The moment Stefen dragged his brother out of the burning building, Elena immediately threw her arms around Damon as he fell to his knees on the ground.

"Are you okay?" she asked with tears in her eyes, hugging him tightly.

"Yea, I'll be fine." he said, his voice weak.

"Come on, let's get you back to the boarding house." Stefen said, helping Damon stand and leading him over to the car. He set him in the back seat carefully before getting into the drivers side, Elena beside him.

"You okay? You look terrified." Stefen asked as they drove home.

"I was just afraid that he wasn't going to make it." she explained, glancing back at Damon who was now asleep across the seats.

"What would you have done if he had died tonight?" he asked, catching her by surprise.

"I don't want to think about that, Stefen. All that matters is that you are both okay." she replied, pushing her hair back and stepping out of the car as they pulled up to the mansion.

"Was Isobel right?" he asked her when they got Damon inside and settled on the couch.

"Stefen, just leave her alone. This isn't her fault." Damon said, his eyes fluttering opened.

"Damon." she whispered, happy that he was finally awake. She walked over to him and sat beside him, lifting his head into her lap.

"I promise I'm okay. You don't have to worry about losing a friend today, okay?" he assured her.

She nodded, tears silently sliding down her face.

"Do you want some time alone?" Stefen asked, his voice angry.

"Will you just give it a rest, Stefen?" she snapped back at him, shooting him a glare. "I care very much about your brother. Is that a crime?" she finished, her voice getting angrier with every word.

"You and I both know it's more then that." he said, his voice calm again, quickly changing from anger to sadness.

"Can we talk about this some other time, please? I just want to make sure everyone is okay and then go home to sleep."

"Fine. Let me drive you." Stefen offered, still wanting to talk to her on the way there.

"No. I already txt Jeremy. He should already be out in front. If everything is okay, I'm going to go home. Get some rest, Damon. Goodnight. " she said before heading out the front door and jumping into Jeremy's car before going home to her warm bed for the night.

"What is going on between you too?" Stefen asked his older brother, pouring himself a glass of animal blood.

"We are just friends. She's just trying to be a nice person. Cut her some slack."

"How can I cut her some slack when I see the way she looks at you. She saves a look just for you that I'll never get. And I know it. And I think you do to." Stefen explained, calmer then either of them expected.

"That's not my fault, Stefen. What she feels can't be blamed on me. " he said, trying not to get too into this topic.

"You're right. But what you feel is up to you. And I've seen you look at her too. With more love then you've ever showed towards Katherine. How does that happen?"

"I love her. I'm sorry." Damon whispered, shaking his head.

"So am I." his brother replied before walking out of the room