It's been a while since I updated this story, but I was ill for a while and couldn't write. There will be about 16 or 17 chapters total in this story, so I'll try to get it done in the next few weeks. Sorry for the delay.

Chapter Eleven: Study Date

Buttercup's POV

Over the next month my sisters and I were the talk of the school. It was the first time in our high school career that we all had boyfriends. Not only that, but we were dating three brothers. It was on some level really weird, but for the first time in my life I was really happy and so were my sisters.

Butch and I went out a few nights a week, unless we had a lot of homework. In that case he would come to our house at Dad's insistence to study. I just hated when we studied with Brick and Blossom, because they actually wanted to study.

The boys eat at our house most nights. Dad wouldn't admit it but he liked having them around, especially since Brick was good at fixing things and Boomer many times helped Bubbles with the cooking.

Even Butch wasn't a slacker when it came to cars and bikes. He even agreed to help Dad restore an old motorcycle he picked up at the junkyard. Dad wasn't much or a rider but he knew I had been wanting a bike for a while.

On the weekends Butch and I hung out at the pool hall, mostly to make money. The buys did have a cheap apartment but even a cheap one cost money. Butch always insisted on giving me half, but I would have let him have it all if he wanted.

He liked seeing me in sexy clothes, so I spent some of the money on that and saved half in a bank account. Blossom was always beating it in our heads that we weren't going to be teenagers forever and we had to start thinking about our futures. She had no idea that I planned to be a race car driver. When I told Butch about my plans he was all for and said he would like to head my pick crew.

It was the end of the school day and the last day before the weekend when Bubbles came running up to me excitedly just as Butch and I were exiting the school building.

"Bubbles, calm down," I said but she was by then jumping up and down.

"How am I supposed to calm down when we only have a week to plan?"

"Plan what?" I asked. I looked over at Butch who was just as dumbfounded as I was at why Bubbles was acting like this.

"The dance, silly," she said and handed me a flyer. It was the announcement of the annual Halloween dance. Last year I went with Mitch and wasn't planning on going this year. I didn't want to do anything that reminded me of him.

"Hey, this looks interesting," Butch said and I saw that it was more a masquerade then a normal school dance.

"I don't have a costume," I said and handed the flyer back to Bubbles.

"Don't worry, Buttercup," Bubbles said in her cute bubbly voice. "We'll come up with something, and you know I'm a wiz on the sewing machine."

"Bubbles, I don't want…" I started to say but Bubbles had already taken off. Townsville High School didn't need the newspaper to tell us the latest news and gossip when they had Bubbles. She could spread the word fast. I let out a sigh that was more of grunt. "I really don't want to go to this."

"Why not, BC?" Butch asked and put his arm around me.

"It's just that I haven't gone to a school dance since last year and that was with…" She didn't want to say it.

"Mitch," he said guessing and he was right. As soon as they got to her car and she put her head down ashamed and embarrassed that she was thinking of him. "I'm not jealous of him. He was your boyfriend, and you did things with him… went places."

"So you would really want to go to this thing with me?" I asked.

"Well, I wouldn't want to go with someone else," he said and smirked at me.

"I hope not," I said and gave a little laugh. "So I guess we're going."

It wasn't all for this idea, but if I had to go I would rather go with Butch than anyone else. This was going to be an interesting school function.

We took my car back to my house while my sisters rode in Brick's van. It gave us some time to be alone before one of Blossom's study sessions. As we were riding in the car Butch turned on the radio to my favorite station. He turned to me just as the song Zombie by Pretty Reckless was just finishing.

"So what are you going to go as?" he asked me. I turned to him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I turned the corner. We were only half a block away from my house.

"The dance?" he asked, clarifying the question. "What's your costume going to be?"

"I don't know," she said and shook her head. "Definitely not a Disney princess." He laughed at that as I did. That was more Bubbles thing or even Blossom.

We arrived at the house before the rest of our siblings. I figured that they probably stopped by the pizza parlor to pick up a few pies. That was fine with me. The last week we had so much homework and studying that Butch and I didn't have a lot of time to spend together, not outside school and family stuff.

"So I guess we have a little time alone," I said as I parked the car. I looked over and saw that Butch was smirking. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I like being alone with you," Butch said and his hand trailed up and down my arm. It sent goosebumps through my body. No one ever made me feel the way he did.

I breathed deep as he came closer to me putting his hand on my cheek. He was so close I could feel his hot breath, and it gave me chills. My eyes were half closed when I felt his lips on mine. His touch was soft and tender, but it didn't stay that way as his hunger became more intense. I opened my mouth allowing him to enter his tongue and sighed softly at his touch.

We finally broke apart when I heard the sound of an engine. Only Brick's van would make a sound like that. "They're here."

"We could just ditch them and go back to my place," he said and I just shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"We do that and Blossom would send out a missing person's report. Townsville police will be on us before we get through you're front door. Besides if we don't pass that history test we won't see each other until graduation."

"Yeah, well, I think that might kill me," he said and reached over to open the door. "If we have to study, then we'll study."

"I'll make you a deal," I said and a coy smile came to my face.

"What's that?" he asked wondering what it was I was up to.

"Two hours of studying and then we take off somewhere, until curfew," I said and he seemed to like that idea. "What do you say?"

"I'll be counting the minutes," he said and got out of the car. I stepped out of the car, and Butch quickly joined me as we saw our siblings get out of the car and look our way.

Butch took my hand my hand and led me over to the others while carrying her schoolbags in the other. "It's about time you got here," I said sarcastically and it looked like Blossom took offense.

"A few more minutes and BC and I would have taken off," Butch said, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Butch, that is not true," I said and pushed his arm off of me. "You remember our deal."

"I want to alter it," Butch said and tried to grab me but, but I moved away quickly. Butch had dropped our bags and ran after me. He caught up with me at our big tree and took me in his arms and kissed me. "Still want to study?"

"Yeah," I said which surprised Butch. "Maybe only an hour." I was laughing and noticed my sisters staring at me. It was a little embarrassing, but right now I didn't care. I was in love with Butch, even though at that point I hadn't told him yet.

"Are you guys done?" Blossom asked with her arms crossed over her chest. She tried to look annoyed but I knew in reality she was happy for me.

I pushed Butch away from me at that moment, but he still managed to capture my hand. "Let's go study," I said and dragged Butch inside the house. My sisters and Butch's brothers followed. I thought the sooner we get this over with the better.

Bubbles and Boomer carried in the Pizzas. They got one with everything on it, and the other was a vegetarian pizza for Blossom. She gave up meat three months ago, which I thought was pretty weird. Humans are naturally carnivorous, so only eating veggies and fruit seemed somehow unnatural.

Butch and I sat down on the couch, while Blossom headed to the kitchen to retrieve some sodas from the refrigerator.

"Don't forget the chips!' Boomer called as Bubbles gave him a scolding look. She walked across the living room shaking her head and bounded through the kitchen door. Boomer followed her like a little lost puppy which made Buttercup laugh.

"So what are we studying again?" Butch asked as I took out my history book.

"The Revolutionary War," I said and practically threw the book at him. "You would know that if you would open that thing every now and then."

"I read, BC, I just don't like to," he said and leaned over and gave me a tender kiss. "So what are we covering, Paul Revere's ride?"

"That was last week, The Boston Tea Party, actually," I said still breathless from his kiss.

"Then let's get to it," he said and looked intensely into my eyes. It always stunned me how Butch could even make studying sound sexy.

Our siblings came back into the room just as we opened our books. Bubbles and Blossom had the snacks ready, a large bowl of potato chips and two containers of dip. Brick carried two six packs of soda while Boomer handled the plates and napkins.

"Time to study," Blossom said, in a more perky voice than normal. She's the only person I know who would get excited about studying.

"How can we concentrate on studying with the big dance coming up?" Bubbles said as she reached into her bag and pulled out one of her fashion magazines. I just rolled my eyes as she showed us all the special Halloween issue of Teen Girl. "There are lots of costume ideas in here."

"We'll figure that out, Bubbles," Blossom said as she opened her history book. "We have a whole week, but the exam is in two days and if we fail Dad will never let us go anyway."

"Then let's get this over with," I said, picking up a chip and dropped it in the cheese dip and ate it quickly before the generous helping of dip dripped off of it.

Butch, who was sitting next to her, was busy scarfing down a piece of pizza.

"When it comes to studying we'll never be finished," Blossom said as if she was about to make a speech. I had to stop this before it got out of hand.

"Alright already," I said hoping to shut up my sister. "Let's just study."

We did just that for the next hour until the food we had set out was practically gone. Once that happened Butch looked over at me and that was my cue to get us out of there.

"I'm all studied out, Blossom, so Butch and I are taking off," I said but Blossom gave me a disappointed look.

"I thought we could get a little ahead and read the next chapter," Blossom said and held onto her history book for dear life.

"Give it a rest, Blossom," I said and stood up. "You know what they say about all work and no play." I had hold of Butch's hand and led him out the front door.

"I thought we would never get out of there," Butch said and put his arms around me.

"A promise is a promise," I said as we walked to my car. Study time was over and now it was time to have some fun.

The next chapter will be a fun one when the kids attend the big Halloween party at school. Who will win best costume? Bee here next time to find out.

Also, if anyone had any costume ideas let me know in the comments.