Chapter two – Wolfpack

"So where's this beach you promised?" I asked jokingly, we were sat outside the tent; Jake was sat on a lounger he had bought and I was sat on the drink cooler. He looked at me, "I didn't promise did I?" He cocked his eyebrow taking a swig of his drink.

"Yes you did" I reminded him "As good as." I said standing up to throw more wood onto the fire infrount of us. It was getting dark now, it was midafternoon when we had arrived and now it was just past twilight. The little hooting owls in the trees were coming to life ever so quietly, the moon shone full on us an I began to feel my arms weighing me down. After unpacking and collecting wood (granted Jake did carry it all) I was still really tired.

Jake's warm hand on my arm was a touch I still wasn't used to. "Hey, the woods fine. There is plenty for the next few hours" he said pulling me towards him and onto his lounger. "Ah, are you cold?" He said running his hands over my tingling skin. "Or do you want to go get more firewood, that was fun" He laughed bringing a smile to my face. It had been quite funny. First I tripped over a log and Jake commented on how I was "just like my mother" then I stood up to realise a sharp stinging sensation in my leg where I had managed to land in some poisonous herb, Jake went out to find some antidote.. he swore the anidote was sure to be growing somewhere nearby. Then he stumbled and in the shock of it all he phased mid flight before landing in a thick overgrown pond, I laughed so hard. He looked like a drowned fox. So we ended up coming back with the most pathetic little pile of wood compared to Sam Uleys stack, Jake was still in his wet wolf form because he had somehow lost his pants and I was hobbling from poison burn. Emily had managed to get me fixed up but the skin was still patchy and broken.

"I can't believe you managed to get hurt on your first day, I though you were suppose to be your fathers graceful daughter?" Jake had said, truth was because my mother had given birth to me whilst human I was alot more like her human self than her vampire being.

"I'll pass on getting more firewood" I said eventually cracking up in fits of giggles.

"You sure?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling my neck with his chin.

Jake heard Jared approaching before I did. "HEY – Jake, Emily brought some marshmallows and your dad's going to tell a tribe tale, you coming over?" He ran at superhuman speed over. "Oh hey, Ness" He said smiling at me.

I nodded polietly, it was all I could do before Jake was talking, "Another one? How many does that man have locked up in there?" He said lifting me from him, "Lets go" He said grabbing my hand and bringing me with him.

The fire outside Billy's tent was the biggest on camp and there were sixty or so people sat in a crowd around him, Jake and I sat towards the back and leaned against a giant rock that seemed almost too conveniently placed. Billy was talking about "Back in the day" when his grandparents were alive and how they fought off the Vampires because of their Bravery, he talked about fall outs within the pack, sacrifices and the people who influenced and kept them going.

"You keep me going you know" Jake whispered, he had his arm wrapped around my waist and my hand fell into his perfectly. I looked up but didn't meet his eye, he was looking at my hand. "Its great how everybody here excepts you as well as they except me" He said, I felt like objecting. Of course they didn't, they liked me sure but they LOVED Jake. They looked up to him, especially the younger ones. All I could do was nodd. "Back when my ansestors were around anything like this," He clenched my hand. "Anything like us." He corrected "Would of meant me being exiled." He looked away "Left to be torn limb from limb by bloodsuckers." He said. I flinched I didn't want to think about that, think about Jake being hurt by someone like me or my family. "I wouldn't care." He said it as though he had thought it a million times, "If I couldn't be with you, I wouldn't want to live anymore."

I gasped lightly and looked up to him. "Jake, you can't say anything like that." I told him. Clenching his hand this time. "You can't hurt yourself, not like that. You'de hate it." I said trying to catch his eye.

"I can't exactly jump off a cliff Ness." He rolled his eyes. "It wouldn't work. That would be the only way." He told me. I hated it, I hated the atmosphere. I wanted out.

"Jake please, stop thinking about it" I pleaded. "Don't think about it." I just kept getting these images in my head. Images of my family ripping Jake to pieces like the Volturi had tried to all those years ago.

He looked me right in the eye, "Then promise me Nessie." He said, "Promise me you'll be part of my wolfpack forever." He looked down for a second to my hand then caught my eye again. "Forever?" he said. I knew what he meant. I knew exactly what me meant even though it was unspoken. He wanted to marry me. It was always presumed for me, to marry Jake when I was older. But I wasn't old yet. I wasn't ready. Shut up, I almost said aloud. Of course your ready. Jake cares about you like alot like no other guy could possibly imagine. Your so lucky, just embrace it. I shut my eyes. "I promise." I said aloud.

(Just so you know this was pretty hard to write on the spot but I felt the need to update today so I hope it wasn't too shabby. I wrote it in about an hour also, so excuse any stupid mistakes this was sort of suppose to just be a mushy for reading anyway, review? vvv)