A/N: Last chapter. Whoo~

Year 1

The planet of Earth was truly a blue planet for a while. There was nothing viewable from space on it but clouds, water, and eight tiny shining specks that were the arks. For months, the last of humanity was trapped on said ships, waiting for the water to recede. That is, if it ever did.

The first land to emerge was Africa. It was located more south and east than it had previously been, due to the plate movement. Remnant effects like this from 2012 had mostly vanished, but the world would never be quite the same as has been before. But then, maybe that was a good thing.

The newly reborn African nations were children again, waking up into the bright sunlight of the new dawn, in a time the mortals called 'Year One', their second chance. They could vaguely remember something else, a time long gone, where they lived another life, but it was more like something from a dream than a memory.

The children of the true New World wandered around their land, forming new bonds with each other. The people came on their ships, cleaning up leftovers and rebuilding what they could. They lost their technology, or most of it anyways, and had to make do, starting over from the beginning.

All across the world, the water slowly fell away, freezing back into glaciers and flowing to rivers. Russia returned, directly on the equator. The young white-haired boy awoke with his sisters sleeping nearby, all of them surrounded by a field of sunflowers. A bright smile instantly broke out across his face. He wasn't sure why, but he felt like he'd always known nothing but cold, and now he was in the place he'd always wanted to be. Gently shaking the two slumbering girls awake, he took off spinning around through the field, dancing cheerfully amongst the flowers.

The Asian countries were still together, a bit closer than they'd previously been. The children came out of their sleep all next to each other on China's land, just where they'd been at the end. North Korea even smiled a tiny bit when his brother hugged him tightly, crying with happiness. Like the others, they weren't sure what they'd been through exactly, but there was some need to embrace and be happy.

Europe was pushed slightly to the West, and there was, oddly enough, a chain of islands in the ocean just north of the German brothers, a brunette girl by the name of Seychelles. Prussia and Germany had separate nations of nearly equal size, since the people had mainly forgotten about how war-hungry the former was. Prussia saw the island from the beach and smiled, recognizing it from somewhere.

One European nation was different, however. England had been moved away, just an English-American channel away from the new United States of Alfred. The two children met right at the beginning, and America could just barely recall something about a second chance and doing it over right. So, as much as it seemed to annoy the Englishman, they wound up spending a majority of their time together. Secretly, though, it didn't bother him a bit.

"Morning, Arthur!"

The shorter blond sighed, putting down his tea reluctantly. "Alfred... Good morning."

It was several years later, and the countries were in their teens now. England was used to this routine by now: Every day, America was come bouncing in and yell cheerfully at the top of his lungs in the early morning, disturbing him during tea. He would hang around for most of the day, only leaving when he was requested by his leaders or when it was time to eat. He would rather eat hamburgers than burnt scones, it seemed. But today was different.

"So, Arthur, I was thinking… Do you have someone special in your life?" America stared up, eyebrows furrowed slightly, looking faintly worried about the answer.

That caught England off guard. "Wh-what the bloody hell, Alfred?"

"Well? Do you?"

There was a short silence. "…No…"

The more hyper of the two grinned. "Really? Then, I guess I can say this… Arthur, I love you!"

Before any insults or shocked exclamations could be spit out, America had locked lips with his best friend, who couldn't do a damn thing about it.

"…A-Alfred!" England was shocked, but not entirely unpleasantly. "What do you-"

"Oh, come on, you know you like it! So, whaddaya say?" The American's smile was blinding.

"…Bloody idiot…" England pushed himself out of the armchair and grabbed the other boy's collar, wordlessly pulling him into a kiss.

"Ha! So, you do love me!"

"Shut up!" England glared, grabbing up his tea again and dropping back into his chair and crossing his legs. "Now, go away."

"Not without you. Hey, let's go on a date!"

"Wait, that's-"

"Hurry up, Iggy! We can go to McDonald's, and then visit my Hero Museum, and-"

The door closed behind them as they went off to live their Second Chance.

The End~

A/N: It's finished! Thanks for reading~ This was fun to write, trying my hand at angst and stuff. I'm glad I could manage it properly, since I honestly did not shed a tear writing those chapters. Prolly cause I knew how it was going to end. Hope you liked it!

Now, off to catch more of those pesky plot bunnies!

(Also, the ending's sorta cheesy, but I'm tired as I'm writing this so… Yeah. I hope I pulled that last scene off alright.)