Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Chapter 8

When dawn broke that Saturday morning, Deidara was sitting in the corner of the kitchen at the inn and rocking back and forth, biting his nails nervously. He couldn't go back to the inn, Pein would know something was up. Pein would kill him. Pein would shinra tensei the shit out of him. Pein would cause him some extreme pain.

How was he ever going to get himself out of this one?

He wracked his brains for ten minutes but couldn't think of anything. There was a shuffling noise and his head jerked up quickly; Sasori had sauntered into the kitchen.

"Danna? What are you doing here? It's so early, I thought you'd be asleep," Deidara rattled off. Clearly he was the one that was sleep deprived.

"Uhm…I couldn't sleep," Sasori said, filling a glass with water, "Hidan snores like a tractor."

"You can't drink that," Deidara said, pointing at Sasori's water.

"I know," Sasori said, as he threw the water on his own face while Deidara watched on with wide eyes.

"Why did you just do that, un?"

"I was feeling a little dry…what are you doing here brat?"

"Sasori-no-danna, I've messed up…" Deidara said shaking his head.

"Oh? How so?"

Without warning Deidara leaped up and jumped on Sasori, grabbing the red head by his shoulders. There was a panicked look in Deidara's blue eyes, and his normally sleek blonde hair was frizzy and standing up in places. "You have to help me, un!"

"What exactly have you done?"

Itachi rolled over on to his side and opened his eyes a fraction. He could make out something vividly orange. What was the kyuubi kid doing in his room? Itachi groaned softly and tried to open his eyes but he had a splitting headache and aches and pains all over his body.

Opening his eyes a little wider, he looked at the person who was sitting on the bed next to him. Itachi froze and blinked a couple of times to make absolutely sure he wasn't seeing things.

"Ah good Itachi, you're up."

"Leader…sama." Itachi said wearily, his voice came out hoarse.

"Itachi, take a look at this," Pein yanked up his shirt and gave Itachi a full view of his abs.

Itachi blinked again. Am I dreaming? Is this the effects of a hangover?

"What am I seeing?" Itachi croaked.

Pein pointed to something tiny on the left side of his belly button and Itachi had to squint to look at it because his eyesight wasn't too great.

"Is that…?"

"I'm afraid it is," Pein said solemnly. The groom had bags under his eyes and his hair was dishevelled.

Itachi looked at the tattoo of the miniature cup ramen on Pein's abdomen and had to hold back a laugh. This was saying something because Itachi Uchiha rarely, if ever, found a reason to laugh.

"Maybe she won't see it," Itachi told him.

"Of course she will because she likes to – uh, what I'm trying to say is, I need to find a way to get rid of it."

"I'm sorry, Leader-sama, I don't know how," Itachi replied honestly.

"Oh I'm sure you'll come up with something once you see what you've got…" Pein said.

"What…what I've…got?" Itachi asked slowly. Pein nodded very slowly and pointed to Itachi's left arm. Itachi jumped out of bed and to his feet, swaying a little, he staggered to the mirror and looked at his arm.

On his upper arm was a heart with the name 'Sasuke' in it and below that was a ribbon with the words 'I miss you mom and dad' written in it. His eyes widened for a second and then he cleared his throat. "Well…no short sleeves for me until I find a way to undo this."

A loud, obnoxious laughter sounded behind Itachi. Hidan was sitting upright in bed, with his head thrown back in laughter. Pein and Itachi glared at him.

Hidan jumped out of bed stark naked, which caused the other two men to wince. Hidan turned around and showed them his shoulder blade which bore a tattoo of the Jashin symbol. "Heh. Even when I am drunk Jashin is on my side, I didn't get no foolish tattoo!"

"Look at Tobi's!" Tobi said, appearing suddenly from the bathroom. He pulled down his pants and mooned them. On one butt cheek was the word 'good' and the other had the word 'boy'.

" Put your fucking pants back on Tobi! Your ass is NOT something I want to wake up to in the morning!" Hidan screamed. Tobi pulled his pants back up and scratched his head gingerly while Pein and Itachi shook their heads.

Kisame finally woke up through all of the commotion and joined the conversation. "What did you get fish-sticks?" Hidan asked.


"Bullshit, let me see!"

"No! Get away!"

Hidan grabbed Kisame, Kisame punched Hidan to the ground. Hidan tripped Kisame and sent him flying flat on his face.


Kisame's shirt had ridden up from the fall and on his lower back was the name 'Itachi'.

Itachi felt the urge to throw up. Pein sighed. Tobi giggled. Kisame lay mute on the ground, it seemed he had fallen asleep again.

"So Zetsu-san! What did you get?" Tobi asked eagerly.

"Dinner," the white half of Zetsu said with a sadistic smile, "The tattoo artist sure was tasty."

"Tobi wonders what Senpai got," Tobi said.

"I know what he didn't get – laid! That's right bastards, because your man Hidan got some last night, high five all!" Hidan said, holding up his hand. Everyone just looked at him in disgust.

"Speaking of your Senpai, where is he? I feel like I haven't seen him in ages," Pein said, with a frown.

"I gave him an errand to run," Itachi covered.

"Oh, and what about Kakuzu?"

"Casino…" Zetsu said.


"Sasori-senpai went for a walk!" Tobi said.

Hidan pulled on a pair of red, silk boxers and slicked back his hair and grinned at the men, "So everybody, ready for round two?"

"Round two?" Pein asked sceptically.

"Yeeeesssssss. We're partying till your wedding day!" Hidan said, clapping Pein on the back.

"What is the time?" Itachi asked.

"It's already noon,"Pein said, "No wonder I feel like crap. We can't go overboard with the drinking tonight, I have to be up early for my wedding. Itachi, since you're responsible and you're my best man, you can help me see to it that things don't get out of hand."

Itachi nodded curtly.

Konan stood on the balcony of their honeymoon suite, still wearing her wedding dress. She was now a married woman. She smiled as a strong arm slid around her waist and she felt her husband against her. She leaned into him and sighed happily.

"I love you Konan," he said. She frowned, somehow, his voice was different. She turned around and looked up at him. Pein smiled down at her. She felt confusion as his lips met hers. Her heart didn't race erratically, it thudded dully, almost painfully against her chest as she kissed him back. Pein broke the kiss and pulled her inside the room. He was smiling at her, deep affection reflected in his rinnegan eyes.

Konan swallowed nervously and hoped her uncertain feelings weren't betrayed on her face.

"Is there something wrong my love?" Pein asked, cupping her face with his hands.

"I'm still getting used to this feeling."

"Of being married?"


Pein wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his warm embrace. She could hear him breathe in deeply, as if he wanted to take in her scent completely. His lips gently brushed her earlobes, "I love you," he whispered. Instead of sending delightful shivers down her spine, she felt her skin crawl at the words. She didn't deserve those words.

She felt him undo the zipper on the back of her wedding gown and slowly slide it off her body. Underneath she wore the lingerie that he had bought for her.

A black lacy two piece consisting of a strapless bra and hot pants. Pein stood there, admiring his wife, waiting for her to make her move. Konan didn't want to stand around looking awkward so she loosened the belt on his pants. She reached for his zipper and pulled it down slowly, taking care to apply pressure to his groin with her hand. She smirked as she felt him shiver and then slid his pants down. She had to admit that he looked devastatingly handsome standing there in nothing but a plain white shirt and black spankies.

Suddenly, Konan found her back against the wall and Pein was kissing her deeply. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and she massaged it with her own, toying with the piercing on his tongue. She entangled her hands in his hair and he pressed his body closer up against hers. She could feel his heart thudding rapidly and her own heart rate sped up with the desire and the thrill of what she could do to him…what he could do to her. Yes, she would forget about He who had been plaguing her mind lately and focus on her husband, on the man who was right her right now and who loved her.

But as she and Pein continued their furious makeout session, she felt short, spiky hair turn into long, silky hair. The feel of the cool, steel tongue ring faded away and was replaced by a warm tongue, smooth like velvet.

Konan broke the kiss and looked into new eyes. Eyes that didn't belong to Pein.

"Y-You," Konan whimpered.

His hot breath against her neck was making her feel dizzy and she felt a new sense of excitement. She couldn't help but feel ecstatic at this new presence. He claimed her lips, sucking softly on her bottom lip as his hands roamed down her sides. With one hand he hoisted up one of her legs, and rubbed his pelvis slowly against hers. Konan bit down on his bottom lip as she could feel a fire building up in the pit of her stomach.

He lifted her other leg up and slid his hands underneath her butt to support her as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She could feel the heat building as he rubbed up harder against her and she matched his motions while they kissed passionately. The once cool wall felt hot against her back and the heat that he was stirring up within her was threatening to explode at any second –

Konan awoke suddenly, bathed in cold sweat and her heart was beating like crazy. She took a big gulp of air and tried to calm down. It was only a dream. A dream. It didn't mean anything.

She bit her lip and tried to hold back her tears.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Sakura asked her gently, from the next bed.

"Kind of," Konan whispered.

"Wake up lazy girls and get dressed. We have a lot of partying to do and one date to spy on," Anko announced loudly.

"Anko! Please don't," Shizune pleaded.

"Oh come on, don't be such a spoilsport. We going to be in the background for moral support."

Ino, Tsunade and Tenten were still asleep, and Hinata came in carrying a tray of pancakes. Konan, Sakura, Shizune, Anko and Kurenai eagerly dug into them. "Ohhh that tastes so good," Kurenai moaned.

"I need water," Sakura said.

"Me too," the other ladies echoed. When Sakura left to get the water, Anko turned to Konan, "So what do you feel like doing today?"

Konan's mind was still elsewhere, "Anything…" Just keep me occupied so I don't think of him…so I don't go looking for him. This is just pre wedding jitters. I'm nervous so I'm bringing up old unresolved feelings that don't really mean anything…yes. They don't mean anything.

Even as she thought that, his handsome face swam through her mind, she remembered her dream and she felt the heat spreading across her cheeks.

"Whoa what are you thinking about?" Anko asked.

"Nothing…nothing…" Konan said hurriedly.

"Yeah…sure…she's probably thinking about what her wedding night is going to be like," Kurenai said, wearing a small smirk on her crimson lips. Konan laughed uneasily.

"I got it! When these other sleeping beauties wake up, we'll play a game of truth or dare before going out to enjoy the nightlife," Anko suggested.

"Haven't played that in ages, sounds good to me," Kurenai said. Konan nodded slowly. This was going to be a long day.

"Right, right, that was so funny! I never knew you had it in you, Hina!" Ino laughed as Hinata sat down in the circle again after performing her dare which was to pretend to be a blind girl who wandered into the men's hotsprings areas. Hinata was red in the face but she was grinning slightly. Hinata spun the empty sake bottle and it landed on Anko.

"T-truth or dare?"


Hinata thought for a while. Anko was pretty brave and open to doing anything, so what could she ask her to do? "Anko-sensei, I – I dare you to k-kiss Kurenai-sensei."

A chorus of 'Ooohs' were heard from the other women. "Is that all?" Anko asked, sounding like the dare was too easy for her. She leaned into the dark-haired woman sitting next to her and gave her a full on kiss on the lips.

"OH YEAH! Now that's what I'm talking about!" said a voice from outside the window. The woman looked outside and sure enough, Jiraiya was sitting there with a goofy smile on his face and blood trickling down his nose.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Tsunade asked, grabbing him by his shirt.

"I'm the wedding planner," Jiraiya said with a grin.

"You better get out of here right now, before I become your funeral planner," Tsunade snarled. Jiraiya left, not for good, but to find a new hiding spot. He couldn't decided whether to spy on the ladies or to go check on how the guys were doing. He decided on going where the guys were when Tsunade caught him trying to hide in a rosebush.

"Let's get back to the game," Anko said, spinning the bottle. To Konan's horror, it landed on her.

"Well, well, well," Anko said, "Truth or dare?"

"Da – I mean truth," Konan said.

"Hmm, let's see...so have you ever thought of you know…being with someone else other than Pein in the Akatsuki?"

Konan's amber eyes widened, she had not been expecting this kind of a question. She thought Anko would ask her something to do with Pein and her love life in the bedroom – anything but this.

"Well…no…Pein has always been the only one for me," Konan lied through her teeth.

Anko looked disappointed.

"She's obviously lying…" Tsunade said.

"Yeah, I mean come on, there are several hot men in your organisation and you're telling me that you've never even thought of being with one of them?" Anko pressed.


"Oh come on, just tell us!"

Konan took a deep breath. "Fine. Sasori."

Is Konan telling the truth? Was it really Sasori?

Stay tuned for the next chapter where all may…or may not be revealed!

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