A/N As always, nothing about the awesomeness that is Bones is owned by me.
Hope your enjoying! Please leave a review and let me know what you think. It would much appreciated! :)
Chapter 2
She fought him all the way to the car; muttering continuously that she didn't need the hospital. He opened the door for her, forcing her into the car and putting his body in front of the door in case she tried to make a run for it.
"Please Booth. I don't need the hospital." She said pleadingly.
"That cut you've got there is deep Bones, you might need stitches…"
"Please. I just can't. Not tonight ok…" she said, cutting him off in the process.
He paused, seeing the hurt in her eyes and feeling the pain radiating from her.
"On one condition."
She frowned at him, slouching back into the car seat.
"And what would that be?"
"You let me stay with you tonight. Just to make sure that you and your hand are ok…"
"Booth…" she groaned, hating that he was treating her like a child.
"Hey, that's the deal. Take it or leave it…"
She glared at him, and he could barely contain his grin back at her. He knew just how dangerous his charm smile could be, especially on her. He knew she wouldn't be able to resist…
"…So where are we going Bones? Are we going to your place, or the hospital?"
She sighed, playfully pushing his chest away from the car doorway.
"Fine we'll go to my place. And no I didn't agree to this just because you smiled at me like that…"
He just laughed, shutting the door and heading round the car to the drivers seat.
Once they got back to her place, he helped her open the door before heading straight to the medicine cabinet.
"Let me fix it for you, ok?" he asked, taking her by the arm.
"Booth, I am perfectly capable of…"
"I know you are…" he interrupted loudly. "I just, I want to take care of you. Sometimes it's nice to have someone to do that for you."
She held back the comment she wanted to make and nodded back at him. She would usually hate someone fussing over her, but when it was him, she just didn't seem to mind as much. It was probably because she always felt so safe when she was around him, and before she met Booth, that was something she had gotten used to living without. As he began to carefully wash the dried blood off her hand, she leaned in and gave him a swift kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks Seeley" she whispered, her breath hot on his ear.
"Your welcome Temperance" he said sincerely, his eyes never leaving hers.
He put some antiseptic on the cut, before tightly bandaging her hand. Between himself, her and his son he had become a pro at dressing minor wounds over the last few years.
"You know it's still bleeding a bit. It looks like all the glass is out but it's hard to tell. If it's still not feeling right tomorrow I'm taking you to get it looked at ok?" he said, his tone serious.
"Ok" she answered, walking back out to her kitchen. "Feel like a drink?"
"You don't think you might have had enough for tonight?" he laughed, his eyes narrowing at the bottle of wine she had pulled out of the fridge.
She smiled at him, shaking her head and placing a hand on her hip.
"Ok, Ok. One drink…" he gave in.
As she poured the wine into two glasses, she felt him move behind her. She looked back at him quizzically as she felt his chest brush against her back.
"You never told me what you actually did to your hand you know."
She handed him a glass, turning so they were facing each other. They were so close that she could feel the heat radiating from him.
"I broke a glass… in the bar" she said quickly, experiencing great difficulty putting words together with him standing so close. He rested a hand on the bench behind her, pinning her against him with his pelvis.
"I know how upset you are Bones. I'm just worried you might be hurting yourself in the process…"
"I'm not upset." She said quietly, refusing to meet his eyes.
"It's ok to be upset. I'm not going to judge you for it, No matter what he's done; he is still your Dad."
"No actually he's not. He's not my father Booth. I've grown up most of my life without a father." She said, her voice rising.
"I know you did. And him leaving you was horrible…but at the time…"
"Your damn right it was horrible." She interrupted, tears threatening to spill over. "I don't care if he's my father. He's a thief, an abandoner and a murderer. He deserved to be arrested. We did the right thing…" she trailed off, desperately trying to stop the tears running down her face with the back of her hand.
"Yeah we did the right thing. That's what we do… you and me. We catch the bad guys." He put a hand over hers, stilling her and letting the tears run freely. "But he's still your father. It's ok to feel upset that he got arrested. That he's in jail. It's ok to feel sad about all of that."
She nodded, gripping his hand tightly. He ran his other hand over her cheek, wiping her tears away with his thumb. She looked up at him, her eyes giving away the pain she was feeling. He pulled her close to him, her arms going straight around his neck, and her head into his shoulder. His arms encircled her waist pulling her against him tightly.
"I hate crying in front of you." She whispered, her fingers tracing over his well-toned chest.
"Well you shouldn't. I'm here for you Bones. Always have been, and always will be." He said his voice heavy with emotion.
She pulled back from him, staring into his dark brown eyes, He smiled at her, that damn charm smile, and before she knew what she was doing her lips were pressed against his. She kissed him softly, tentatively, but he quickly turned it into something more passionate. His hands ran up and down the sides of her body, making her tingle all over.
She moved her hands through his hair roughly, kissing him with an intensity she had never used in a simple kiss before.
"Bones" she heard him moan softly into her mouth, and it snapped her out of the daze she was in. She pulled away form him instantly, stepping out of his grasp. What was she doing? Did she really just kiss her partner? Did she really just kiss her best friend?
He was staring at her intently, clearly trying to read her confused body language.
"I'm sorry Booth… I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have done that I'm sorry." She stuttered, running a hand through her hair.
"It's ok. Really, it's ok…" he said, smiling warmly and walking back towards her.
"No it's not. I'm just upset… and you're always so good to me… I just got confused…"
"Bones…hey…it's ok." He said soothingly, trying to get closer to her. "You don't have to apologize." He tried again, frowning as she continued to step away form him.
"I'm sorry Booth. You should probably go." She said shortly, heading to her bedroom and closing the door behind her.
He let out a long sigh, dropping to the couch, all the while trying to work out what the hell just happened.