Hey everyone! Here's my new story! Please R&R! Enjoy!

*Disclaimer: All characters are from Twilight. The plot is mine.


The first time I saw him, he caught my eye. Not because he was gorgeous, which he obviously was, but because of how he was acting. He was acting just like everybody else on the show who thought that they stood a chance, but it was more cocky, like he knew that he would win. It annoyed me, a lot. It annoyed my best friend, Tanya, too. She took one look at him and instantly placed him in the "Hot but Not" category, meaning that she would not mess with him because of his attitude.

Tanya and I were the hosts of Britain's Got Talent. It had been a huge break for us in our careers. I had always wanted to be a newscaster for entertainment, so when they had offered me the job to host, I jumped on it. I knew that it would give me a foot in the door when it came to gaining a job as an entertainment specialist. Tanya had come along for the ride when I told her about it. She also wanted to be an entertainment specialist, but only so that she could get close enough to the men in the industry. She was a slut, but I'd never tell her that to her face. If she could get close enough to a guy from any circle, her looks would do the rest. I couldn't even count how many guys she had been with during the last month. It was bad.

Anyways, the first time I saw him, he had shown up at the auditions. He exuded confidence, and he was telling everyone he saw how he was going to win. He should have been nervous, but he didn't show it if he was. His bronze hair was in perfect disarray. He was built, but not bulky, and he was every female's dream guy. His emerald eyes had closed on me, and as he had headed toward me, I had turned around and walked off. I had not wanted to talk to him, but after about ten minutes of closing myself in the ladies room, I went back out to interview him, knowing that I had to talk to someone and that he wouldn't leave me alone until I talked to him. Sure enough, as soon as I walked out of the bathroom, he headed at a casual walk towards me. Tanya, who had been waiting outside for me, caught the attention of the camera crew, knowing instantly what I was thinking.

He kept walking towards us, a smile spreading across his face. I internally rolled my eyes at his attitude. This is going to be a long interview, I thought. I smiled, putting on my interview face, and walked towards him. "Hi, how are you doing today?" I asked him.

His smile got bigger, showing perfect teeth. "I'm doing great today, thanks for asking. Just ready to get this audition over and move on to bigger and better things, like winning this entire thing." He smiled again, directly at me.

I kept my smile up against my will. "It's good to see that you have such confidence in your abilities. What will you be doing . . ." I stopped, realizing that I didn't know his name.

"Edward. Edward Mason. It's nice to meet you." He held out his hand, and, after a moment's hesitation that I was sure he didn't notice, I took it.

"It's nice to meet you as well, Edward. So, what will you be doing for your audition?" I asked, getting us back on topic.

"I will be singing 'Californication' by Red Hot Chili Peppers." His smile faltered for a minute, and some nerves almost came through his smile, but before I could really focus on that, his smile was back in place.

I smiled, my initial thoughts of him starting to change. Who sings alternative at an audition anyways? "Ahh, something different, yes?" Tanya asked. "Most everyone auditions on a country song when they sing." She smiled her dazzling smile that got all the men.

Without doubt, it worked on Edward. "Yes. I want to stand out from the rest. If I sing Something Country," he smiled at his allusion, "I would be just like everyone else."

Tanya, ever quick to pick up the humor in a situation, started laughing. Edward looked at her with a small smile, a puzzled look in his eyes. Once Tanya gained control of herself, she looked up at Edward. "That was funny. I love the allusion to Brooks and Dunn. They are one of my favorite bands!"

I made sure that the camera was facing away from me when I rolled my eyes. Tanya couldn't stand country music. She loathed it with a passion. Edward, unfortunately, caught my eye roll and gave me a puzzled look before putting the puzzle together and looking at Tanya with a look that one reserves for people who are generally classified as crazy. I smiled, stifling my giggle.

"Well, Edward, it's been nice talking to you, and we wish you the best of luck in your audition." I smiled at him, realizing that while his attitude was crap, I could probably become friends with this guy given the chance. I also knew that the chance would probably never come. After all, the judges wouldn't let anyone in who sang alternative. I hadn't met a single person who could sing alternative music worth a damn.

"Thank you so much," Edward said, smiling at me great big while ignoring Tanya. I sighed, knowing I'd hear about it as soon as Edward was out of hearing range.

"Edward Mason, your audition is in five minutes. Edward Mason, five minutes," a voice said over the PA system. I watched Edward turn around toward us and head toward the bathroom before his audition.

"Good luck," I whispered, knowing that he wouldn't hear me, but feeling a need to say it anyways.

As soon as the bathroom door closed, Tanya turned to me. "Bella, we need to talk, now. Let's go outside and get a bit of fresh air." She turned towards the door and started walking. I sighed and followed her. The camera men would stay and get film of the other auditionees.

The minute we were outside, Tanya instantly started talking. "What the hell was that about, Bella? I mean, he totally ignored me while smiling at you. You said you didn't even like him! What were you thinking?" she screamed at me.

I blinked, taken aback by her tone. "What was I thinking? I was thinking, Tanya, that I had to interview someone and he wasn't going to leave us alone until I did. So I interviewed him. Why he ignored you instead of me, I have no idea. All I do know is that you told me he was a "Hot but Not," so I don't know why you are making a big deal out of this situation. Get over it. He probably won't even make it into the running. He's singing alternative, for crying out loud! Alternative! The judges have never let anyone in who sings alternative for their audition." By the time I had finished my rant, I was out of breath. I hadn't taken a single one because I was so angry with Tanya. I took a deep breath in order to be able to properly breath again, then turned around and headed back inside. I walked in just in time to see Edward going into his audition.

"Bella, don't you walk away from me!" Tanya told me as she came up behind me. "That was uncalled for, and while you were probably right about me not needing to make a big deal out of this situation, you were very rude about it. I don't like it." Tanya was pouting when I turned to look at her.

I sighed. I didn't want to lose my best friend over something stupid. "Tanya, I'm sorry for being rude. I didn't like the way that you accused me of something that I had no control over. I kinda flipped out. I am sorry, but at the time, there was no nice way to put it."

Tanya smiled at me. "I forgive you. Let's not let it happen again?" she asked me.

I smiled back at her. "Never again," I agreed.

We went around, interviewing some more, and we had a great time. After a couple of minutes, I heard loud cheering coming from the audition room doors. I turned in the middle of an interview to see what was going on. Edward was dancing his way out of the room, yellow slip of paper in hand. I gasped. He had made it into the show. He had auditioned on alternative music and made it into the show. Tanya looked at me, her disbelief evident on her face, as I was sure that mine was. Edward saw us and sprinted over.

"I made it in! I'm going to win this thing!" he practically shouted out. "I've made it!" He jumped up and down, then ran around giving hugs and high fives to anyone who would take them. I smiled, knowing that this would be an interesting season with Edward Mason.