Disclaimer! I don't own anything to do with the Resident Evil or Left 4 Dead series.

Part One
No Mercy

Chapter One
Welcome to Fairfield

Zoey breathed heavily. All she could see was a green gas. She coughed into her arm, shooting at the infected in front of her. She ran out of the room.
"Safe house… Where is that safe house?" she wheezed. She saw a barred door and tried to get in.
"Guys? Are you in there?" she screamed. No one answered. Then something clicked in her head.
"Damn it! I've been going backwards!" Zoey yelled in frustration. She heard someone coming her way.
"Francis? That better be you!" Zoey ran towards the noise, keeping a tight grip on her M1911A1 pistol. A long tongue wrapped around her waist. She screamed in shock as the smoker dragged her forward. She looked at the tongue and shot it. The smoker shrieked. Zoey shot the smoker a few times before it exploded into a green puff of smoke.
"Why are all the smokers going after me?" she wondered out loud. She covered her mouth again, wandering through the apartments.

'Let's split up guys! We'll cover more ground that way! Let's send the college girl in last so she can find the safe house on her frickin own! It's the best chance we've got! No worries about Zoey getting lost. No siree. I'm totally not lost. That idiot Francis… Bill's going to kill him for this,' Zoey thought. She didn't like the idea, but she was inevitably out-voted.
'When I get to Mercy Hospital, I'm going to hurt someone.' She sighed. Mercy hospital was still a long ways away. She had to find the sewers before she got even more lost. Zoey walked down the flight of stairs. She continued walking around aimlessly.

"No smokers. So far so good…" she muttered. Zoey heard a crack. She looked around for the source, holding her pistol out in front of her. The crack became louder as she stepped back. She had only just put her foot down when she fell through the floor. She hit the floor below and fell through again. She felt large chunks of debris hit her, even after she hit ground level. The rubble stopped pounding after a short while. Zoey pushed some of the debris away and pulled herself out of the ruins.
"Well, that's one way of doing it," she commented. She ran up to the door and looked outside. Aside from the odd zombie, it was pretty quiet. She ran outside and shot every zombie in sight. She found a second pistol on the hood of a car. A note was next to it. She read it quickly.
'Well, if you had let me go first, maybe I wouldn't be so far behind, idiot,' she thought. Zoey looked outside of the alley. She quietly slipped into a building and came out on the other side.

"Oh, thank God! The safe house!" she whimpered, seeing the spray painted house on a wall. Just then a hunter jumped on top of her. She tried to shoot it off, but it swiped her guns away. She struggled to get the infected off of her in vain. It cut deeply into her blocking arms.
'I guess this is it. Sorry, I'm not gonna make it guys,' she thought. She shut her eyes tightly, completely giving up the struggle for her life. A pair of gun shots rang out. Blood splattered onto her face and a mass of flesh and cloth slumped onto her body. Zoey slowly opened her eyes, only to find that the hunter was dead. She pushed it off of her and scrambled to get her guns. She looked around for her saviour. She pulled herself up and saw a shadow running for the safe house.

"Hey! Wait!" Zoey called, running after the shadow. She went down a quick flight of stairs, when another shot rang out and a car alarm went off. She shot an infected in between the eyes and scrambled into the safe room. She slammed the door shut as sighed heavily. She looked around and noticed that she was completely alone in the room. She sighed, picking up a few packages of ammunition and an Uzi submachine gun. She quickly cleaned out her wounds and wrapped them up in gauze. She tossed the empty first-aid kit aside and slid a new one onto her back. She looked out side of the barred off window in the door. A zombie jumped at the door. Zoey screamed and fell back. She pulled out the pistols and fired. The zombie fell limply against the door. Zoey got up and looked out the door again. Something was written on the wall in a blue permanent marker. She slipped outside of the safe house, pockets now full of ammunition. She walked up to the wall, adjusting the strap of her first-aid kit.

"'We'll meet you in the sewers. We can't stay because of the tank. Hurry up and get down there Zoey!'" Zoey read aloud.
"Now I know I'm not going to make it out of here," she sighed. She walked away from the wall. She went down the stairs, carefully watching for more infected. There was the occasional zombie, but not much more.
"Francis must have ploughed through here before anything could happen," Zoey mused. She walked up a few more stairs only to come to a dead end. She looked down and saw a pipe bomb.
"This looks dangerous." She picked up the bomb and walked back down the stairs. A zombie had just noticed her. She fired at it and ran down the escalator. She ran over to the next set of escalators, only to be surprised by a hunter. Zoey had the luck of dodging it this time. She pulled out the Uzi and unloaded a quick burst into its head. She walked up the escalator, switching the Uzi for her pistols.

She looked around the area. There were three Molotov cocktails sitting on a seat.
"Time to start some fires…" she chuckled to herself, putting them in her belt. She sighed.
"That's only funny when people are around." Zoey passed the first train car and found some ammunition on a steel girder. She grabbed some and put them in the first-aid kit. She continued down the tracks, checking every open space for more infected. She was about to climb into an open train car when she suddenly heard loud sobs and a large growl.

"Well crap."