OK it's that time! the final chapter of Come Again to Me, and if anyone wants to tell me about a sequel! Now, please forgive any, ummmm... mishaps or spell mistakes you spot. I will also go through when I'm finished and see if I can tie all the chapters into a coherent smooth story. Without further ado, since I can't think of anymore ado, Here it the final chapter!

Blossom spent the car ride trying to wrap her head around everything that had happened in the past few days.

When did it all get so complicated?

It started simply enough, regardless of how surprising it came around. Brick showed up in a coffee shop and she really wanted to see her sisters, which he agreed to help with. She was beginning to wonder if it was brick's fault that thing's got so complicated. Like, he knew before hand what would happen. Or that he made all the confusing things happen.

Then, next thing's next, The two of them meet his brother in a diner and then they're on the road. It wasn't even crazy then, it just got more annoying. Maybe Butch made it complicated? Well, maybe not, cause Butch wasn't the ones with these strange double secret lives. So maybe it was when she met Boomer at the buffet and he killed all those people. Trying to cope with all that death as a previous hero did make her pretty uh... upset, to put it simply.

Then there was that 'oh, I actually really like you' thing from Brick, and even though we got through that alright, it had got me thinking and probably sending mixed messages. Yeah, that's probably where it started. IT only continued with Bubbles' emergence and the whole 'sisters forever' thing. Now after being involved for a short amount of time with Bubbles' and Boomer's death agency, they've found Buttercup. Jeez, when did it become so complicated?

Why was she thinking about this anyway? She was way happy, she'd just found all of her sisters! She reunited the rowdyruff boys! she can rejuvenate her relationship with her sisters and have a life outside of her job!

So what was she thinking about? She was thinking about what she could tell Buttercup when she gets out of this car. To hug her till she yelled at her to stop being so mushy, and to make sure she was OK.

Blossom suddenly wanted out of the car. She felt the overwhelming need to be where Buttercup was, to be with both her sisters and laugh and catch up and just be together!

"...om...ssom... Blossom!" Bubbles' voice finally broke through blossom's consciousness, and she looked up, startled. She looked around and everyone in the beaten up car was staring at her. "Bloss, you've been spacing out since I told you Buttercup was in the other car."

"Oh... sorry, I was just thinking about..." She wandered off. Bubbles smiled understandingly.

"Me too."

"Well, think later, I'd love not to crash cause your mind wandered." Butch stated. brick pushed him in the arm, still chuckling at the rush of what occurred a couple minutes ago.

Bubbles, Boomer and Buttercup weren't dumb about where they were going. They passed about 30 minutes worth of hotel, motels, and inns with blossom complaining until she finally figured (after Brick spelled it out for her) that stopping and staying somewhere near the scene would get them caught. so they kept driving for another hour, till near out of gas, and pulled into a hotel in Bakersfield, California.

"Also guys, uh, when we get out" Bubbles started, as the three cars began pulling in "we're gonna need to get rid of these cars, so you guys get in the hotel and out of sight so we can call our agencies to pick up our cars."

"But you guys can't be seen together right?" brick asked.

"Ya, but its not unusual for us to do similar evasive actions. So he'll call from the hotel on the other side of the street. Buttercup is gonna have to park out back, so they don't know one of the criminal racers we were suppose to-" She paused and glanced at Blossom as she parked. "put down is here."

"Ya... I'll have to find out what all of this is about..." blossom stared, still trying to put together everything she wanted to tell Buttercup.

"Oh PLEASE wait for me to come back inside the hotel room!" Bubbles pleaded "I don't want the details to be filled in for me! I want to be there too!"

"OK, OK." Blossom said. "Will she know what room we're in?" She asked, more directed at Brick or Butch.

"Yea, I'm gonna go ova there and escort her." Butch stated in a relaxed manner. Blossom gave him a skeptical look then turn to his brother.

"Um, is that the best idea?" Blossom asked brick.

"Whatever." Brick stated, leaning back much too relaxed. Blossom gave give him a pointed look.

"This is Buttercup we're talking about. And we don't even know what she does now! not to mention she knows how to work a gun, and probably has one on her body! What if she pulls it on butch thinking he's still evil?" Blossom nagged to no avail. Brick and Butch weren't really listening.

"OK, as much as I agree with you Bloss, you guys will have to get out of the car, I need to replace it..." Bubbles said with an edge of impatience.

"This is what we're gonna do." Brick started climbing out the car. "Me and you are gonna check in while butch goes meet with Buttercup. I'll tell him our room number and they'll come meet us. Then Boomer will call me when he's finished and come to our room with Bubbles. After that, we'll have Buttercup tell us what's up so we can go back home to Townsville." Brick finished. The word caused Blossom to stop in thought. Townsville. the word seemed so... distant, like a very nostalgic memory. The more she thought about it, the more she realized she didn't even want to go back. Back to dry, dull, grey... Townsville.

"Blossom, c'mon lets go." Brick said, pulling on her arm.

"O-oh, right..." she said, walking after him. Brick looked back at her worriedly.

"You ok?" He asked quietly.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." she said, almost calming down at the sound of his voice. she blinked at herself. when did she get so reliant on Brick? When did she start liking relying in Brick?

When did she start to feel so happy at the sound of his voice?

"Blossom, you're being a real airhead." He chuckled. Blossom smiled at his laugh.

"Right" She chuckled, slipping her hand into his. He seemed somewhat surprised at first but he firmly held her hand and led her inside.

Butch made his way around back and found Buttercup standing by her beat up car. He smiled widely at her tight fitting race clothes. she seemed to be fixing something in her racer jacket, the only real thing stopping him from getting a real look at her full breasts.

"HEY babe-" He called out loudly when Buttercup suddenly whipped around and put a gun to his head. He yelled out a pathetic squeak.

"Butch the Rowdyruff. What're you doing here?" She growled.

"Ah, you remember me!" He said, feigning arrogance. He was praying over and over that she wouldn't shoot.

"Shut up!" She shouted, shoving his head with the gun. "How'd you get here? How'd you get near my sister? Are you threatening her? Where's the other ones?" She threw them one after the other.

"Wow, you have a lot of questions...!" He tittered nervously. "I'm just supposed to bring you up to the room..." He finished weakly, hoping she'd just move the gun away, if she did nothing else. "And trust me, you're sister came to me first!" Butch said, trying to keep any reason to pull that trigger away from her.

"Hm..." Buttercup muttered skeptically before finally, to Butch's great relief, pulling the gun down and clicking on the safety. Butch let out a loud sigh. "Whatever. Let's just go, and don't try anything funny..."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Butch winked, feeling less threatened without the gun to his head. She scoffed at his greasiness.

"Whatever... so... Blossom's upstairs?" Buttercup asked, the nervousness creeping into her voice. She hadn't seen Blossom since they all split up 5 years ago... and look at what she'd become. She's sure she won't be happy, probably scold her... won't even come near her...

"Yeah, she's been searching since Townsville for your dangerous butt. Luckily, she found me first." He added smugly. She held back a gasp.

'Looked... for me?' She thought. Now she just wanted to get up there and hug her long missed sister. Not that she'd ever admit that...

"C'mon hurry! Aren't people waiting for us? She asked, a little anxious.

"Hey, there's no rush..." He replied, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Hit on me again, and I'm hitting your jaw." Buttercup growled.

"I love it when you talk dirty to me!" He howled. buttercup rolled her eyes but still couldn't keep from laughing.

"Shut up already!" She laughed.

Bubbles glimpsed across the street to see Boomer already on the phone with his agency. Boomer... If Bubbles was given 100 guesses of who Any was, Boomer wouldn't even be at the BOTTOM! She just assumed the Rowdyruff boys went into hiding, or was still terrorizing Townsville. But now he's here.

They were still agent enemies, and yet they had to work together; to keep the fact they know of each other a secret, to help out their sisters and brothers, to take down the common enemy.

They know each other's weaknesses from childhood, and they know their weaknesses from being enemies for so long. And now that she knew who he was, she could probably beat him a couple times. And probably succeed at finally eliminating him...

Suddenly, the thought of killing Boomer made bubbles feel very sick. Now that she knew it was him, how could she bring herself to do such a thing? She shook her head. She was being unprofessional. She doesn't have to kill him, or tell anybody who he was, she just had to do the missions and fight him. That's all...

A car pulled up across the street and a man came out handing Boomer a folder, then climbing into Boomer's messed up car. The car pulled off and disappeared into the distance. Boomer looked over the contents of the folder as he sat in the newly arrived car. He'll be waiting for her to call and come over. She sighed as she began to dial her agency.

Buttercup entered the room with Butch and immediately began to look around. Blossom sat on the bed, sitting towards the window, and Brick stood awkwardly across the room, by the bathroom. The two blackheads might've noticed the weird atmosphere if it hadn't been for Blossom bounding up and attacking Buttercup.

"AHH, Buttercup, its really you!" She yelled, going over to her and giving her a big hug. Buttercup stood, somewhat stunned. "OMG, look at your hair! Its so long now! Well, not as long as Bubbles- eeh, wow, I can't believe I sound like some fan girl but its you! Buttercup!" she gave her a weepy hug.

"She's not upset? Isn't this Blossom?' Buttercup thought. But finally wrapped her arms around her sister. Blossom pulled back, wiping slightly at her eyes.

"Oh, I have so much to tell you. So much I want to ask! But we have to wait for bubbles..." she mumbled giggling.

"Oh.. ok... I can't believe I'm even looking at you... Blossom..." she said sentimentally.

"Me either..."

"Hey guys! We can watch you make out while we wait!" Butch suggested. Buttercup hit him in the arm. "Ow!"

"Way to ruin the mood, you jerk-off!" she growled.

"Ha-ha, comes in the job description,..." he laughed, holding his arm and walking over to Brick. As the two girls talked abut the little things that they could, Butch lowered his voice to talk to Brick. "So, what are we really going to do when everything gets cleared up? Cause while you, me, and Bloss had nothing to do with all this spy cool stuff, Bubbs and Booms still has shit to do and Buttercup's in the middle of it. and I know you're not leaving till you can leave with Boomer, and you're not leaving till Bloss is happy."

Brick winced at the obvious facts. "Right. After everything gets cleared up, we'll have to ask what Boomer and Bubbles still has to do. And once that is over, we'll have Buttercup reported dead in the racing community. Anyone who knows she's a racer will be killed by our personal government agents." He replied, the gears working in his head. He knew the plan was far from perfect, regardless of the fact it addressed almost all the problems. But there was lot of other problems that could arise from it.

"Wow, bubbles is taking forever, I'm about to explode with questions!" Buttercup groaned behind them. Butch quickly lost his serious face as he smirk mischievously at his brother. He whipped around.

"you can take out your frustrations on me, babe!" He yelled. Buttercup angrily stomped over and grabbed him by the collar and threw him onto the bed. He grinned sexily at her figure, which stood above him.

"Thanks for the offer..." she said in a low voice, then suddenly began to punch him in the stomach, causing him to bounce with the bed with every hit.

"Ah! This-oof- is not-ahh- what I-uah- meant!" He groaned between punches. she finally ceased and he lay on the now disheveled bed as if dead.

"Thanks, that made me feel better." She said, holding up her fist. "now, don't hit on my sisters or me ever again." She said and sat on the their bed.

"R-right.." He moaned, lying on the bed the correct way. Brick began laughing.

"That's what you get! Ah, man Butch, you made my day!" He laughed.

"Great, mission accomplished." Butch said smugly, placing his hands behind his head. Brick smirked at his brother.

'Its great to have brothers.' he thought as he sat on the bed next to Butch's body. Just then Bubbles and Boomer entered, seeming to be bickering about something, both with folders tucked under their arms.

"FINALLY!" Buttercup exploded. "I'm seaming with questions!" Buttercup scooted to the edge of the bed facing the door.

"Woah!" Blossom said, holding up her hand. "You owe us an explanation first! what the heck were you doing with a gun, shooting at people? Racing?" She scolded.

"Ah,... there's the Blossom I know..." Buttercup groaned.

"Yeah, let's get to the explanation part." Bubbles said, a bit impatient.

"OK, but I want an explanation from you afterwards and why you were shooting at me!" Buttercup said.

"OK, OK!" Bubbles replied frantically. Buttercup breathed and began her story.

Flashback-Buttercups' POV (age 14)

My plane finally landed in California. As I got on to the streets, realization struck me that I'd have to finish school here before I could go to a sports collage.

"AWW MANN! there's no way I'm going to school to learn nothing I need!" I complained out loud, walking down the street. I gained a couple looks from surrounding people too. An idea suddenly came to me, "I could just take a sports job till I'm old enough to get into collage! Right!" I set off more determined then ever.

Unfortunately, that didn't go as well as I had hoped...

No store selling sport equipment was looking to hire a 14 year old girl, especially one with no experience. I stomped out what felt like my 100th store.

"Dammit! What does a girl have to do to get hired around here?!" I kicked a pole, which was quick to fall out of the concrete and lay flat on the sidewalk. I grimaced at the damage I made. And what's worse is I had no monster to blame it on, no mayor to say 'no big thing', and no dad to say 'I'll pay for it'. I squatted down in front of the building. I couldn't believe it. I wanted to cry. ME! Buttercup...

I shook my head fiercely. That's right. I'm Buttercup! I don't cry! I try harder! I stood up and looked side to side. I noticed a car shop by the beach. It was actually only a couple streets away from it and it was kind of on a stranded street. Hmm, how'd I even get here? Must've wondered over...

"But there's no auto shop I know that would turn down help!" Buttercup stated. "Regardless of what it is, I will take the job they offer!" That said, I stomped over and busted in, almost literally. "Hello, sweaty men! Buttercup the Powerpuff is here to help out with your busted cars!" I announced quite officially, if I say so myself. There was only an elderly man who was at the cash register and a younger, around the 30's aged man who was wiping down one lone car in the small empty shop floor. My jaw dropped at the pathetic scene. Isn't this a car shop? They're only servicing 1 car?

"I don't know if you can see, but we really don't need much help. What's a young girl like you doing demanding jobs in auto shops?" The man asked, wiping his hands in the towel. I sat down by the door and let out a long sigh.

"I came here to California by myself because I wanted to go to a sports collage... I'll admit I was a bit hasty in coming, I don't have anywhere to live, no money, and I definitely don't want to go to school till I'm old enough to go to collage. I'm looking for a job to have money for someplace to stay till yada yada yadad- planning really isn't my strong suit."

"Obviously." The man laughed. "Tell you what. You work here with no pay, and I'll let you stay here till you're old enough to go to collage." Buttercup shot up to her feet.

"For real?! Ah, you the best, Mister!" I ran over and hugged him in my excitement.

"Eh..! too... tight..!" He groaned in my hold.

"Oh, sorry!" I quickly let go. "Thanks, I'll work super hard!" I exclaimed. He nodded weakly while rubbing himself slightly.

He showed me my room, gave me some training, and I helped with the two cars that came in afterwards. That night I learned why they barely ever had business.

I was laying in my room when there was loud revving outside. I sat up in bed and went over to my window. There in the stranded street by the beach, a couple of cars- nice looking, sexy cars of course, revving it up. A small crowd stood around, waiting for the lady to wave her flag. I stood at the window and watched till the cars disappeared around the corner and even to when they returned. My eyes widened when there was exchange of money between large groups of people.

'That's the kind of job I should have... paid to race? perfect...' Buttercup thought, watching as they scrambled away at the sound of sirens. Then the old man came into my room. I looked up at him and he seemed a bit worried.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I called the police already." He stated.

"That's nice- what was that?" I asked again. He sighed.

"There's a very bad group of people who race for money and peoples lives are put at stake." Sounds like a Powerpuff job if ever heard one! "It'd be best to keep away from them, its very dangerous."

"I don't know if you know me, but I'm a Poweruff. I can fly and stuff. I'm pretty indestructible. If I can help you drive these guys away to help your business, I'll do it, for you." I finished with a smile. He looked at me somewhat skeptically, but it seemed something clicked in his memory.

"Alright. But I only want you getting them to leave and race somewhere else. To wager anything else would be to get sucked into their world of eternal give and take..."

"Kay, got it. You sound like some kind of mystic sensei." I turned my head to look longingly at the space the cars were. The next day, looking for a paying job also failed. That night, I was waiting on the stranded street, when a young man, looking Chinese, came over.

"What are you doing here little girl? This is no place to spectate."

"Hey, I'm here to propose a change of venue. Think you could do this racing stuff anywhere else? You're chasing off business!" I stated.

"I think not. Get lost." He stated and began walking away. I worried slightly that I really wouldn't be able to solve this. I though for a second of the man upstairs.

"What if I beat you at a race?" I asked. What an idea. I've never raced before in my life! But he still stopped and glanced at me over his shoulder.

"Really? Care to make it interesting?" He asked. I looked at him skeptically. Was he really accepting my offer? Did I not look like a 14 year old girl to him?

"How so?" I asked carefully. I waked back to me.

"You win, we change venue and I pay your 1,000 dollars. My racer wins, you owe me 500. And we stay." I thought that it couldn't be that bad, once the old man's business starts up, I could possible get real job there and live somewhere else. And I only had 500 to lose and 1000 to gain.

"Fine! A quick race, then you out of here!" He gave a real shady smile, and muttered while turning away,

"Of course..."

That night, I raced and won! It was crazy, I was driving so fast those other drivers couldn't even keep up! When I won, he handed me the 1000 bucks in CASH! But he also gave me the weirdest look and gave me a card.

"Good job. You got talent. If you ever need a quick fix of cash, you can always come drive for me." He handed me a card, with directions on how to get to their new spot.

"Thanks but no thanks." I mumbled. He only shrugged with that weird glint in his eye and walked away.

The next day was as hopeless as all the others and I started feeling discouraged. Sitting in front of the old man's shop, which had a few more cars then before inside, I fingered the card the weird guy left me.

"A quick fix huh? I could do that job with my hands tied behind my back..." With my confidence up, I decided to at least get a few more bucks on this last race, just to get me over and started on my savings. So that night I easily found the spot for the race, racers littered around waiting for the race to start. I approached the Asian from yesterday.

"Your back?" he asked in slight amusement and mock shock.

"Yes I'm back!" I snapped back. I coughed slightly. "I just need a few more hundred, so I don't mind whippn' a few more butts for you." I stated matter of fact-ly. He quipped an eyebrow before kinda smiling.

"Right. This race, you'll get an easy 2,000 if you can win for me. But If you lose, I'll need 1,000 dollars back." He replied coolly. I nodded curtly and he directed me to the car. This time I could at least pick up the situation was a bit more hostile then before. If there was one thing I picked up from crime fighting was when something shady was going on. And all the hushed whispers in different languages and the budging objects in their pockets gave clear indication. Even worse, I actually lost this time! And it was such a clear defeat, I was left in the dust!

"1,000 dollars." He said smugly, in such a voice that was laced with malicious intent, a voice I hadn't heard before. He was the clear villain here. "And we have deadlines. Lots of people waiting for their money, other races waiting to race. 2 days."

"2 days?!" I screeched. No way! There was no way I was going through with this!

"Hey, this is what you agreed to. And go to the police if you want, but you yourself has participated in 2 races. You'd also get arrested." I looked down in despair at my hands. What did I do?... "But there is an easy way to get out of the debt," He said in mock sympathy, "You can always race again." He finished with a dry, obnoxious laugh. I growled at him. But he was right, there was no other way to fix this. Too embarrassed and ashamed to return to the old man and hoping he was doing well, I raced, sometimes winning and sometimes losing, living in motel or hotel and eventually getting pretty good. Lucky thing too, my powers were starting to fizz out, and I can't get into just any accident.

With a debt always hanging over my head, I continued to race, even to this day, waiting till I had enough to quit the life.

Normal POV-

Everyone stayed quiet for the next few minutes, soaking in the information that was just given.

"Wow... You can't even listen to the man who was just trying to help you-!" Blossom started, Buttercup just rolled her eyes, "Let alone your sister-"

"-I knew you'd be like this!" She whined loudly

"-Who's always right to begin with!" She finished with a huff.

"Sorry I can't be little miss perfect all the time but I was 14, I was trying to help the old man and I thought I could handle it!"

"You couldn't have! You never could have! That's why I was the leader! So I could lead you in the right direction!" Blossom yelled back. Bubbles just shook her head quietly, tired of playing peacemaker. They were 19, they could figure this out for themselves. But Buttercup let what Blossom just said sink in.

"...You didn't think we could do it...! Or at least me! You thought we'd give up and go running home or something! you thought we'd fail and fall flat on our faces! You thought we would need you!" Buttercup accused. Bubbles turned her said to her sister to see if this was true. Blossom didn't have that little faith in them, did she? But Blossom looked at her two sisters carefully.

"...Yes..." She replied slowly. Buttercup shouted out in angry justice and Bubbles made a sad, disappointed groan. "But not in the way you think! It's not so much that I didn't think you guys would fail... but I had hoped that you would... I didn't really want to separate... You girls just seemed so determined to get your own independence... I guess I was just scared you wouldn't need me in the end..." Blossom looked down at the ground in embarrassment. Her sisters must think she's ridiculous to have such a wish. Suddenly, arms enveloped her into a hug. Bubbles squeezed her tight.

"Oh, my silly big sister..." While there was no difference in age, they still regarded their leadership positions as their age meter. She pulled Blossom to look at her in the face. "Blossom. We'll always need you. We won't always need you to guide us, but we'll always need you to be there, when there was a bad break-up, if we just couldn't go through with a mission, or if we need help getting out of a street gang" She finished with a giggle. "The point is, just cause your not out fearless leader, doesn't mean we don't need you to help us with the everyday little things." Bubbles finished.

"Like the routine, getting out of a street gang!" Butch added in a falsetto voice. Brick and Boomer laughed at his stupid way to lighten the mushy mood, but Buttercup stomped over with her fist raised. Butch quickly fell into fetal position. This time everyone laughed, happy that everything, for the most part, is cleared up.

Bubbles straightened up. "Geez, I'm getting all misty eyed..." She put the folder on the bed and began dabbing her eyes.

"Oh yea..." Brick started, "What is that, and why were you guys fighting when you can in?" Boomer's face darkened almost immediately and Bubbles stiffened.

"Geez..." Bubbles mumbled again, but this time sitting on the bed next to her folder. "You do it..." She said to Boomer. She flopped backwards onto the bed in exhaustion. Blossom and Brick shared a concerned look. This couldn't be good.

"Alright but I must remind you this is TOP secret information and you can't share this with anyone-" Boomer was cut off by Brick.

"Come on. Who would we even share this information with? Hurry up!" Boomer growled a bit at the interruption, very obviously in secret agent mode.

"Fine, but if anyone of you are actually secret agents don't think I won't come and kill you."

"Shut up and get on with it!" Butch said, annoyed with "evil Boomer" appearance. He sneered at his brother's rude interruption and pointedly opened the manila envelope.

"The agents will infiltrate the final hideout tracked down and sent by GPS to-... annihilate" He avoided the word with a glance at Blossom, "the remaining street gang members and destroy any information and/or money transactions that was being processed by the organization. If met with any enemy personnel the agent is prompted to shoot to-... unalive." Boomer finished lamely. Butch gave a short snort to the term that almost didn't make sense. Blossom rolled her eyes, finally fed up with them walking on eggshells concerning the word.

"Guys! Really, its fine you can say," She swallowed slightly, "kill and dead around me. It's easier then what lame brain words you guys make up to try and avoid it. I'm a big girl, I can handle it."

"Yes," Butch said, rubbing his hands together, "a very big, grown-" Butch gave out a squeak as Buttercup rushed over and began hitting him anywhere she could.

"You dickheaded-"

"Buttercup, language!" Blossom reprimanded, but was thankful for her defending. She didn't know how to respond to Butch's annoying come-ons.

"Hey, guys, can we focus?" Brick asked from his position on the second bed. He was trying to work out a plan, but he couldn't if he didn't have all the pieces. Buttercup and Butch stopped, and sat down per Brick's request but not before Buttercup made a threatening gesture at Butch who promptly flinched.

"Wow... for a sexy beast, you are one scary girl now..." He muttered. Buttercup snickered slightly while Blossom sent him a disapproving look.

"Ya, ya, Butch's a pervert, we know. Now Bubbles, your mission is the same?" Brick asked. Bubbles nodded her head.

"I also have orders to shoot to kill. Our agency wants to be the first to take down this street gang." Brick closed his eyes in thought. Everyone waited silently for him to speak up again.

"You're both gonna be there, with orders to shoot to kill. There's gonna be a lot of confusion in that crossfire." He muttered. He looked at everyone's expectant gaze. Even Blossom. It was nice to be leader again.

"We need Buttercup dead, and last I recall, Bubbles is a really sharp shooter. So here's a rough idea. Buttercup goes to the headquarters during the mission, gets a non-fatal shot to the stomach. You two," he pointed to Bubbles and Boomer, "Have to avoid each other at all cost, and only Bubbles' party comes into contact with Buttercup. Bubbles has to be sure she's the only one to shoot Buttercup and Buttercup has to go down fast or her party might give her a good second shot. You can mark her off for dead." Bubbles nodded her head, and Buttercup paled a little but nodded nonetheless. He faced his blonde brother. "Boomer, you have to make sure you get to those files and destroy them all. Or at least the racers' files. This way Buttercup is dead legally and streetwise." Brick sat back, satisfied with his plan as Boomer also nodded with understanding. Butch started slow clapping like it was the best speech in the world.

"Ok..." Blossom stated slowly. "So, for sure. Buttercup won't die?"

"Ask your sister." Brick stated, pointing to Bubbles.

Bubbles nodded curtly. "She won't die." She said confidently. "If there's one talent that is my own, its my gun skills."

"But it'll definitely hurt?" Buttercup asked with a small swallow. Bubbles winced.

"Like bloody-hell."

"But!" Brick interjected, "You can't yell out or wiggle around in pain once you go down, or they'll know you're not dead." Buttercup let out a noise of affirmation, but her nervousness sat on her face. Blossom came over and rubbed her back.

"You can do this." She said comfortingly. She looked up at the room. "We can all do this. For Buttercup." Everyone nodded with understanding. Brick was actually looking at her with a weird look on his face. It gave her stomach butterflies and her face felt warm. Why was Brick always doing weird things? No other guys looked at her so openly anyway. "So, what will the rest of us be doing?" She asked to distract herself and the others from her noticeable changes. Brick looked out the closest window when everyone turned to look at him.

"I hate to say it," He said with a small smile playing on his lips, "But, nothing." He replied turning back to them.

"No way!" Butch said. "I'm sending Boomer away again to eminent danger? He snuck off the other times but I can help!" He exclaimed. Wow, does Butch feel guilty about leaving Boomer the other time? Just another thing of drama to add to our list.

"But, there's no way to help this time. Its only Boomer and Bubbles' agency in there killing anyone who's in there. If you're there, you're getting killed." Brick responded. There was no way he was letting his brothers go to their doom again.

"But,... we can still be there. We have to be really careful, and quick but, someone has to bring Buttercup out before someone notices she's still alive. And I don't want her bleeding out on the floor by herself." Blossom responded, getting Brick's attention again.

"Ah, but there's no way we can do that. We'd need to know exactly when Buttercup got shot, and when there's no one in the area. Plus we can't get caught on our way in." Brick finished.

"We can have communicators for that!" Bubbles suggested. "OHH!" She squealed. "I can sneak you guys some communicators for my squad! The you'll hear everything I say! There can be a code word for once I shoot Buttercup, like, I'll say bull's-eye~~, then I'll emphasize once we leave an area and when no one else is left there!" Bubbles finished her animated and overall adorable explanation.

"I think I love you." Butch said jokingly. Everyone let out small giggle, and the atmosphere lightened up a little. After a pause Brick sighed.

"Alright, we can do it that way. But this needs to be executed flawlessly. When we go in, me and Blossom will provide look out, Butch will pick up Buttercup and we'll book it back to the car and get the hell out of there." He let out a slight sigh of concern, "But for us to not get tagged by some satellite as some street drivers making a get away we need to be quite the distance away.

"Near 5 miles to mot be considered affiliated." Boomer interjected.

"You can handle that?" Brick asked Butch.

"What? You kidding, of course I'll be able to carry her the whole time. And if not, I can just toss her on you." He replied.

"We gotta be sure not to be noticed too, or patrolling agents may shoot us." Brick finished. "It's a big mission."

"And a bigger risk to our jobs..." Boomer added in somewhat doubt.

"But we can d it! We have to!" Bubbles yelled out happily.

"Been a long time since we've last been out on the field together." Butch said, a smirk growing on his face. Brick full out smirked.

"Ready to blow this thing out the water?" He asked. Blossom felt herself smile with excitement. And Buttercup gave out a sharp laugh despite her nervousness. Boomer snorted at his brothers' carefree attitude but smiled nonetheless. After a quick scan around the room at the faces, Butch laughed.

"You know it."

Boomer's replacement car pulled up to an empty parking lot, a distance away from a dimly lit large, old office building. Inside the car sat Brick, Blossom and Butch awaiting Bubbles' signal. Inside all of their ears were communicators honed into Bubbles' team's communicators so they could hear whatever was occurring. They sat in silence in the distant road, waiting anxiously for their plan start. Plus the nerves were pretty high.

Inside of the building, where shady men in suits and jackets and racers full of hostility and glares bustled around, looking for work or looking for a race to bet on, stood Buttercup, nervously to one side of the room waiting to get shoot in the stomach. Mech, thinking about it as enough to make her feel she was gonna vomit. But she stomached it and tried not to look suspicious shifting from foot to foot in the corner.

Boomer's team carefully and quietly snuck up to the building. He began feeling that rush he always felt before a raid, the one that made him the infamous "Any". But the rush came from another reason this time. He had to be flawless, a perfect actor as to not blow Bubbles' cover. Bubbles... BB, his archenemy. What did he think of her now? Well now she seemed like the perfect girl. If it wasn't for the fact that she was enemy territory. But man, can she spy... He wanted to make sure this went flawlessly... for her and to protect her...

Bubbles team slinked up to the building from the other side. She carefully made her way over to the door that would lead her to Buttercup's position the fastest. She made sure her unit was especially keen on following her orders today, she didn't need any back sass about her pinpoint shots tonight, especially since one shot will be noticeably inaccurate. She had to do this well, for Buttercup. Hopefully she can avoid Boomer tonight or two of her shots will be hopelessly inaccurate. She never thought she'd have to protect Boomer's life. Butterflies made a ruckus of he stomach. She felt like she couldn't breathe. She let out a slow exhale and let her BB persona slide over her. Slowly and carefully, she raised her hand and gave the signal to start the raid.


Papers racers tried to conceal their records and shady men trying to take off with their racing bets and promises. Everyone instantly knew it was the government, and this was either a death or arrest situation. Bullets were being fired into the fray, and rapidly, bodies fell. The floors started turning red along with the scattered papers. Death tolls increased as both parties quickly closed in, and any scattering runaways were shot down by sharp shooters outside.

Blossom looked at the horror from the distance, the soft flashes of light as any stragglers tried to escape into the darkening sunset. Bubbles' soft but firm commands could be heard over the communicators, and they were moving very quickly and effectively. Blossom could only imagine how scary it was for Buttercup and hoped Bubbles would get to her first, beating both Boomer's team and her own to her.

And it was very scary for Buttercup. She could practically feel the floor shake from the rumbles of the bullets and how quickly those below were running. She tried to suppress her panic and tried concealing herself a bit more to a corner of a room.

Boomer held up a hand to his squad to stop their movement. This room was clear, and he knew Bubbles would get the next one. He had to find the records.

"Move up, look for the record room, kill any unauthorized personnel, and if you find the racing records, contact me and I'll confiscate them for the agency." Boomer told his group. They nodded and began to fan out up the nearby stairs. Boomer knew Buttercup was in the next room over, and he had done his job. This way he didn't run into Bubbles and he's hoping he won't run into her for the rest of the time. Besides, he still had his job to do, and that's erase Buttercup. He followed his squad up the stairs.

Bubbles picked off the last person attempting to leave the room. She hated these kind of blood bath missions, but it never stopped being fun, no matter how morbid that sounds. It was always testing her skills as a gunman, and no matter what, she enjoyed that. She pursed her lips in focus as she realized Buttercup should be in the next rom.

"Next room." She started, which was a signal to those in the car that it was time to get moving to get buttercup. She realized how hard it would actually be for them to get inside. Her agency and Boomer's agency did a good job of fully covering any holes for escape. She swallowed as nerves rolled over her. She wasn't sure this was gonna work any more. But this was for Buttercup. Might as well try. She quickly swept into the next room, and scanned her surroundings. Many people took Buttercup's route, trying to disappear into corners of the room, but she quickly spotted her big sister. Her team started shooting down those in the room, the usual technique of sweeping left to right. Bubbles foreseen this and asked Buttercup to hide on the right side of the door. She took advantage of their distraction and shot at her. She quickly took aim and fired at her, shooting just below her stomach, going out the other side of her.

"Bulls eye. " She muttered.

Buttercup let out a small noise and landed on her face, her hair covering her.

"Are you sure you hit?" A man on her squad asked from behind. Bubbles almost jumped out of her skin. She hadn't expected someone to be watching her shot, nor be good enough to tell a non-fatal shot. She quickly regained her cool.

"Are you challenging my abilities?" She asked in a low voice

The person shook his head no, but doubt in his eyes. Bubbles, not breaking eye contact, put a finger to her ear to make sure everyone heard.

"Clear. Moving to the next room." Only then she broke contact and began heading to the next floor. As the squad moved out, the person took a look back at Buttercup's still body.

"Next room." Everyone in the dead silent car heard Bubbles' voice come on clear in their ear, one of the first words she's said directly into the piece, and even at all. Blossom shook in surprise, not at the voice, but at the sudden need to be put in danger. Danger... she hasn't been in danger since she was 14. And she had powers back then.. was she going to die?

"Blossom." Brick jarred her out of her thoughts, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You got this."

The feeling of his warmth spread down her shoulder into her breasts, her stomach tingling with joy and surprise. She still had Brick. She resisted the urge to lean into him and nodded. What was that? Did she really... rely on Brick this much?

"Come on, we got a hurry!" Butch aid, half-way out the door. " IF we don't get her out before their next sweep, she might be discovered, plus, she's gonna bleed out. "

"Ya, we gotta get closer before Bubbles shoots her." Brick said.

They ran down the street, getting as close as they dared, trying not to get noticed. Blossom huffed slightly out of breath.

"How do we get in, they have the place surrounded."

Brick quickly began scanning the surroundings. "There." He replied quietly. "They're constantly changing locations, and when they're rotating, this place is left open." He stated, pointing to a window close to the ground. Suddenly the communicator came to life.

"Bulls eye." They heard Bubbles mumble.

"Time to go up. " Brick stated, moving towards the window. "Steer clear until they've left-" A man's voice buzzed through their ear pieces.

"Are you sure you hit?" Everyone froze, as they were unsure if Bubbles' cover was blown. There was a beat.

"Are you challenging my abilities?" She asked, in a chillingly quiet voice. Brick knew she got it, and that she was the leader. Just like he was the leader here.

"Ok, we can't stay her, so come on, get in. Before the guard comes around the back." He quickly threw blossom over who landed with a thump then helped Butch up and over, then quickly threw himself in. Turns out Blossom landed on a dead body. Butch was already holding Blossom's mouth closed with his hand, as she silently screamed with her eyes. Brick then covered her eyes too.

"Clear. Moving to the next room." Came Bubbles' steely voice.

"Come on, we have to find the room quickly, that means breakdowns" he said pointedly at Blossom, who somewhat recovered. " and, both teams should be upstairs, so we have a little time. Let's hurry and get out of here and catch the next rotation before they get down here for the re-sweep." He concluded. They sneaked up the stairs to the room Buttercup was in. And they discovered Buttercup wasn't the only person who might've survived. Some people didn't finish bleeding out. Others just got lucky, but all only laid there and moaned in pain.

The room they found Buttercup in was most definitely filled with dead people. Buttercup raised her head.

"You guys! Thank goodness, help me out, I feel like I can't even move.."

"Yea, well you look like the grudge." Butch quipped as he threw her arm over his head. She growled in annoyance.

Boomer lead his group into the next room on the top floor and low and behold, a giant room filled with filing cabinets. The racer records. This should be fun.

"Found the records." One person on his squad joked.

"Ha ha, very funny. Start collecting some for headquarters."


Boomer banged his head on the current file in his hand. There was a small pile Boomer was pretending to collect for the agency, and even convinced his squad to keep looking for street lord files, but this was getting ridiculous. He was suppose to find and destroy Buttercup's file in all of these files? How could he convince his team to even keep looking that long?

"Aw, fuck this." He muttered under his breath darkly. The people down at the agency's gonna look at him sideways for this one, but he can't take much more of this. He threw a grenade into the fray of filing cabinets. He turned and began walking away. "Fire in the hole!" He stated matter of factly and a small explosion went off from behind, causing several cabinets to catch fire and many more beginning to. His group began filing out to avoid the fire. As he began going down the stairs to do the re-sweep, a thought occurred to him.

'Shit. The agency's gonna kill me.'

Bubbles opened the door to the upper floor to see it catching fire. "Oh, my god..." She muttered, feeling that this was Any's impulsive plan to get rid of Buttercup.

"They're trying to create a diversion to escape! Come on, we have to do the re-sweep quickly!" The man from before said, and began rushing back down the stairs to the second floor.

"He-Wait!" Bubbles yelled after the agent, who was being annoyingly disobedient. He ran quickly down the stairs, Bubbles shuffling after him, trying to buy the others more time to move Buttercup, but he was quick. Oh, she should have been more firm. He opened the door to the second floor and his eyes flew to the spot where Buttercup lay. Bubbles bustled in after him, trying to shove him back.

"Hey, listen when your leader talks to you!" She scolded, nervously glancing where Buttercup lay as well.

There was nothing there except for the puddle of blood where she was. Bubbles sighed a breath of relief before turning her evil eyes back to the agent. He glared back at her.

"See? You didn't kill that one! Why didn't you check?" He asked.

"It's called a re-sweep, there's no way she could get far with a shot in her stomach. And when your squad leader talks to you, you listen! I was trying to tell you we need to re-sweep from the top, by the time we make out way back up, the fire would have spread."

"Then they'd escape!" He said through clenched teeth.

"We'd flush them out. We have agents outside, there's no way they'd escape. Next time you listen before acting. You're apart of a squad, we move together. And you're led by me, you follow my orders." She hissed darkly. He seemed to shrink with her overwhelming presence. He nodded violently to show his sincerity.

"Sorry..." He whispered. She threw him a cold glare before whipping around.

"Head back up the stairs, you're bringing up the rear. Hopefully the flames won't catch up to you." She said, deceptively sweet. He swallowed nervously.

Butch hoisted up Buttercup again coming down to the first floor.

"Ow, stop that already, it hurts..." Buttercup griped somewhat weakly. Butch's retort died on his lips.

"Ya well, hang in there sport..." He said gently. Blossom was also giving Buttercup a worried look. She turned back to Brick, who was scanning the first floor carefully.


"Ya, I know. I'm gonna go check outside. And she'll be fine. If you guys stop worrying over her..."

"Hey, I'm not worried! I'm just... making sure she's comfortable..." Brick gave Butch a disbelieving look. He sighed in defeat. So he was worried about a hot babe in his arms. Whatever.

As Brick climbed up to the window to check the positions of the guards outside, an explosion was heard upstairs. Brick rolled his eyes and assumed it was his destructive brother Boomer. Just then the guard outside the window began sauntering towards the corner of the building and disappeared on the other side.

"Ok now, hurry, hurry." He helped Blossom over then took Buttercup as Butch vaulted out. Brick dropped Buttercup down to him and climbed out. "Now, run to the car, don't stop running!" He said as he began running off. He was really hoping Butch kept up with his workout and that this wouldn't be too hard for him. Of course he wouldn't go off too far in case he needs to switch, but what he had said was mostly directed at Blossom. He needed to keep her safe. He was kinda surprised by that 'needed' word, but he knew what it meant. He always knew what it meant. But now wasn't the time for that. He watched as Blossom sprinted to the safely of the car. Ha, she must've been so freaked out.

They reached the car in the abandoned parking lot in no time and placed Buttercup in.

"You ok there kid?" Butch asked, hovering over her body. She smiled weakly.

"Ya... and stop with the kid names, I'm no kid. I get boo boos all the time." She replied.

"Bubbles shot through her, she'll be fine if we bandage her up. No need for hospitals." Brick said, not wanting her wound on government records. No idea how to explain that either. Brick watched the building billow smoke and the flames eating slowly at the top floor. He sighed, "Smooth moves Boomer."

"Smooth moves." Boomer growled to himself, finding the re-sweep excessively hard due to the building coming down. He was noticing his squad was getting jumpy and nervous. He sighed. The agency was gonna have his ass for this. "Let's get out of here. Any stragglers would get killed by the fire, our shooters outside will catch those coming out the fray." They visibly brightened up and began going for the exit. He just hoped Bubbles will get out.

Bubbles' team was already on the bottom floor, finish with their re-sweep, but they did notice he excessive amount of smoke coming from upstairs.

"See, no one left, everyone outside is dead. We'll have the clean up crew come around. Come on, we're headed home." She stated. Then she pressed her communicator firmly to her ear and said clearly, "all personnel meet at headquarters." This was her cue to say she'd be coming back to the hotel room in about an hour. But even more so, to get out before getting caught with Buttercup.

Brick took that and got everyone in the car, Blossom in the front, and Butch in the back having Buttercup lay on his lap. They drove off at a high speed, with an empty road and the dark night to cover them. Eventually both Bubbles' and Boomer's teams left the building to burn to the ground.

Bubbles and Boomer came in bickering slightly again, but Bubbles shut up as soon as she saw Buttercup wrapped up in bandages but sitting up on the bed.

"Oh, are you ok?!" She asked, flying to her side. Buttercup nodded, blushing at her attentiveness. Well, she did just shoot her.

"I can't believe that worked." Bubbles said to no one in particular.

"Ya..." Butch said, shaking Buttercup. "And.. we lived! So cool! You guys have like, the best lives I never want to live!" Everyone snickered at Butch.

"What happened at your agency?" Brick asked Boomer.

"Ya, that was a pretty ballsy move you did setting the place on fire!" Butch commended.

"I got a real good spanking for doing that. They wanted some records and now all of them are kinda erased from their racing crimes. But at the same time if any of them even managed to live, they have to start from level zero." Boomer finished. "It was no big thing, I'll be fine."

"So... now what?" Buttercup asked. She had her life back, her sisters back and it was time for a little normalcy.

"Back to Townsville?" Blossom asked. She smiled sentimentally.


"Sounds nice." Bubbles continued. "I think I could take a short vacation from work."

"Road trip?" Boomer asked smiling.

"Road trip." Brick said.

Three beautiful cars sped down the road, the sunrise glistening off the finish. Other than those driving, everyone was asleep, except for Blossom. She noticed Brick kept giving her side glances.

"Ok, what is it?" She asked with a small smile. Brick also couldn't keep the smile from his lips. Maybe.. he just really liked to see Blossom's face? His little trooper.

"You did really good you know that? And you got everyone back together. Everyone." He said pointedly. She even managed to get him and his brothers back. He'll be forever grateful. This trip... had a lot of ups and downs but, she was there. the whole time. He was starting to think he liked it that way. "You know, I was wondering... if you want to go on a real road trip... with m... when we get back."

Blossom blushed at the implication, but this time didn't shy away from it. "Brick Jojo, are you asking me out on a date?"

He sent her a side smirk, full of all his charm. "Ya, I guess I am."

"Then yes." She sighed happily, leaning back happily on her chair to finally rest, knowing her sisters were coming home with her, and that she wouldn't be alone in her mundane everyday life anymore. Perfect.

YAY it's done! The ending ended how I wanted to, but as you can see, its still kinda dumb of an ending. I hope you enjoyed the finally chapter of Come Again To Me, it was a doozy! But now it's done, and the next one should come out soon.

As you can tell, its long, so if you see any dumb mistakes, let me know, I'll go in and fix it. Also, I'll be going back and reading it as a unit to make it more cohesive.

Thank you all who followed me and this story! Follow the next one! yay again!
