It was very cozy where Toris sat. He was curled up, legs to his chest on the rug, sleepily near the fireplace as a flame blazed inside. The frost on the windows were distant as where he sat was so warm. He would probably be falling asleep here at this rate. Bed was feeling like such an inconvenient and harshly cold trek.

He looked towards the movement in the corner of his eye as Ivan walked over and sat down beside him, a blanket draped over his shoulders. "You're house is still warmer than mine." he joked, looking into the fire. Toris hummed an amused response, distracted by the flickering flames reflected in his eyes. It was quite a lovely sight. He mused as he watched the other. The light of the flames flickered over his pale hair, making it look almost golden. When Ivan glanced over, sensing he was being watched, he smiled warmly. Toris smiled back, hoping the dim lighting hid his blush.

Ivan scooted closer across the rug. pretending he was focusing on something other than Toris. It had been six seasons since all of that had gone on. The two found themselves spending much of their time together, and yet they never lost interest. If anything, their willingness to be together only got more intense. Natalya had been sulking and occasionally Toris found his life at risk. Feliks rolled his eyes everytime he saw them together but eventually came to ignore it and act as his usual happily careless self. It was also amusing how the rest of the world reacted to them. It was as if nobody saw this coming. Well, not even Toris saw this coming.

He glanced up at the pot of flowers by the door, taken from the cold outside so they wouldn't be taken by the frost. Leave them in the cold and they die. Give them something warm and they blossom something beautiful and soft. He had figured even if being a woman had given Ivan some sort of initiative to get closer to her, the larger man was truly just trying to get his feelings across for some time. The years of harsh, frigid reality had left the man lost in showing someone his feelings, but give him some warmth and he finds his way. Slowly. Step at a time. And perhaps being wary of the man, I had always felt something for him...This was bizarre, he had to admit. But it was clear that they loved the other as anyone would. Even under these odd circumstances, the large cold man had managed to find someone to give him warmth, and Toris in turn found a fresh happiness in his presence. The cold nation has a heart, and no factors people put between them stopped it from happening.

He suddenly let out a small gasp as he felt the larger man lean against him not-so-gently and causing the two of them and the other to topple onto their sides. Well, he's still working on being gentle, still.

"Ivan, careful!" Toris laughed.

"Sorry, Toriya" he murmured, adjusting himself and rolling over, facing the brunet. As a child would, he buried his face against the other's chest and layed there, slightly curled like a sleeping cat. Toris felt his cheeks warm, not from the fire. He was well aware that Ivan's intentions were innocent but a little embarrassing none the less.

"Don't worry about it." he whispered, brushing his fingers through the Russian's blonde locks. As he was soothed up by the gentle touch and voice, Ivan's violets were visible again, blinking up at him, before the two of them moved closer and touched their lips lightly together.

"I'll sleep here with Toriya tonight, okay?" he said as he pulled the blanket over the two of them, his own cheeks red, Toris could tell.

"It's fine, Vanushka." he whispered, pecking his forehead gently.



"Do you think England can change you again? For a while?"

He blinked, moving away by a few centimeters." What? Why?"

"You know...for when we get married and all." Ivan said, grinning and tracing circles around Toris's side.

"W-wait, Ivan, what do you mean?" the flushed Lithuanian stuttered.

"Become a girl, silly." Ivan giggled.

Toris felt a squeak escape him. "G-g-girl to g-g-"

He gasped and stumbled back a little on his elbow as he heard Ivan give a small cry of surprise.

"Vanushka?" Toris gasped.

Ivan didn't respond. He looked up at Toris with an alarmed, confused look. Then that's when Toris looked down to find the Motherland built with curves! Toris had to force his eyes back to the Russian's softer face.

"H-how did this happen?" the female Ivan whimpered.

Toris blinked. Then he blinked again. Then a wide grin snaked across his face.

"Toris?" Ivan asked through half hidden panic.

He wrapped an arm over the still-larger Russian. "No. I think I like this better than me being the woman." Both were blushing heavily.


"Don't look at me like that. I-I think you look lovely!" Toris teasingly walked his fingers down her arm. "It would be fun to explore new sides of you~"

Ivan yelped "Where's England?!"


And now ends my first chapter fic! The Epilogue wasn't supposed to be reasonable. But, really, I never meant for this story to be all serious. It's meant to have silly blended in. (a hint of crack)

Yeah. Fluffy...and Toris is a bit of a dog there at the end, isn't he? :3

Now I gotta say, thank you everyone who read it and even more thanks to people that gave encouraging comments and support! Reading them puts a smile on my face~