Author's Note: Well, I wrote this to go along with the weird obsession I have with this couple and war. Yeah, I have a war obsession. This is rated M for their dirty mouths, rape, sex, drugs, alcohol,violence and ideologically sensitive themes. This contains yaoi, so I warn thee.

What else was I to do? I couldn't fight at all, even if I wanted to. America and Russia were already at war amongst themselves, causing them to get irritated easily. But separating my brother and I? That was terrible. Awful. Unwanted. Even Britain relised the situation of our desperation. I knew the guy was stupid, but hell! He had some sense to him.

It was another morning to whereas I had forgotten about the hell my people and I were going through. Feliciano stood over me with a tray of breakfast in his hands.

"Ve~! Ludwig! I made you some breakfast! It isn't much, but it's not that icky British food!" He said trying to cheer me up. There was some bread with some jam on it and a glass of milk. I forced myself up into a sitting position and sighed. It was going to be another long day, I could tell.

"Italien… Y-You don't have to act like you're happy for my sake, you know that, right?" I said as I took a nibble from the baked good.

"But, if I'm happy, won't you become happy? Or… Do you not…Never mind," He said with a sigh.

"Do I not what? Not love you? I love you, Feliciano, to the bottom of my soul. I understand that you're worn like I am and you have every right to be upset and show it."

"Get some rest, Ludwig; you're thinking too much to be sick."

"It'll be okay mien Lieber." I said gruffly as the sound of a bang from the door alarmed the dogs.

"I'll go get it," Feliciano said as he dashed away. I laid there silently as they scuffled around. Alfred pushed himself into my home with England following and Italy was trying to stop them. I sighed to myself as they caused a fuss.

"Italian Whore!"

The words stung my heart as I laid there. There was some more screaming and loud bangs and crashes. I got up from the warmth of the bed and pulled some pants on over my underwear and a shirt on.

My door was flung wide open. I turned around only to be greeted by Alfred.

"Fucking Nazi. Hurry up," He growled as he crossed his arms.

"One moment, let me put on some shoes," I snarled back at him. I didn't care about his feelings at the moment, or never really. He slipped some shoes on and he attacked my arm.

"Fucking move."

I stepped down the stairs slowly only to realise what little strength I had.

"Ludwig!" Feliciano cried as he ran into me. He wrapped his arms around my waist with streaks starting to line down his face. Alfred let my arms go so I could wipe a fallen tear from Italy's cheek.

"It's going to be ok, mien Lieber," I sighed. Arthur took his embrace away from me, clamping his arm behind his back. America did the same as he kicked me in the back of my legs to move out of the house. My dogs barked as loud as they could, disrupting the peace.

Our heels clicked against the concrete. Many young German children stared at us along with many adults. Women gossiped and Men grunted in dissaprovement. I sighed as they watched. Staring always had vexed me since I was a child.

The smell of dead bodies and flames invaded my nose. I breathed in sharply only to cough more. We were being lead into what I had come to know all too well… Bergen-Belsen. America's face grew colder when we approached the opening sign that stated the famous lie that it told to its damned prisoners.

I gulped as I stared hard at the remains of the once almighty death camp that killed hundreds, maybe even thousands. I couldn't remember, nor did I even want to. I was like my people, I didn't know until after the war what happened to them. I thought they were being imprisoned, locked away.

Alfred pushed my horror-stricken self into a trench where the dead were. "What do you have to say for yourself now, Nazi!" He screamed.

"Alfred!" Feliciano screamed. "Leave him alone! You technically own him now, so let him be!"

The uneasiness of the dead woman's face was burned into my soul as my face was pressed against her lifeless chest. Her strings of hair that were left hung like wires around her head and her mouth was slightly open. She wasn't dressed and very sickly appearing. My eyes grew wide as the feel of death beneath me clicked into my mind. I wanted to scream, but screaming would show weakness. I couldn't move. Fear and melancholy had bounded me there with that little piece of hell.

"Ludwig!" Feliciano cried as he tried to pick me up out of the grave.

"Look at how pathetic he looks, Alfred. He looks like a deer in headlights. What do you have to say about your fucking Hitler now, huh?" England spat as I climbed out of the dirt. "Shit, he's crying. Lookie, he's crying."

"Shut up!" Italy screamed for me. I gulped as my legs gave out, causing me to collapse onto the ground. "Ludwig!" He tried to pick me back up and stand me up. "Just…Just let us go home, Alfred and Arthur. You guys are already in charge of Ludwig… Can't you just take that and leave?" His eyes were filled with desperation.

"Fine," Alfred scoffed before walking off. Arthur followed him reluctantly.

I stood up against my body's will and wrapped my arm around Italy's shoulders for support.

The walk home was a long one…