Me: Hola! Wassup, Bitches! This is AutoKnight01 or "AK" as I like to be called coming to you from my home to give you the newest installment in my AutoKnight series.

Trevor: This is the one you've been waiting for?

Me: Trev, I promise you, this one will have more twists in it then a Twizzler stick.

Violet: Sounds like you have a lot planned for this one.

Tai: Well the last one left off with the humans getting on a ship and going to Cybertron.

Takamon: And I was left on Earth to watch over a kid.

Me: Exactly and now it's time to get into the sixth one.

For those of you who have no idea what this is, I'll explain it for you. This is my main fic series known as the AutoKnights. By now I'm sure you guessed that this is the sixth one. This is an all out crossover story and it includes characters from many worlds as you will see in the list below. Welcome to the series and I hope you enjoy it. I don't own any of the characters listed below except for a couple of them. I don't own anything related to Sonic the Hedgehog either. The games or the comics. That being said, let's get this thing rolling. If you haven't read any of the other one yet, I strongly suggest you do if you wanna have any clue what's going on.

PS: Despite what this story seems like, it takes places after the Metarex invasion on Mobius. It will all be clear soon.

(The AutoKnight Team; Thus Far)

The AutoKnights (In Chronological Order)

Trevor Jackson Bauer (My OC): Optimus Prime

Violet Parr (The Incredibles): Ironhide

Steve Smith (American Dad): Ratchet

Tai Kamiya (Digimon Adventure 02): Jetfire

TK Takaishi (Digimon Adventure 02): Bumblebee

Kari Kamiya (Digimon Adventure 02): Arcee

Phillip Fry (Futurama): Sideswipe

Takato Matsuki (Digimon Tamers): Jazz

Henry Wong (Digimon Tamers): Jolt

Rika Nonaka (Digimon Tamers): Chromia

Takamon (My Original Digimon): Blurr


Yuriko Shikibu (OC)

Hikaru Shikibu (OC)

Patamon (TK's Partner)

Gatomon (Kari's Partner)


Last time on The AutoKnights:

After the first six knights came back from the future with Fry, their seventh member, they wound up in Shinjuku Japan. Which also happened to be the world of the Digimon Tamers. During the first couple of days there, the knights ran into Blackout and Swindle and easily did them in using their teamwork and strategy. After that fight, the tamers met the AutoKnights in full and introduced themselves. Teletraan 1, using his new personality introduced himself as well. Over the next few days a lot of things happened. The knights were on the run from crazed fans, the story of the knights first dates were told, and three new Knights joined the war when Megatron and four other Decepticons came to find the rings. Those three new Knights were Takato, Henry and Rika. They became Jazz, Jolt, and Chromia. During that same fight, Megatron proposed a deal with Takamon, saying that if the Digimon joined the Decepticons, they would bring back his wife. Takamon was tempted, but he responded by throwing his staff into Megatron's fusion cannon. After that fight was over, the knights went back home only to find out that their main method of international transportation, the Space Bridge Network, was sabotaged by the Decepticons. A few days after that fight, Takato got into another fight with his Teacher's assistant named Miki Shikibu. She revealed herself to be not fully human, but part Cybertronian as well. Takato transformed to Jazz and even found time to admit his feelings of love to Rika. Just before Jazz was about to give Miki the final shot to end it all, two other Techno-Organics stopped him and Miki made her escape. Those other two were Yuriko and Hikaru, Miki's younger brother and sister. After the two of them explained their problems to the knights, they became part of team and new residents of the house. During that night, Trevor brought Steve into his room and Trevor told Steve that he thinks he's falling in love with Violet. Steve then said that he too was developing feelings for Yuriko. But they would work that out later. While everyone was sleeping that night, Trevor snuck out of the house and left his ring behind so no one could track him. He used Teletraan 1 to get his own passport and enough money to get him a round trip to his hometown of Fresno California. It was there he visited the graves of all of the members of his family. The others soon tracked him down and finally heard the true story of Trevor's dark past. But the moment was cut short as Megatron came to Earth again, this time with six new soldiers called the Constructicons. The Decepticons were very close to killing all of the AutoKnights, but just in the nic of time, Takamon gained his own AutoKnight power and became a speedy AutoKnight known as Blurr. Using his new speed, Blurr saved all of his new teammates. But Megatron was not done. The Constructicons then combined into the giant horrifying robot beast called Devastator. Optimus (Trevor) was discouraged and felt that there was no way to win. But thanks to a bit of assertiveness by Jetfire (Tai), Optimus was able to regain himself. Then an amazing event took place. Optimus and Jetfire somehow combined into the new Jetpower Prime. Using this incredible new and strong power, Jetpower Prime was able to rip Devastator apart and even give Megatron a taste of his own fusion cannon. Megatron retreated, and Jetpower Prime transformed down into Optimus and Jetfire again. As the fight ended, Miki was still on Earth and hellbent on killing one of the AutoKnights no matter who it was. Ratchet (Steve) was fed up with her speeches about embarrassment and gave her a blast from his EMP generator. Then another strange even happened. Wheeljack and Blaster came to Earth in person on their ship. But a few moments after they landed, Miki powered back up and tried to kill her sister by throwing a poison needle at her. Steve, not wanting anything bad to happen to Yuriko, pushed her out of the way and took the needle himself to his left shoulder. Satisfied enough, Miki took her leave. Steve was rushed aboard the ship and given immediate medical procedures which resulted in his left arm being taken and replaced with a mechanical one. Surprisingly, Steve didn't seem to mind and Wheeljack and Blaster, along with the recently introduced Dinobots, finally stated their intentions. They were under orders from Alpha Trion to bring them to Cybertron. But one of them had to stay behind to watch over a child that was only said to be vital to winning the war. Takamon was the one who volunteered to be left behind and watched as his friends flew away into space. Blurr is now running to Station Square with Teletraan 1 in hand. But what he doesn't know, is that this simple mission is about to turn into one of his greatest adventures.

The AutoKnights VI: Knights of Chaos

Chapter 1: A New Adventure Begins

(Thorndyke Mansion; July 25th 2009; 11:30 AM)

It was a beautiful morning in a lone huge house in the metropolis known as Station Square. In that house, a young boy by the name of Chris Thorndyke was happily enjoying his summer vacation by kicking back on his couch with his friends. His friends however, consisted of mainly anthropomorphic animals. Two rabbits, one mother and a child. There was also a blue floating fairly-like creature with a red bowtie. There was also a golden brown fox with two tails. And a pink hedgehog was also there. Also, an old man who was Chris's grandfather was relaxing on the couch watching TV.

"So when does school start back up for you, Chris?" The Smaller rabbit asked.

"In less than a month actually." Chris said. "Where did Sonic go anyway?"

"Where do you think?" the pink hedgehog asked. "He's out giving his legs a workout."

"I should have figured." Chris said.

Chris's grandfather Chuck, laughed a bit at Amy's remark.

"It's still hard for me to believe that all of you went on some space adventure with Chris when he was 18 years old. But he's not even 13 yet." Chuck said.

"We still don't know how we were able to come visit here again." Amy said.

"My guess is that when you traveled back to your own world six months ago, you somehow repaired the damage that was done to the space time link that connects both of our worlds." Chuck said. "And somehow, the future version of Chris went and visited you. That I'm still trying to figure out."

"Who cares?" Amy said. "All that matters is that we can visit you guys whenever we want now."

Chuck smiled and turned to look at Tails. The fox's look was not a happy one.

"Tails? Are you okay?" Chuck asked.

Tails looked up.

"Huh? Oh uh…yeah. I'm fine Chuck." Tails said softly.

Tails looked back down but everyone knew he wasn't alright.

"I don't understand it. Why is Tails so upset?" Chris asked.

"I'm still surprised you don't know about it. It's very personal for Tails though." Cream said.

"Chao!" Cheese said.

"It's okay you guys." Tails said.

Everyone looked at Tails.

"Well okay." Vanilla said. "During that whole space adventure, Sonic and the others here met someone who helped them out throughout the entire trip. Her name was Cosmo."

"She was a very good friend of ours." Cream said.

"But unfortunately she was the only one who wasn't able to make the trip back home with us." Amy said.

Chris and Chuck looked at each other.

"Why not?" Chuck asked.

"I can explain that." Another voice said.

Everyone looked at the entrance of the room to see Sonic the Hedgehog standing there.

"Hi, Sonic." Chuck said. "So explain."

Sonic walked forward.

"It was the final battle of that whole adventure. Me and Shadow had used the Chaos Emeralds to transform into Super Sonic and Super Shadow to fight the Metarex ruler, Dark Oak. But our efforts together weren't enough."

"So what did you do?" Chris asked.

"It's not what WE did. It's what Cosmo did." Sonic said. "She transformed her body entirely and was able to hold Dark Oak in place long enough for me and Shadow to make the final strike."

"How did she do that?" Chuck asked.

"She bonded herself to Dark Oak and immobilized him." Cream said.

"Then what happened?" Chris asked.

Every Mobian there looked down in sorrow. Tails was showing it the most.

"Tails built this cannon onboard his ship, you see. It was called the Sonic Power Cannon." Sonic said. How it worked was I got inside it, spun around, and then it shot me at whatever was in the way."

"You got shot out of a cannon?" Chuck asked.

"Yes." Sonic said. "Anyways, Cosmo begged for me to shoot myself at her so Dark Oak would be destroyed. But the problem with that was, she would be killed too."

Chris and Chuck were starting to understand now.

"So you did it?" Chris asked.

Sonic looked down sadly.

"Yes. Me and Shadow used our Super power combined and shot ourselves together." Sonic said. Cosmo made the bravest sacrifice and there is absolutely no way we will forget her."

"But I don't understand what this has to do Tails' depression." Chuck said.

"I loved her." Tails said.

Chuck looked at his partner in building.

"What?" he said.

"I said I loved her." Tails said. "Sonic and Shadow were the ones inside the cannon, but it was me who had to pull the trigger on it. I almost didn't do it. She promised that she would live with us on Mobius. For me to have to shoot her, it completely broke my heart." Tails voice began to crack up and tears swelled up in his eyes. "I loved her. I told her exactly that right before I fired the cannon. And now she's gone!" Tails started bawling.

Everyone was just staring at Tails with absolute sorrow and sadness. Tails was only eleven. He was way too young to experience heartbreak. Cream nudged herself closer to Tails and rubbed his back.

"Please don't cry, Tails." She said. "We all miss, Cosmo. She was like a sister to me."

"I know that." Tails said while still crying. "But you don't understand what it's like to be madly in love with someone and ten have her taken away from you so abruptly."

"It's true that I don't." Cream said. "I can't help there Tails But all of us want to help you in the best way we can."

"She's right, Tails." Sonic said. "You aren't the only one here who's in love with a girl he can't have. At least not anymore."

"You and Princess Sally were such a cute couple." Vanilla said. "It's a shame the two of you broke things off."

"The universe has a plan, Ms. Vanilla." Sonic said. "But it apparently can't control love."

"Or what's fair." Tails said.

"It's going to be okay, Tails." Sonic said.

As Sonic approached Tails, a beam of light shone in his eyes. He opened them with the light still in them and he could have sworn he saw a figure standing on the branch of a tree with the sunlight reflecting off of him. Sonic shut his eyes again and immediately opened them back up to find that there was nothing on the tree. He immediately zipped outside and looked around while everyone who was still inside was confused as to what he was doing. Ella and Mr. Tanaka were outside doing yard work together and were too confused as to what Sonic was doing. Mr. Tanaka walked in front of Sonic's path and the blue hedgehog stopped in front of him.

"Master Sonic, might I ask what you are doing?" the butler asked.

Sonic humphed. "I guess nothing, Tanaka. I just thought I saw something."

Sonic walked back inside and while he did, he didn't even notice a pair of blue eyes watching him from the roof of the manor. Sonic DID see something. He just didn't see it completely. There was someone on the roof. This figure was about 3 foot 7 and he sported a strange suit. The suit was a light blue color that also had a robe like cape on the back of it that flowed down. On the back of the robe, two lighter blue stripes went up it and they both had two lashes at the top that went outwards. On the left shoulder, there was a strange symbol. It was a strange red face that was colored in red. The face itself was inside a black knights shield with a silver border. Oh his hips were tow golden embroideries that looked like sports car wheels with three thick pointed spokes. There were four braces in total on his upper arms and thighs. All four of them were two inches thick. They were black with a one inch strip of silver around the center of them. That was the suit, but the figure wearing it was even more interesting. This guy was not human at all. He looked like some sort of robot, but he wasn't. He was full on organic, he just had metal skin. His eyes were already said to be blue. Like the rest of his body, his face and the rest of his head was covered in golden metal skin. Out of the back of his head, there were nine long thick lashes in total sticking out of it. There were three on each side and another three coming from the top. (Basically, this guy looks like a midget sized Takanuva from Bionicle. You don't like it? Sue me.) This creature was not human. He was a Digimon. A Digital Monster. He looked in his left hand and looked at the small device that he held. IT was about the size of a PDA with a screen that filled the whole thing. The screen was about double the size of a Nintendo DS screen. All over the back of it, there were strange hieroglyphs. The screen flickered on.

"Well Teletraan 1, I guess we got more then we bargained for when we agreed to do this." The Digimon said.

"You're an AutoKnight, Blurr." Teletraan said. "You should have known what you were getting into when you volunteered to stay behind."

"How the hell was I supposed to know that this kid lived with a bunch of walking talking animals?" Blurr said.

"What kind of animals?" Teletraan asked.

"Well from what I saw, there was a small rabbit with what appeared to be her mother, two hedgehogs, one of them being nearly as fast as me, and the pink one deeply in love with the blue one. Oh yeah, and a two tailed fox who has some love issues about a girl he supposedly killed." Blurr said.

"I looked them up. Apparently they're very popular in this city. All of them." Teletraan said.

"Who are they?" Blurr asked.

"The blue hedgehog is pretty much the most popular one. His name is Sonic the Hedgehog. I think you'll like this guy. He's best known for his ability of super speed and can break the sound barrier like you can." Teletraan said.

"Really?" Blurr said with a smirk. "Well getting to know him should be fun."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Blurr." Teletraan said. "You and me are here to do a job. So stay alert and try to stay out of sight."

"That's gonna be kind of hard when there are so many people living here." Blurr said. "Every window I looked into, there was someone there."

"So what are we going to do?" Teletraan said.

"We'll think of something. I'm an AutoKnight and you're the best Artificial Intelligence unit there is." Blurr said.

"Thank you." Teletraan said.

Blurr looked down at the roof of the house and smirked again.

"But I'll tell you this, Teletraan. When this Sonic and I finally DO meet, he's gonna hate me." Blurr said.

Me: Well there's the first prologue chapter.

Sonic: Why do they all have to be short?

Me: It's just how it is, Sonic.

Takamon: Hey Sonic! Good to see ya!

Sonic: Hey, Takamon. I haven't seen you since, I Saw Knuckles Kissin' Rouge the Bat.

Takamon: For those of you who don't know, that's another one of AK's stories.

Me: Check it out if you want to. But for now, I have to work on Chapter seven of, Of Chao and Hedgehogs. I'm late for that. But welcome to the series and for mare information, if you don't have enough, read the first five and you will understand what's going on. Chapter two will be up soon. Until then, peace bitches.