An Unusual Request

My heart was racing like I was about to die when we all met in the living room to greet the remaining Weasleys. Yeah, I said that I liked them, which is true, I genuinely enjoy them and had never had a problem with any of them except Ron; but still, I'd never spent any time outside of the ministry with them and if I had it was very limited.

I wasn't worried about my interaction with them, I was worried about their reaction to the idea of me being involved with Hermione. Did I think that they would be completely unreasonable about it? No. Did I think that they would be relatively surprised about it? Abso-fucking-lutely!

Molly and Arthur were the first to arrive, then George and Hannah, followed by Bill and Fluer and their daughter Victoire, and the rear was brought up by Charlie and a dazzling woman that I did not recognize at that moment. The Greetings to Ginny and Hermione were made, and then they fell silent when they came to me...all but Hannah and George whom I was very fond of anyway.

"Teddy Nott I had no idea you'd be attending tonight mate!" George laughed as he practically yanked my arm out of socket with him hand shake. "You all know Ted here, he's been a great help in Mysteries and I can't tell you what a good guy he is," He continued as he pushed the family to warm up to me.

Hannah of course hugged me to the point of suffocation, "You'll be just fine Ted," She whispered to me before finally releasing me.

Hermione stepped in and grabbed my hand, "you know, Teddy has told me how fond of you all he is... He said he's felt very privileged to know you, and would be very happy to deepen the acquaintance.." She was more nervous than I was based off the glowing red cheeks and look of terror she was trying to hide.

"Arthur Weasley, Ted we've met before, glad to see you again my boy!" Mr. Weasley finally interrupted taking my hand and shaking it vigorously. It was then that I knew where George got his firm hand shake from; however Mr. Weasley had a less aggressive hand shake. "And this here is my wife Molly,"

"It's a pleasure to meet the young man that has my youngest son in an uproar," Mrs. Weasley chuckled politely.

"It's fantastic to finally meet you Mrs. Weasley. Hermione's told me all the stories about how you were a second mother to her. And sorry about the misunderstanding between Ron and I..." I greeted her.

"Oh, don't you worry about him my boy! I'm very well aware of my son's temper and tendency to over-react over silly things." She cut me off and gave me a bone crushing hug, I was going to be black and blue by the end of the night, or have a dislocated shoulder...or both!

"Bill Weasley, and this is my wife Fluer, and our daughter Victoire. Good to see you again Ted. Nice to see you out of the office for once. How long have you been in that hole of mysteries?" He asked as we shook hand and Fluer kissed both my cheeks.

"Oh, a little over a year now. I've had more free time in the week that Hermione's been in the department than I've had since I transferred to that place." I laughed.

"That's what we've been hearing." Bill chuckled.

"He over exaggerates," Hermione said placing her hand on my shoulder. "Charlie, who is this stunning young woman that you've brought along with you?"

"This is Giselle Graham," Charlie blushed slightly as he introduced her.

"Nice to meet you." Hermione said.

"Giselle Graham, aren't you a distant relative of the Zabini clan?" I inquired realizing at that moment that if I was right in my assumption I knew this girl through Blaise.

"Third cousins or something like that. I've only met them once. I thought I recognized you from somewhere, you are Blaise's friend yes?" She asked me.

"Yes, we are still very good friends. Good to see you again," I remarked and turned my attentions back to Hermione and the rest of the Weasleys.

"Where are my grandsons?" Mrs. Weasley demanded to Ginny as she went on the hunt to find them.

"In James' room Mum with Ron and Harry. Everyone's welcome to come sit down at the table when ever you're ready, and help your self to some wine." Ginny commented as she went into the dining room. Hermione and I followed close behind her.

"I noticed Percy hasn't come yet," Hermione mentioned to Ginny as she and I helped her prepare the table for everyone.

"Oh, Percy, Percy, Percy Bloody Weasley...Don't even get me started on that man! If it isn't work it's his girlfriend, mind you he's been dating for five months and hasn't brought her home to meet the family yet!" Molly announced as she entered the dining room carrying James.

I laughed for a moment and tried very hard to hide it. And that was when I realized that I knew why he hadn't brought her home to meet the family. I hadn't thought of it before but I remembered it at that moment. A couple months before I had gone into the Administrative Office to have lunch with Millicent a few others from the department. I opened the door to the department and there he was...Percy Weasley, sitting on Pansy Parkinson's desk, wooing her with a bouquet of flowers.

I tapped Hermione on the shoulder. She glanced back at my and I leaned into her. "I know why Percy isn't here," I whispered.

She shot me a look that told me we should excuse ourselves from tempted ears so that I could spill the information to her, or I better announce it to the entire crowd. I pulled her toward the end of the table so that I had my back to Mrs. Weasley and Ginny whom had gone on a rant about the absence of Percy together.

"So, spill the beans," She hissed.

"A couple months ago I was going to have lunch with the administrators of the ministry, and I caught Percy sitting on Pansy's desk as he presented her with a rather expensive bunch of flowers. And the way the two of them were making eyes at each other; this wasn't for her because she's such a hard working employee." I chuckled at her as I watched her mouth gape open.

"No," She gasped, placing her hand over her lips that were turning upward into a surprised yet entertained smile.

"Yes," I confirmed nodding my head to support the information I had gathered with my own eyes.

"He's still bloody here? I thought you would have thrown that sodding piss-pot out of here ages ago," We heard Ron practically shout as he entered the dinning room followed by his other family members.

"Ronald Weasley!" Molly barked at him as she soothed James who had was crying from being startled by the racket his Uncle was making. "I will not tolerate you treating a guest of your sister's in such a rude manner! Especially after you behavior towards poor Hermione! The girl deserves a chance at happiness, she doesn't deserve to have you try to ruin every opportunity for her."

I have to hand it to that woman, when something needs to be said to someone, she is definitely the one to say it! Fearless yet terrifying is a good way to describe her, but she's a fabulous woman nonetheless. Her scolding shut Ron right up and the man didn't even have the courage to try to look in my direction let alone talk to me at all.

"Well, shall we?" Harry asked breaking the tension as he help Teddy into his booster seat and Ginny levitated the fabulous looking meal to the table.

Everyone sat down and began to pass the food around, chatting lightly about work and such. "So Hermione, how are you liking the department of Mysteries so far?" Hannah asked.

"I will say it's nothing like I thought it would be." She smirked glancing secretively at me.

This girl was going to be the death of me one day, and if it wasn't from getting me involved in physical altercations with Ron Weasley, then it would be from pure shock or embarrassment of what she said about me or what she did to me! Don't get me wrong, I'm no prude by any means, but I have never seen a discreet look that made me feel like a piece of meat, more than the one that Hermione had just given to me.

It wasn't helping now that the entire table was interested in what she had to say, and I'm certain that the only ones that missed it were the kids because they're too young to understand. Hannah was trying to stifle her giggles and George's face was red from his wine going down the wrong tube when he saw the look Hermione was giving me.

"Never imagined it could be that good did you?" Ginny asked which sent Harry and Ron into coughing fits, as well as a giggle from Giselle.

"Ginerva Potter! Well I never in my life had such a conversation over dinner in front of guests!" Molly huffed.

"Oh come off it Mum we're all adults here." George protested on him sister's behalf. "Besides, it's good to see Hermione happy and not moping. Well done Nott!" He raised his wine glass to me and Ginny, Bill and Fluer, and Arthur followed suit.

"I don't think that's quite necessary," I replied modestly.

"Of course it is Ted!" Ginny smiled in a warning tone telling me to drop my protest since their praises were making Ron squirm and she was enjoying every second of it.

Dinner was slow and very painful for me. If it wasn't talking about how much of a catch I was for Hermione, then it was about Percy and his mysterious girlfriend. Neither of which I could comment on without bringing more attention to myself than I though was necessary at the time. Besides, wasn't the whole point of this dinner for Hermione to catch up with her second family, and for me to get to know them better? Obviously I was missing something out of this whole plot for me to join the dinner party, and the fact that Ginny and Hermione kept throwing each other secret smiles wasn't making me feel any better about it.

By the time we had gotten through the first course I had helped myself to three glasses of wine. Hermione was noticing that the wine bottles that were going around were beginning to congeal on our half of the dinner table that house Hermione, myself, Charlie, George, and Hannah. It was at that point that Molly had to bring up her beloved son Percy once more, and that was when Hermione had to say something. My tongue was just loose enough at that point to starting talking.

"Teddy, sweetheart, didn't you say something about seeing Percy with his girlfriend?" Hermione smiled sweetly at me.

I loved that smile, and I'd say just about anything to see it. I was astonished at how quickly she had figured me out. Although I suppose it could have been the fact that I had told her earlier in the week that my tolerance for wine isn't nearly as high as it is for hard liquor. It was at that point that I knew she had been monitoring my intake of booze just to spring this on me. Damn her cleverness!

Well at this point there was no looking back. They would find out sooner or later, and at least I wouldn't be on the other end of the wrath of Molly Weasley, which believe you me, is more terrifying than that of the Dark lord. I waited for the table to quiet down, although I'm not sure what I was waiting for since it was dead silence as soon as my Darling had opened her mouth.

I took a deep gulp of my liquid courage, "I never said that I was certain, but I have a hunch that Percy is dating Pansy Parkinson." I announce boldly and then drained the rest of my wine.

Dead silence, no one knew what to say...except the 'Brightest Witch of Our Age'. "Tell them what you saw Ted..." she urged me on nudging me.

So I did. I told them the entire story I had relayed to Hermione earlier that evening. Everyone sat and listened intently as I told them of the heavy flirting that was going on. It actually seemed to lighten everyone's mood. And by the end of dinner, the conversation had drifted from Percy and myself to work, and how the family was doing and such.

At ten o'clock Ginny excused herself to put her boys to bed while everyone mingled slightly. Ron was in deep conversation with Charlie and Giselle over the Chuddley Cannon's strategy this year, Hermione was talking to Bill and George while Arthur, Molly, Hannah and Fluer were conversing. Which left Harry and I to ourselves.

"Harry, thank you for allowing me to accompany Hermione and crash you and your wife's dinner party." I said shaking his hand cordially.

"Ted, no need for thanks. It really wasn't a problem, besides, it seems you were the favorite topic of conversation anyway. We've enjoyed your company before, it's just a little different now that you and Hermione are together." He admitted.

"About Hermione and I...I wanted to make sure that it wasn't a problem for you. What I mean to say is that I hope that our relationship doesn't bother you." I commented.

"No, not at all. I haven't seen her this happy since we went back to Hogwarts for our seventh year. Ron never made her as happy as you have. Not even when they first got together. I guess that was a sign it was never meant to be in the first place." He sighed.

"Then it's alright with you if I sweep your best friends off her feet?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Of course mate." He answered.

"I have to tell you this Harry, and I feel quite ridiculous with even considering the notion. It hasn't been nearly long enough for me to know if it's right, but I know I love that girl. I'm aware that it's too soon to ask her, but when the time comes, will you be alright with me marrying her?" I wondered. I knew it wasn't the booze talking, I knew that this was something that was coming straight from my heart.

I was sure at that point that I had known from the very first kiss that Hermione Granger was the women I was destined to make my wife. I was never a big believer in fate until that moment, and just seeing her glow as she talked to the others, with that big smile on her face convinced me.

Harry was silent for a few moments before he responded. "Ted, no one but you and Hermione can decide when the time is right to get hitched, but I will tell you one thing. If you two make each other as happy as you both are right now, for the long haul; I'm behind you one hundred percent."

I don't know when it happened, but at some point during the conversation, Ron had slunk about and was within ear shot of the conversation that I was having with Harry. It wasn't that I really minded that fact that he over heard us, it was that as usual, he had to make a big ass bloody scene over it.

He immediately went over to where Hermione was and got down on his knees in front of her. He took her hands and said something to her that was completely inaudible. Hermione's reaction was her classic look of horror and disgust. "What on earth are you thinking Ronald?" She demanded as she snatched her hands away from him.

"What? I'm a right sight better than that sodding piss pot! I have always love you Hermione, and this bloke thinks after being with you for a week that he would make a better husband to you than me!" Ron protested.

Bloody fucking hell! That dunder headed, blubbering moron probably ruined my chances at happiness forever! I put my hands on my forehead, shielding my eyes from the death glares I was certain everyone else in the household was shooting at me. Damn you Fate! Why do you have to be so bloody evil when I just start to have faith in you are your powers of influence?

"Ronald, I don't care if you think you're the most fabulous man on the face of this planet, I will never marry you! To be perfectly honest, I'd rather marry Ted after knowing him for a week, than marry you after knowing you for thirteen year and dating you for five of those years!" Hermione claimed throwing her hands up in the air, completely finished with his games.

I was sure my heart stopped as soon as I heard her answer fall from her lips. I don't know what came over us, but it was as if we instantly had the same idea. We quickly said our good-byes and apparated back to Hermione's apartment.