I'm doing that thing people shouldn't do which is starting a chapter fic without an ending in mind yet. But this idea has been bugging me for so long! I wanted to see where it went! (Let's just see what happens!) This also contains several genres because I can't seem to write just one. (Hetalia characters property of Himaruya Hidekaz. Not me)

Anyways, it's supposed to have Rus/Liet and possible Pol/Liet with appearances from several others like France, America, England...oh-hoho

Some days you woke up feeling light headed. Some days you woke up feeling like you were pulled out of a washing machine and strung out to dry. Toris woke up this morning feeling not too different. Maybe a little disproportionate, but he did not have a stomach ache this morning yet. It was a good sign.

He stood up and walked over to the bathroom near his bedroom. He did feel weird today, actually. It was hard to put his finger on, but then again, he was half asleep still. Not registering much as it was too early to be worrying about small things, he glanced in the mirror, picked up his hairbrush, then glanced again, expression shaped with more shock than before.


Toris and Feliks were talking, or rather, Toris was listening to Feliks talk, a bit bored already and it had only been 10 minutes into the chatter about how ponies were much better to have around than any other cattle out there.

"-not to mention they are like, cuter and- LIET! Are you, like, even listening?"

"Uh, what was that?", Toris faced his friend, a bit caught off guard seeing as he was in the middle of trying to do paper work.

"You, like, never even listen! And your fashion sense...why do you make that face- yes. THAT face whenever I'm, like, trying to show you something cute?"

"Feliks, please. You tried to put me in a dress!"

"And? It would, like, be totally cute on you and you know it!" Feliks pouted.

Toris groaned. "Would it even fit? Dresses aren't exactly made for men, you know."

Feliks' pout only got stronger and Toris looked away before that look got him. No he was not going to let Feliks embarrass him this time! He won't! He won't!

"You are, like...a terrible friend, Liet." Feliks got up from the bed he was lounging on and strut to the door in a huff.

"Feliks, w-wait!" Toris stuttered out as the blonde stormed, rather stylishly, out the door. He ran up and opened the door to find that the blonde was now nowhere in sight. "..."

He sat back on his chair, trying to remind himself that his work had to be done soon. He would have to go visit Feliks and apologize after getting this paperwork done.

Oh, this was going to be another one of those nights. He sighed, knowing there would not be much sleep with a stack this high.


Feliks pushed open a large wooden door, walking into a darkened chamber room, the ends to the walls lost in the unknown endless black curtain. There were a few candle lights flickering a short distance away with a chanting sound, but that was all the light provided.

A cloaked figure was looking at his book through half lidded eyes, chanting a spell. His robe hide a portion of his face but his focused gaze pierced into the book he read from.

"Hey! England!"

Arthur looked up from his book, eyes shot wide open. Poland was just metres away, leaning on one leg and looking expectantly at him. "Wh-what are you doing here!"

Feliks gave a skeptical look at Arthur's 'freak' hobby. "Right, like, I just had a favor to ask."

Arthur's heavy brows curled together as he stared at the Polish man in disbelief. "What? Wait! H-how did you find this place?"

Feliks scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. "Like, that's not important. I need you make Liet more feminine."

Arthur's claok hood slide from his head.


"You know," Feliks spun his hand lazily in circles, "make him like a chick. You got that magical hocus pocus, right?"

"Why the bloody 'ell would I do that?" Arthur let out, forgetting then he was a 'gentlemen'. He already saw the Lithuanian feminine enough as it was.

"Well...He won't listen to me, and like, Hungary used to listen more, y'know? And every time I try to put cute things on him he gets all mopey an' stuff. It's like, totally no fun when he does that. It's all...'nyeh, Feliks, what if someone sees us? My skirt is all short; yadda yadda' so like, you can change him, right?"

There was a silence in which Arthur's mind was computing what the one before him just said. "...I repeat, why on Earth would I do that!"

"Weeeell. I guess you forgot how you still owe me after how much you and France totally helped out when I was invaded." That was dripping with sarcasm and Arthur felt a sharp jab against him. "Besides, I'll, like, convince the American guy to get you what you want" Feliks grinned slyly.

Arthurs face went a little red through the glare he was shooting the Polish man. "Oh sod off!" Then he cleared his throat and muttered, facing away from Feliks, "I-I'll give it a try..." He blinked. "T-to support our Nations' relations, of course!" He threw in before Feliks could assume America was the reasoning behind his agreeing.

A smile of glee lightened up Feliks' expression and he called out. "Like, Awesome!"

Toris did not like this. Not one bit. As soon as he saw his, or rather, her reflection in the mirror, it suddenly felt like a nightmare. He- no, She supposes it was some sort of phenomenon nations go through, right? Maybe they just change sometimes for physical sympathy for the female half of their population. Right?

She had to admit, she felt pretty hopeless at this point. She had managed to find a band material to tie down these new blobs on her chest. Maybe if she acted like usual, nobody would notice he had become a she. Although her pants were a bit tighter around the hips, and green blazer, looser some places, tighter in others ...

She heaved a sigh, wincing at her painful stomach ache. There was a World Meeting today.


Oh, how wonderful today was! There are Nations yelling and chattering happily and all kinds of activities that don't go on often enough back home. It even looked like another fight was about to break out between France and England. That was always entertaining! And watching the cute younger of the two Italians fawn happily about with Germany was a warming sight. When the sight of that German wasn't making him sick with disgust, not even appreciating how well he had it. Seeing him bleed might make things better, yes?

Ivan's attention to the rest of the meeting room was snapped up when he noticed his dear Lithuania walk in. He looked quite hesitant today, more so than usual. It was a cute look on him. Ivan's eyes lite up a moment when he saw Toris's gaze pass over him and their eyes met a too-short instant. The way Toris's strained smile became more frightened and he looked away made Ivan's heart ache a little painfully, but he smiled on as he reminded himself that he would make Toris his again.

There was something else different today, however. The way the bottom of his shirt clung around his hips more than before. His face seemed less sharp; more round. Feminine. It was then Ivan realized there was also a small convex curve on his chest. Was his mind just being silly again or did Toris look a bit more shapely today?

Toris chose a seat across the table from the Russian, both annoyed and frightened that he kept staring at her. She noticed Feliks chattering with someone else on the other side of the room. Somehow, Toris had a feeling Feliks had something to do with his. She looked away from the Polish man before the Polish man had a chance to catch her eye. She was not in the mood to deal with this today. She looked down at her paperwork sadly, reminding herself that she needed to appologize to Feliks for making him leave the night before, but just being in a room with the world was holding her back, and add the fact that she could still feel the Russian's gaze pricking down her neck.

Just as Feliks made his way over to her, Germany hit the desk in exactly three even slams and called attention back to business.

The meeting wasn't exciting. It wasn't boring either but it definitely wasn't exciting. The only thing that happened out of the ordinary was Feliks sneaking notes to America, who would keep glancing at England. England would glare at thin air, looking pointedly away, and America would make an unnecessary childish comment and toss the paper away. Then Feliks would brush his hair back with his hand. Toris couldn't help but wonder what was going on between them, but he guessed he best not think too much into it. England looked about ready to combust with how red he was turning.

The meeting was called to an end and she stood up and went to the door, eager to get out of sight of the others.

"Hey! Liet!" called the familiar voice. "You, like, feel any different today?" Toris glanced back at Feliks and forced out a chuckle.

"Actually, I feel sick." Toris was displeased with how her voice sounded. She tried to deepen it to keep it even with her male version's. "I'm sort of...wanting to get straight home."

Feliks did his pout, and this time, Toris didn't look away in time.

A sigh. "Look. I'm sorry, Feliks. I know you were just trying to do something fun but...D-don't take offence from it. Please."

Feliks stared at her, his usual lazy smile in place.

"Liet, did England accidentally change you into a girl?", he said bemused.

"E-ehhh?" Toris felt her eyes narrow once this sunk in. "Feliks!" She shouted in a whisper. "How could- Why!"

Feliks observed her a moment. "Eeh. I think I like you better as a guy. Your woman self, like, looks so 'not-you'."

"..." Toris took that as the signal to turn and walk away. Walk away and pretend nothing happened.

"Don't be so prissy, Liet! I did this so you would, like, stop being so mopey an' stuff"

Oh, and this is gonna help? Toris wanted to snap back, but she couldn't. "I-I don't think this does much good, Feliks."

Feliks put his hands on his hips and 'hmm'd. "Tomorrow. You should come to my house tomorrow, alright? And, like, maybe I'll forgive you~" he teased.

"...T-taip." Toris chirped out as she walked away from Feliks. She really did want nothing more than to hide from the rest of the world right now.

She made it down the hall and to the exit when she jumped, a cold hand on her shoulder. She spun around and met an intense violet gaze, which quickly turned downward towards the ground.

"Privyet, Toris~", He said. Was it just Toris's imagination or did he sound bashful?

"Wh-what is it Mr. Russia?"

Ivan's eyes trailed up to her face. He looked childishly intrigued with something. "Do-do you...?" He trailed off, a blush increasing on his usually pale cheeks. "H-how was your day?"

Toris was finding this behavior very strange indeed. "It was...er- Fine...sir...H-how was yours?" She asked automatically.

Ivan's expression brightened and he spoke with a tune. "Toris looked different today. I wanted to know why."

"Eh, w-well I-"

"And he sounds different, too." His eyes widened with realization and his gaze went up and down the Lithuanian. Toris paled and held her suitcase protectively in front of herself.

"P-please sir, I have to ge-"

"Toriya...why do you look more womanly?" He was looking at her face again. His eyes widen into utter fascination and he let out a very quiet gasp "You really are girl?"

Toris flinched. "I-is it that obvious?"

"I have been observant." He stated plainly. "But, I have known you long time, da? Is obvious to tell." He grinned. "I am also puzzled. It is... an unusual change?"

"W-well...it's a long story. Don't-" She turned to escape again but the other's hand reached out and almost grabbed her shoulder to hold her back, but it hesitated and dropped back to the Russian's side.

"I do not mind long stories."

"Simply an anatomical change, don't think too much of it." Toris was very uncomfortable for more than the usual reasons.

Ivan's expression was of a childlike awe. He looked like he was chewing on a thought, trying to figure out how to spit it out, then asked, "Will Toris come to my house tomorrow to tell me?"

Oh why did she even bother? "I can't! I-I'm sort of-" It was the thought of being in the Russian's house again that worried her more than the fact that she had plans with Feliks tomorrow. She was eager to get out of there and is not going back now!

"...A short visit? I promise, I will-" He bite his lip and adjusted his scarf snuggly over his chin. Toris could not believe how he was acting today. Some days, his smiles were cold and frightening and he would push himself on others. Today, he resembled a socially awkward, lonely man looking for a way to win over some temporary companionship. Maybe being a woman was affecting her in more ways than one. Was this even more enticing to Ivan? Were his feelings beyond an unhealthy possessiveness? It couldn't be that... no, that was out of the question. These crazy thoughts were as they were. Crazy.

But Ivan was fidgeting, giving her expectant glances. Sometimes Toris regretted being the 'nice guy' all the time. "Fine. I'll see you tomorrow. A short visit...just to explain things" She clarified, but she got the feeling the last words did not get through to the other by the way he was staring in disbelief, and then beaming as if he was just given his Christmas gifts early. She almost found it sad at how happy he was just to have some company, but then she reminded herself that this man was only trying to lure her into a trap. To drag Lithuania back into his house, kicking and screaming. She was not going to allow that to happen again, so she made plans to bring some sort of weapon tomorrow just in case. Toris truly hated violence, but when it was necessary, it was necessary.

"I am glad. Toriya. It will not be too cold, the weatherman said. Tomorrow will be great!", He spun and practically bounced towards his exit. He turned halfway and peered at her, then eyes widened and he looked away and continued out.

Tomorrow was going to be quite a day.

Right. Did I forget to mention it contained Genderbent Liet? :3 And something that's been confusing me a bit lately is that people seem to see Rape!Truck Russia as totally canon and yet I cannot see much reasoning behind it! In fact, a lot of the strips I saw portrayed Ivan being quite bashful and all. IDK. People interperate thing differently.

(Yeah. I've had it written up to chapt 3 so far but I want to update it slowly in case I decided to make plot changes or something. =v=;)

Feel free to give impute and thanks for reading! ovo