
Disclaimer: I do not own the Newsies.

A few days later I decided to go and find George. I had beaten up Ernie pretty good that night so we were ok now, but I had to see how the girl was doing. I would have done it earlier, but that thing that Melzer had said about me being sweet on George really annoyed me, and I didn't want to further that rumor. I decided that I would pretend to be in the neighborhood and decide to stop by and see if Jack had gotten a job yet. Even though he didn't live at the boys home anymore, he still hung out there a lot. I was sure that George had spent that first night at the Newsboys home, but I wondered where she was now. Maybe Medda was letting her live in the theater? Or Race had found her somewhere cheap in Manhattan? I was almost to the boys home when I saw Crutchy sitting on some steps, massaging his leg.

"Hey Crutchy, whats going on?" I asked shaking hands.

He looked up at me with that big, goofy grin and beamed. Crutchy always was able to make you feel special; he was just always so damn happy to see you!

"Heys there, Spot! Doing pretty well, my legs aching a bit but nothing too bad. Sold 50 papes today, my own personal record!"

"Glad to hear it, Crutchy. So listen, have you seen Racetrack around? I need to ask him something." I said, lighting a cigar.

"Oh, he'll be at the home with George. Between the two of them, they sold 120 papes today! Man, that girl is a natural!"

"So wait, George is staying at the boys home?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"Yes Sir'e! Kloppman say's she can stay as long as we behave ourselves and she carries the banner. She's wonderful, Spot! You should meet her! She's smart, great at poker, and my goodness she's funny!"

I smirked as Crutchy hooted with laughter; he sure was a character.

"Sounds like my kind of girl." I said, adjusting my hat. "I'm going in to investigate. I'll talk to you later."

To tell you the truth, I was surprised Kloppman let her stay, I mean it was a boys home. But at least she had found a place to stay. I walked up the front steps and said hello so a few guys, then went inside. I went to the common room and found a poker game going on between Mush, Kid Blink, Skittery, Race, and George. A few guys we're watching, and I caught sight of Jack. He saw me and waved, then his eyes went back to the game. I made my way around a few guys then stood next to Jack, and handed him my cigar.

"What's going on Jackie boy?"

"Stakes are pretty high:" he said putting my cigar in his mouth. " two cigarette, a Cuban cigar, two nickels, three dimes, and a cats eye marble. I'm betting on George." I glanced at her and smiled despite myself; she was smoking a cigar and looked adorible as she chewed on the end, thinking.

"Crutchy says she's living here now." I said to Jack as we watched.

"Yeah, she is. They guys really like her and she's not a bad Newsie either. She sells papes in the morning then goes to Medda's in the afternoon. She's got today off." He paused then looked at me. "Did you figure out who told her landlord?"

I nodded. "It was Ernie."

"Thought so. I'm guessing that's where you got those bruises."

I smirked, touching my tender face. "Yeah, his left hook is nasty!"

George peered at the guys through her bangs and smiled; this game was getting pretty good. Jack said that they had played a few rounds before and George had only lost twice to Kid Blink; he was pretty good at poker from what I remembered.

"I got nothing." Skittery said, annoyed as he threw down his cards.

Mush beamed, putting down three 10's while Race ended up with nothing too. Kid Blink smirked as he placed down a Flush in hearts.

"I got you this time, George!" he said leaning back in his chair.

She blew out a smoke ring and looked at her cards.

"Sorry Blink, not this time." She placed a Full House onto the table and grinned while everyone else moaned.

"Your killing me, Smalls!" Blink exclaimed. "Never thought I'd be beat'en this bad by a girl!"

"You have to be cheating!" Skittery said getting up. "This is ridiculous!"

"Aw, put a lid on it!" Race said waving him off. "She can help that she's so good!"

She laughed as she pulled her prize towards her. "Yeah well, my poker face is pretty wicked. Another game, boys?"

"I'll play!" I said from the back. I pulled up a chair and raised an eyebrow at her "Unless your scared."

"I'm never scared." She answered, throwing me her cards. "How come whenever I see you, you look like you've been hit by a train?."

"Maybe I was." I said shuffling the cards. "Would you feel bad if I did?"

She smirked. "No, not at all."

"Ouch! Play nice!"

"She's never nice." Skittery said from behind me, in a foul mood.

She chuckled as I watched her, her laugh was adorable. I wanted to hear more.

"So who told my landlord?" She asked as I placed a cigarette in the middle.

"Ernie. He was still upset with you stealing from his guys."

"So sensitive."

"Well, I hope you beat him good!" Race said, angry. "She's hasn't been a problem in over a month! I don't know why he chose to do it now."

She giggled. "It's amusing that I caused that much of a commotion! Was I that much of a problem, Race?"

"Your still a problem, Doll!" Race answered, slinging an arm around her shoulder. Again, he was touching her and it annoyed me.

"She's a problem to solve, that's for sure." I said smirking, trying to play it cool.

She looked uncomfortable again, just like at the races. She looked back at her cards and tried to ignore me.

After a few games the pot got big again, it was between me and Spot now.

"You know what I want to know?" I said looking at Spot. "What's up with this bad boy façade you insist on portraying?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, leaning in and putting his arms on the table. "I am a bad boy."

"See, I don't think so." I said waging my finger. "At least not completely. A bad boy wouldn't tell his buddies not to tell the police that I stole their cash or out that I was a girl to my landlord. And he wouldn't go beat up the guy who told."

"Who say's I beat him up? Maybe I fell down the stairs."

"I would have liked to have seen that."

He thought for a moment then got a wicked smile. "How about we make this game a little more interessting?"

I groaned. "I knew it was only a matter of time until someone would suggest strip poker!"

He laughed and shrugged. "Ok, well since that's out of the question, how about whoever wins gets the pot and gets the other person to do whatever he wants."

"You mean she." I answered, smiling at my cards.

"Deal then?"

I thought for a moment, "Deal." We shook. By now the entire house was watching our game. Race was busy putting down bets and he put all of his money on me.

"Come on, Doll!" he said rubbing my shoulders. "You got this! Win it for me, ok?"

I laughed. "I got this, Race! Don't you worry." I looked back at Spot. "So what are you going to make me do if you win?" I asked, curious.

"Something that will completely kill you!" he said grinning.


"Your going to have to kiss me."

A roar of hoots and laughter came from the crowd of boys watching; I rolled my eyes.

"I guess you really wanted that kiss the other day at the docks, huh Conlon?"

He smirked. "Maybe a little."

"Correct me if I am right," I started, knowing I was. "But I do believe you said that you would never be with a trashy brat like me. What? Are you changing your mind?"

"A kiss is just a kiss to me. But I know you'd hate to have to kiss the one guy you hate more then anyone."

"Don't flatter yourself." I answered, annoyed. "There are plenty of people I hate more then you!"

"I'm disappointed."

"Alright Conlon, what you got?"

He slammed down a straight flush, clubs, ten through six. It was pretty nice, I had to admit. But not good enough.

"Straight, spades, Queen through eight." A roar of voices rang up; some in triumph and some in defeat. As everyone started handing each other whatever they had bet, Race ran up and me and kissed my cheek. "Your an angel, George!"

"I aim to please."

Spot grinned good naturally and sighed. "Well, looks like I don't get my kiss, huh?"

"Nope, thank God!"

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"It means I wouldn't kiss you if you were last boy on this planet!"

Everyone laughed and Spot smirked. "We'll see about that."

"So what you gonna make him do?" Mush asked in his excited tone.

"Make him give you half his kingdom!" Race said laughing.

"Or his cane for keeps!" Boots added.

Spot leaned back in his chair, ready for anything "Whats it gonna be?"

I thought for a moment, and shrugged. "I don't know what to make you do...I think I'll keep it for later."

"Greeeaat," Spot said getting up. "Those always back fire on me."

"I think I'm done guys." I said, also getting up from my chair. "I'm tired of taking advantage of you!"

"Who wants to play Go Fish?" Race yelled.

I walked with Spot to the door and we went outside, then sat down on the front stoop. It was twilight, and the stars were just starting to show. I rubbed my arms, it was a little chilly outside.

"Seriously, Spot; thank you for going to see Ernie for me. I really appreciate it." I said, feeling that I had to thank him.

He smiled. "No problem, he was ticking me off a lot lately anyway."

I smiled back but quickly looked away; those ice blue eyes seemed to look right through me.

"Well, I better get going." he said getting up. "I had fun tonight, George. And I really would like to be friends, if you'd want to be."

I looked at him funny. "Ok, sure. We can be friends."

"Good." He smiled, then started down the street whistling to himself.

I went back inside and Race found me, looking concerned.

"You ok, Doll?"

"Yeah, Of course!" I answered as we started up the stairs towards our room. "Spot just makes me feel weird. Like sometimes he acts like such an ass, but then other times he can be kind of sweet. It's exhausting!"

"Listen George," he started, stopping me in the hallway. "Spot's a big player and he's been known to break a couple hearts. I just don't want you falling in love with him or anything."

I laughed. "You don't have to worry about that, Race. He's way too much of a jerk for me to be with. Besides, to be honest I don't really think love exists between men and women."

Race's face fell. "Why do you think that?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. I guess I've always thought it; I mean I did live with my Dad!"

Race looked really hurt. "Race, whats wrong?" I asked, concerned.

He leaned against the door and starred at the ceilings. "You said you don't believe in love between men and women...well what about me? Don't you love me? I love you..."

I grinned and pulled him into a hug. "Aw Race! Of course I love you! I love you more then anyone in the whole world! Your my best friend!"

"So does that mean I've proven you wrong?" he mumbled.

I rolled me eyes, smirking. "Yeah, you have."

"Say it."

"You've proven me wrong, love does exist between men and women."

"Good!" he said happily then walked into the other room. "I call the bath first!"

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