Rating may go up in the future! Also due to the fact that this is a fanfiction, I am not the owner (surprised?).
The faint scent of bacon should have been the first red flag.
The loud sound of something, probably glass, breaking and someone crying should have been the second.
It's safe to say that the white haired boy would never in his life be prepared to deal with the chaos that was about to ensue.
"Sshhh! You'll wake him up Lavi!" The voice of a teenage girl trying to whisper and utterly failing at it should have been the- well how many red flags does someone need? But, because the young and very tired boy was well tired, he continued in his quest for sleep. That is until a hand gently touched his cheek, caressing it.
"Awww but he's just SOO cute Lenalee. It makes me want to…"
Suddenly the very tired white haired boy was also veryaware of his surroundings. He was especially aware of the two pairs of arms that now encircled him in an iron tight grip. He kneed the sucker in the stomach. He heard a grunt as the arms let him go.
"Lenalee… I think I'm dying…" The white haired boy also known as, Allen, sat up to see a boy laying on his living room floor. He was holding his midsection and whispering to the girl standing nearby. "Tell my mom…" He suddenly began heaving. " Tell my mom that I… that I… love her." The other girl simply rolled her eyes and walked past him getting a little closer to Allen.
Allen just sat there, very much out of it at this point in time.
"Oi! Allen." The newly recuperated Lavi inquired, smiling like non of his melodramatic acting had just taken place. "Alleeeeeeen! Hey!" The boy sat up and stared at him.
"…" He was sleep deprived. He had just finished cheating money out of some guys to pay off Cross' debts a couple of hours ago and now there was two uninvited strangers in his home? I can't think straight. These people are all figments of my imagination. Yes, that's it I refuse this reality.
"Allen," Allen noticed Lavi had now moved closer and was whispering in his ear. "Allen!" Lavi whispered again trying to bring the kid out of his stupor.
Okay now he was becoming very uneasy. Who are these people? NO! NO! DON'T AKNOWLEDGE THE STRANGE AND UNINVITED ONES! Just ignore them, they'll eventually go away.
"…" Allen continued in his deluded silence.
Lavi poked the white haired boy's nose, and after a couple of moments of waiting for a response, he decided it was time to freak out, because Lavi liked making a show out of things.
"OH SHIT LENALEE! I THINK I BROKE ALLEN…" Lavi started walking around flailing his arms uselessly while rambling, "OH MAN… OH MAN… UGH… RIGHT I'LL CALL 911!"
"Calm down Lavi and stop yelling!" She yelled back.
"Don't yell at me!" Lenalee grabbed Lavi by the shoulders forcing him to sit down, "Now sit!" she patted him on the head after obeying. "I think he's just… in shock?" she looked at Allen who was staring at a spot on the wall.
A few minutes passed as Lenalee continued watching Allen for signs of life. She began to look worried. Lavi sat there looking like he was in serious thought.
Then it hit Lavi. Or so he thought.
"AHA!" Lavi suddenly burst out, scaring Lenalee. He jumped up to a standing position with one finger pointing to the ceiling, looking like he had a goddamn epiphany.
"I told you to stop yelling Lavi! You'll make his condition worse and give me a heart attack!" She held a hand to her chest trying to calm her startled heart. Whether intentional or not Lavi always managed to scare the lights out of Lenalee on a regular basis.
"Sorry Lenalee, but I now know why he went into shock," Lavi looked at her as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "he just can't get over the fact that the sexy, that is me, was so up close and personal just a second ago." Yes, he looked convinced about this too.
"Ugh Lavi I don't think-" Lenalee sweat dropped. Seriously Lavi needed to put his knowledge to good use, by maybe using it once in a while.
Suddenly and quite out of the blue, Allen finally decided to land on something named Earth.
"… What?…. Wait! NO!" It's a shame that Allen's suddenly very bright red face and elevated voice did not back this statement up.
"Come on Allen who're you kiddin'? No one can resist the Lavi, so don't fight it. I know I don't," the redhead made this a point by suddenly hugging himself. "Come on Lenalee you too!"
She smiled and comically rolled her eyes, but despite him acting like an idiot, she gave him a quick hug. After all, he was one of her best friends.
Who are these people? Allen asked himself again. He was still extremely confused and tired. Not many people visited him and Cross. They had just moved to this city. As a matter of a fact, the only people who had ever come to visit them at this house were people looking for their money…
"Uhmm, who exactly are you people?" How much does he owe them? And can I pay it back? Allen was yet again lost in thought as he began scheming ways to pay them what they undoubtedly had come to collect.
"So how much does he owe you?" Allen finally stood up from the couch, where he had passed out not too long ago.
"WHAA-" The two teens said in unison, surprise and confusion prominent emotions on their faces.
"It's cool. Don't worry I'll make sure you get you're money back, but before we do that, how about a game of poker? Hmm?" Allen rubbed his smooth chin, titling his head, still calculating his next move.
The other two occupants in the room noticed a chill begin to seep in. Allen's vibe began to feel dark and ominous.
"Just one game…" Now there was a creepy smile plastered on the boy's face distorting his cute angelic features. "How about it huh? Then we'll see how much Cross owes you…" he laughed… a very scary and bone chilling laugh. The type of laugh that makes babies cry and cats screech. Yes, he laughed that kind of laugh.
"W-wow Lavi it only t-t-took you less than five mi-minutes to make Allen crack" Lenalee cringed and hid behind Lavi. This kid was starting to scare her, even if he carried the guise of an innocent 15 year old.
Lavi stood facing Allen for a couple seconds working up the courage to address his psychotic friend, Meanwhile, Allen just smiled and smiled and smiled, his creeper smile. Which was not helping Lavi with the whole courage thing.
Lavi gulped and tried his best to sound friendly. "Hey Allen, …buddy." No reaction, just more smiling. "How ya feelin'? It's your friends Lavi and Lenalee from school yesterday." Lenalee smiled reassuringly from behind Lavi.
Thankfully, Allen dropped the creeper smile, but instead adopted a confused look.
"…Ugh yea… Remember your first day of school yesterday? Remember?… You remember?" Lavi was now desperately probing at his memory, hoping Allen would snap out of it.
Unfortunately, Lavi wasn't getting anything responsive, so he tried something else. "Yea well I can see you're in a… weird psychotic… mood, so… ugh… Do you want me to get you some Mc Donald's? Maybe some ice cream?" He grinned goofily.
Lenalee face palmed. Leave the situation in the capable hands of Lavi and this is what you get. She thought bleakly.
"Umm Allen?" Lenalee spoke this time. She stepped from behind Lavi trying to get a better look at him. He was standing there and Lenalee could've sworn she could hear the hamster in Allen's head running on his little hamster wheel.
School. School! Right I remember school yesterday! Ugh right there was people there and …GAHH! I BLAME CROSS FOR THIS! He's the reason for my need to be paranoid! Allen thought.
Cross aside, he did remember yesterday. It had been his first day at Black Order High, and now that he thought of it he did remember meeting a senior named Lavi and a sophomore named Lenalee. Actually they had been the only students to approach him..
Now I feel stupid… How could Allen not immediately recognize Lavi? Seriously who else has bright red hair and wore an eye patch? Not to mention the brilliant green color of his only eye? And Lenalee? Yes I officially lost it…
He looked at Lavi. He noticed he was wearing a green bandana between random parts of bright red. He was wearing a white T-shirt and tight denim jeans. To his side stood Lenalee, her hair was up into two high pigtails that flowed down below her waist. She was wearing a purple tank top and a black skirt, as well as black knee high boots. Now that he actually looked at them they certainly stood out.
"Oi Allen," Lavi began poking him with his pinky. "You okay?"
"Yes, but this still doesn't explain why you're in my house, on a Saturday, at eight a.m." he raised his eyebrow waiting for an answer.
"Heh-Heh Well you see…" Lavi's green eye met questioning gray ones and he looked away scratching the back of his neck.
"Actually Allen we came by and noticed your door was wide open, which is horribly reckless! What if some psycho-perve came and molested you while you were out cold!" Lenalee put her hands on her hips in a motherly way. "Or what if you got kidnapped and sold to someone like LAVI? HMM?"
"HEY!" Lavi whined, looking like a reprimanded puppy.
A shudder visibly ran down Allen's spine.
"You make a good point," Allen looked frightened at the possible scenarios Lenalee was describing. "I promise I'll be more careful next time." He said with a determined nod.
"Good I'm glad, and oh… where were we? Oh yes so we came in to make sure you weren't dead, because for a while there you were out cold! By the way are you ok? You still don't look very good." She looked at him and he nodded. "Ok, right umm… then Lavi decided it would be super cool if we made you breakfast." Lenalee looked away, biting on her lip unsure of how to continue.
"…And?" Allen urged Lenalee to continue, wondering where this was going.
"Well you see it was a really good breakfast, that is until Lavi decided your kitten looked underweight and realized he himself was hungry so-"
"HAHAHA! ISN'T THAT A FUNNY STORY ALLEN!" Lavi interrupted slapping his knee like a moron. He stopped and looked utterly serious for a moment. "Dude I swear your cat ate most of your food, well… okay so it was kinda more like half and half, BUT HE HELPED!" Lavi yelled pointing at the yellow kitten that was licking it's whiskers.
"…" Alright, I liked my original plan better. I refuse this reality and I am now going back to sleep. Yes, he was going to close his eyes and go back to sleep, then wake up fully caught up with the hours of sleep he lacked at the moment.
He closed his eyes.
No such luck, unfortunately for him this really was happening. He couldn't refuse reality.
"So I met you guys… hmm I don't know YESTERDAY? And you already broke into my house, molested me, and fed Timcampy stuff he probably shouldn't be eating?" Allen said looking incredulously at the two.
There were many things in life that Allen sucked at like being tall, balancing checkbooks, origami, and fortunately for Lavi and Lenalee holding grudges. It was especially hard when the people he was trying to be mad at were standing awkwardly and looking back at him incredibly sheepish.
"Wow.." He couldn't help it then and broke out laughing clutching a blood red hand to his stomach. Lenalee and Lavi looked at each other and began chuckling as well. Both of them noticing how utterly adorable the gray eyed boy looked while laughing.
"Of course! Who else but the awesome that is Lavi can do all that?" Lavi swung his arm around the small boy and smiled. "Now come on Allen you gotta go get ready while me and Lenalee here remake breakfast for you, because we gots to go!"
"Go where?" Allen said wriggling out of Lavi's arm and looking suspicious.
"Silly goose, to watch Yu's game of course!" Lenalee nodded and Allen looked confused for the umpteenth time today. "Oh yea! You haven't met Yu. It's because yesterday he was at tournament all day long, but don't worry your pretty little self, you'll get to see him today! Now go get ready! Shoo!"
"…Okay?" Allen walked upstairs to get ready, wondering what this Yu person was like. "Maybe we'll get along," he muttered to himself.
Or at least that's what he thought…
So this was the first fic i ever wrote... go easy on me guys. I've actually gone back and fixed some things like little mistakes here and there, I was also tempted to change some of the writing since it's real hammy at times, but i didn't for old times sake XD It sorta gets better? (i don't know you decide)
Let me know if you spot more annoying mistakes and also what you thought of this!