Author's Notes: I'm terribly sorry for this chapter for being so short. I really couldn't think on much of what to do after the whole Prussia thing so yeah...

If anyone can tell me the correct meaning behind the story title in a review, I'll write you a fic! (It has to be something that I'm willing to do and it'll be a one to two-shot.)

Thanks again for all of the wonderful reviews on this story! I love you guys!

The drive home was an agonisingly long one. I kept a hand intertwined with Feliciano's making sure that he was close and near in case I broke down fully again. England stared out of the window angrily and mumbled beneath his breath the whole ride home. I noticed Italy giving the wall a melancholic stare as his eyes wandered and darted about. I gave a soft stroke of my thumb against his neck to let him know that he was going to be ok.


"It'll be fine, Liebhaber." I said blankly as we pulled into the drive of our home. The dogs started barking again as England kept the headlights on. "Danke," I said with a slight wave as I took Veneziano out of the car.

"Mmm Hm," He growled.

I unlocked the house to be greeted by the German Sheppard that I had gotten from someone as a gift (I couldn't recall if it was either Roderich or Feliciano). The dog happily jumped and panted on us, getting more attention from Italy than from me.

I turned toward the door and walked to it to close it. I noticed a couple of dirty faced children playing out in the street with something that appeared to be a ball. They were two boys and a little girl all wearing clothes that they seemed to be outgrowing. Of course there were stains and dirt all over them.

"Feliciano, do you still have any of those old dresses that your Mutter used to put you in?" I asked as I began to head up to my room, being followed by the dog.

"Yeah, why?"

"Can I have them?"

"Uhm… Sure?" He tilted his head at my bizarre request.

"Thanks," I nodded my head. I climbed up the stairs and walked into my room. I started going through my closet to find anything that didn't fit me anymore. I found some pants and a couple of shirts. It would have to do for now and they were stain free and I assumed clean (knowing my perfectionist self).

I quickly darted out of my room and into the entry way where Feliciano stood there with what looked to be six maybe even seven dresses. "Is this good, Ludwig?" He said as he held the clothes up.

"Ja, it's perfect." I smiled slightly as I noticed the children were still outside. "Come on," I said as I took the leash from the coat rack and hooked it onto the dog's collar.

Feliciano led me out there as he realised what we were doing. His face lit up instantly as we approached the children. He allowed me to do all of the talking because he knew that they probably couldn't speak any English at all.

"Hallo Kinder," I said as one of the boys walked up to the Sheppard looking like he wanted to pet him. "Mach dir keine Sorgen, wird er nicht beißen." I smiled. The boy nodded, causing his brunet strands of hair to bounce.

"Was ist der Name des Hundes?" He asked innocently.

"Blackie," I answered with a sincere and small smile. I could see Feliciano out from the corner of my eye smiling wide. "Und was ist Ihr Name?" I asked the little boy as the other one came up and started petting the dog timidly.

"Mein Name ist Ludwig und dies ist mein Bruder Wolfgang. Das Mädchen dort drüben ist meine Schwester Elise." He said with a smile.

"Oh, wirklich? Mein Name ist Ludwig." I got down on one knee to meet the children's eye levels as Feliciano and the girl came over. The boys stared at the clothes in my hand. I held them out toward them and their eyes widened. "Möchten Sie diese? Ich bin viel zu groß für sie." Their eyes lit up instantly as Feliciano offered the little girl the dresses.

"Danke, Danke, Danke!" They all cried out in unison. They began to run off to probably show whatever legal guardian that they lived with what they got.

I see that you have a soft side to you, Ludwig."

"They're the future of this nation, Feli. If they're too weak to go on, I am too weak to go on. I can't stand to see a child in need. It's bad enough that people are using sex for money and food right now," I sighed.

"Ve… Ludwig, you think too much," He smiled as he pulled me into a hug.

"Now that I think about it… We should've gave them some bread or something…"

"Ludwig!" Feliciano cried. "If you see them again then give them bread." He smiled.
