Title: Pick-up Lines
Synopsis: Tyki is the Noah of Pleasure; hence, it's only natural he is knowledgeable of such things as "pick-up lines", correct?
Rating: T - Well…only because Tyki pulled Lavi's face onto his crotch.
Theme: Humor…and I guess a bit of romance.
Disclaimer: Katsura Hoshino-Sensei owns D. Gray-man.
"Lavi~ did you take my watch again?" An ebony-haired man began, chin cradled between his palms as he stared up at the redhead.
The adolescent youth, in response, raised a visible eyebrow out of curiosity.
Swirling his spoon into his bowl of cereal, he leant his elbows against the countertop, before glancing back up at the older male.
"No. Why? Someone took it?" He inquired, slightly amused.
If he could pass his body through things freely, well, certainly it gave the chance that he'd subconsciously forget about his pocket watch and —
"— because every time I talk to you, it feels like hours fly by." He cooed, closing his eyes as he gave the Bookman-to-be a small grin.
The Usagi gave him a blank look.
"E-eh? What's up with that line? Are you sure you didn't catch a fever —" He began to stall, pressing the back of his hand against the Noah's worriedly.
Only to have him tug at his arms, thus making the redhead lean over the countertop as well, face planted in the ebony-haired man's lap. Had his vision of the redhead not been obscured, Tyki would have realized that his guess that he wore a crimson fluster was, in fact, fact.
"No, but I know what you can do to help me feel better."