Chapter twenty: Our happy ending
Note: I keep apologizing for late updates but I got caught up with the start of college. To me it's something completely new so I was trying to adjust to see how much free time I actually had. Now I present you the final (and for some reason short) chapter of this fan fiction. I hate when fan fics come to an end but they must sometime. I hope even after this fic is done you will continue reading my current and future works to come! Thanks for the support!
A few seconds ticked by and Natsuki cleared her throat nervously.
"Shizuru?" she asked in a timid way
Shizuru merely gawked at her with her shiny crimson eyes while the blunette shifted her shoulders waiting for the response.
Maybe… she doesn't want to? Oh my god… maybe she's freaking out right now!
"Say something." Natsuki whispered her determination and confidence wavering.
"But-what Shizuru?"
"But what about England… the throne…?"
The knight blinked. "Seriously?" she asked dumbfounded "Shizuru, I'm here asking you to marry me and all you can think of is 'what about England'?"
"But what about England!" Shizuru insisted her red eyes watering
"And what about it? Shizuru! I don't want the throne if you're not by my side ruling this country with me!"
The princess's eyes gave in to the tears that threatened to come out "Kannin na Natsuki… but this feels all so unreal…"
The younger woman's expression softened at this and she smiled gently at her "But it is real, I want to spend my life with you, all of it. So will you marry me Shizuru?"
"Natsuki!" Shizuru exclaim her senses coming back to her "Of course I will!"
Shizuru lunged into the knight's arms pulling her into a tight embrace and then raining down soft kisses on Natsuki's face.
"Ow…" Natsuki flinched as she felt the stitches on her back being tugged on lightly.
"Oh sorry! I completely forgot about your wounds!" Shizuru exclaimed while pushing herself off the knight. Natsuki simply shook her head smiling and hugged her ignoring the pain.
"The pain is worth it." So very worth it.
Shizuru smiled broadly and hugged her back but pulled back once more so they could kiss passionately. During the heated kiss, Shizuru's hands began roaming Natsuki's body, but stopped when the latter suddenly pulled away.
"What's wrong?"
The knight's eyes flashed dangerously "Those things for when we are wedded princess…"
Shizuru blushed slightly "Mou… no fun…" she teased
"Like I said I'm a traditional person." Natsuki smirked
"A traditional person who already broke it, so maybe… again?"
This made the poor blunette blush with fury. "Hmpf…" she huffed pretending to be annoyed by the older woman's very clear memory. Not that memory was easy to forget anyways…
"I bet you're tired you should sleep" she said getting up to head towards the door.
"Could you stay for the night?"
Natsuki turned to look at her pondering her answer.
"Please?" Shizuru added
"Fine…" Natsuki sat on the edge of the bed as Shizuru got up to change. Moments later the princess lay upon the bed and the knight decided to tuck her in like a little child making the French woman blush. Then Natsuki changed into some sleeping clothes and lay next to her.
Shizuru felt a bit disappointed when she noticed the knight laying so far apart from her but decided not to say anything as she rolled over and tried to let sleep claim her.
As if on cue, a pair of arms snaked around her waist pulling her closer to a warm body.
"Silly Shizuru…" Natsuki whispered in her ear as she closed her eyes, while leaning her forehead into the nape of Shizuru's neck.
The princess smiled while blushing furiously in the dark muttering a small "Ikezu" before falling in to a very calm and deep sleep.
Natsuki woke up early that morning, noticing that she had beat Shizuru, she watched her peaceful sleeping face for a few minutes before moving to her daily morning routine. After she was dressed and ready she placed a gentle kiss on Shizuru's forehead before heading out of the room, bumping into Cynthia who was coming to wake them up.
After ordering that she was not to disturb the princess and have breakfast prepared for her when she woke up, she headed downstairs in the hope of finding Mai.
"Natsuki, you're up early." Said a tired looking red haired noble rubbing one of her eyes
"Yes, it surprises even me…"
"So what is going on?" Mai asked now curious about the look Natsuki was giving her.
"Well… I wanted to tell you that I decided to take the King's offer."
Mai's eyes suddenly snapped wide open her sleepiness draining away "REALLY? That would be great! You're a life saver Natsuki!" she gave Natsuki a bear like hug
"Mai! Oi! Get off me!" she struggled.
"I love you Natsuki!" she exclaimed causing the blunette to blush in embarrassment.
"Seriously Mai get a grip woman!"
Both woman froze and then simultaneously turned their heads to look at the princess who was watching them with a strange expression on her face.
"Is this why Natsuki woke up earlier than usual?" she asked her voice sounding hurt.
"No!" The knight exclaimed quickly pushing Mai off brusquely "And what are you doing here?"
"Well, I didn't want to eat breakfast without Natsuki"
"I was just going to tell Mai about my decision-"
Shizuru smirked inwardly, knowing what Natsuki was really talking about, but she decided to get a little revenge for letting Mai cling on her that way. The knight noticed the glint in her eyes but wasn't sure what was going on in the princess's mind, but she was quite sure it had to be something devious.
"So which decision did you tell her about? The one you are going to take the throne or the one in which you asked me to marry you?"
Natsuki opened her eyes in shock and then stared at the princess in disbelief.
"What made you do that? And when's the wedding? Also… can I please be your maid of honor!" Mai commenced blurting out at her excitedly. "Wait… can I organize it?"
"Ara, since Mai and Natsuki has to talk about many things I should go eat breakfast first" she said excusing herself with a curtsy
"SHI-ZU-RU!" the knight managed to say as Mai continued harassing her about the wedding.
A week later…
The bells of the church rang out loud as the crowds cheered.
Two women emerged from the chapel walking almost the crowd that was now going wild with excitement.
They chanted as the couple bowed and saluted politely.
In the distance a carriage awaited them to escort them back to the castle. Natsuki and Shizuru had to struggle a bit to get to their transport since the public was so keen on breaking the line that the guards were forming so they could move.
"Please your highness! Please give my baby a your blessing!" cried out a woman who was extending in her arms a newly born baby and seemed more than willing to toss her baby at Natsuki just so the baby could be blessed by her.
Natsuki motioned the guards to let her through the line so she could plant a kiss upon the baby's forehead and then she smiled gently at the woman who simply sighed in wonderment.
Finally Natsuki and Shizuru made it to the carriage and the conductor snapped the reigns to get the horses to move, pulling them away from the scene.
Natsuki raised an eyebrow at Shizuru. "What's wrong Shizuru?"
"Natsuki sure is popular…"
"I guess…" there was a pause till Natsuki realized something "…Shizuru you're not jealous are you?"
"Ara, what makes you think that?"
"Uh… nothing…" she replied unsure
"Besides I have nothing to worry about since you are about to be bound to me soon."
Natsuki blushed "Bound to you? I thought it was more like being bound together?"
"You are allowed to think that."
Natsuki's brow furrowed cutely "Allowed? Shizuru may I remind you that from now on I'm a king?"
"It was a very nice ceremony." Shizuru replied cleverly avoiding Natsuki's question.
"You're missing the point."
"Is that so?"
Natsuki face palmed and then sighed looking out of the carriage's window. After a while Natsuki's eyes met with Shizuru and both of them entered a silent staring contest.
"Fine, I was a bit jealous." Shizuru admitted tearing her eyes away from the green.
The newly crowned king smiled victoriously
"It's just so amazing how much your country loves you."
"Come here silly." Said the blunette motioning her to sit beside her and not in front of her, and the French woman obeyed as an arm wrapped around her tenderly.
"I might be a king but…" Natsuki placed a chaste kiss upon Shizuru's lips "I'm still your knight."
Shizuru sighed in adoration "My little knight Natsuki…"
Notes: yes I know King not queen… I don't know why I felt it was for some reason more suiting, since Shizuru will be queen.
Historical basis? None, just some names.
A message from Asuka:
Thank you so very much for supporting and reading this fan fiction. I didn't expect it to have this many followers and I hope that you will continue reading my works and keep an eye out for more of my stories.
After this fic, I'm planning to finish up the 3 already started stories and add one more, called a candidate to Goddess which is another adventure genre fic that revolves around Greek mythology. You can find its summary on my profile.
It is always sad that a fic must end because after many days of obsessing about its storyline one does end up missing it.
Once again thank you for staying with me until the end!
Hope to see you guys around! You are all awesome!
Evil author,
Asuka Tenjou.
Asuka: Hope to see you guys around! You are all awesome!
(Silence fills the room)
Asuka: … That's it.
(More silence)
Asuka:… uh…. No applause?
(Mikoto claps cheerfully her clapping echoing in the still silent room)
Asuka: … Shizuru..!
(Asuka cries into Shizuru's shoulder who is patting her on the back while Natsuki gets up with a baseball bat in her hands.)
Natsuki: No one laughs at your omakes no more. Why do you insist?
Asuka: Because… it's like some kind of tradition now.
Natsuki: But they aren't funny…
Asuka: Tradition isn't meant to be funny.
Natsuki: *sweat drop*