, of comfort. That wasn't his home. He didn't have a home. Anyway, at his house, his mother answered the door to see two police officers.

"Ms. Fujisaki?"

"... Yes?"

"You are Ms. Fujisaki, right?" They asked.

"O-of course, why?"

"You're under arrest for child abuse." They said as the turned her around and put cuffs on her hands. They walked her to the car, saying "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney..." blah blah blah, the usual ordeal.

She struggled to get away from their grip. "No, no, this can't be right. I love my son."

"That's not what his teacher says." The officer told her as he pushed her into the back of the car.

Nagi was still running. He'd managed to get a few blocks away when he heard sirens. He stopped in someone's yard as a cop car passed. He thought the person in the back looked familiar. He had some hope that it was his mother. But how would the cops know about that? How would anyone know about that? He always answered the intrusive "how'd that happen?" questions with the usual excuses, "I ran into a door," or "my cat scratched me." If anyone had cared enough to listen they'd know that he didn't have a cat. But no one seemed to disagree.

"NO! That's him! That's my son!" The woman in the back seat of the cop car yelled. "Stop the car!" She commanded but they kept driving. The cop in the passenger seat picked up his walkie-talkie and said into it: "Fujisaki boy has been found, corner of South Main and 14th Street." Someone on the other end of the signal said something, then "over."

About ten minutes later Nagi heard more sirens.

He was walking along the sidewalk, going God knows where when they pulled up to him.

They slowed down, matching his pace. The police officer rolled down his window and asked, "Nagihiko Fujisaki?"

Nagi looked at him. "Yes..."

"Why are you out here?"

"No reason, I was just taking a walk." He lied, unconvincingly.

"Now, son... we know about your mother. You don't have to hide it anymore." The officer consoled him. "You never really 'hid' it in the first place," he muttered under his breath.

Nagi didn't say anything. He just kept walking, looking straight ahead of him.

A few minutes passed. "Get in the car, we'll take you to the station."

Nagi got in. The policeman took him to the police station and they questioned him, as he expected.

He slept there for the night, since no one would be at his house. It was a Friday, so he didn't have to worry about school the next day.

Eventually, they set a court date. His mom pleaded innocent, was found guilty, etc etc. She was put in jail, he was passed around foster homes.

Rima checked the time on her phone, it was 2 AM.

Five minutes later, Kukai found himself to be her pillow. Her head was rested against his shoulder and she was fast asleep.

They stayed like that for over an hour, then a nurse came up to them.

He looked up at her intently, "is he out of surgery?" he asked.

The nurse sighed, then shifted her eyes from Kukai to Rima. "She's gonna want to hear this."

"Little change of the heart, little light in the dark.

Little hope that you might just find your way up out of here.

'Cause you've been hiding for days, wasted and wasting away.

But I got a little hope, today you'll face your fears."

"Go" - Boys Like Girls