Chapter 1

I woke up feeling groggy and a little sick and then I wondered where Edward could be I remember falling asleep in his arms and now he's gone. I looked over at my clock which said 2:30 AM "what the" I said out loud very confused of all of this. I was just about to go back to sleep when I heard a noise from downstairs. I slowly went downstairs to see who would be down here at this time. "Charlie" I asked when I slowly made my way to the living room. Then I heard more footsteps and a horrible laughter. "E-Edward" I asked as I made my way to the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen I saw the backdoor was wide open. Then I started getting even more nervous when I heard something yelling. Then before I knew some kind of force knocked me outside and the door closed behind me . "HELP HELP ME OPEN THE DOOR" I screamed and banging on the door. Then I heard something else like singing. 1-2 Freddy's coming for you, 3-4 you better lock your door, 5-6 grab your crucifix, 7-8 Better stay up late, 9-10 Never sleep again. "O-Oh my god" I said crying as I heard something scratch against metal. I walked through the yard and then I turned around to see the most hideous thing ever. "Hello Bella" it said to me mockingly. "W-Who are you" I asked as I backed up away from him. It just laughed at me and said "It doesn't really matter." I took a big gulped and said "If you hurt me my boyfriend will definitely kill you." He laughed and then disappeared. Then I suddenly hit something and I turned around to see his burnt face. He smiled and said "Goodbye." Then he took his clawed hand and slashed me. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I screamed and then I heard the most beautiful voice ever. "Bella Bella calm down it's alright." I opened my eyes to see Edward looking down worriedly at me. "E-Edward" I said while gasping for air. Edward helped me up and then I realized I was in my bed in my own room. I had to keep breathing heavily to put everything together. "Bella sweetheart are you ok" Edward asked me with concern. I nodded and said "Yea I just had a terrible nightmare." Edward then took me into his chest and said "It must have been some nightmare you were tossing and turning all night do you want to talk about it. I just shook my head and said "No it really doesn't matter lets just get ready for school." He looked like he was going to say more but he just sighed and said "ok I'll go home and get change and bring the car." After that he left and I got up to get ready for school. When I turned to see myself in the mirror I gasped in horror. My shirt had four razor cuts on my shirt. "W-What the hell" I asked myself outloud as I stood in horror at what was happening.

Author's Note

Well there's chapter 1 to my new story and I hoped everyone liked it. Sorry if it was short but I promise the next few chapters will get longer. Don't know why but this story just came in my head and I wanted to do a story with both Twilight and A nightmare on elm street. So can you please review and tell me what you think of this one and tell me if I should continue or not.