"Wait…Damon don't…go" It was too late he already left. Damn vampire speed. What is wrong with me? I am not scared of Damon but I don't know how to handle this? Where do we go from here? I picked myself from the cemetery and contemplated whether I should get the feelings off my chest about Damon and explain how we should go from here or take the rest of the night off to think exactly what exactly how I am going to say to him. I settled for sleeping on it.
I walked slowly down the street, enjoying the spring breeze as it wrestles with my hair and jacket. I take some comfort into the wind as it guides me home. I couldn't help but acknowledge that Damon it like the wind. Times he may be wild and tussle everywhere, but there are the times where he comforts you and wraps around your body. He sends silent chills down your body. He doesn't need to be seen to be notice but you can feel him there around as he guides you without a declaration of recognition for his efforts.
I finally reached my door but couldn't walk in. I didn't need to sleep it off because I knew exactly what I should have done the moment I left the cemetery. I knew exactly what I should have told him the moment he arrived. I knew exactly what I should have done the first time he got down on one knee, and I knew exactly where I needed to be and with who.
I turned quick on my heel and ran towards the boarding house hoping and praying to God that he was still there and that he didn't leave. I am not the most athletic person in the world but the adrenaline I was feeling was wonderful as I watched the street lights passed by me like a blur. My mind flashed back to everything that we ever faced and a tear slipped down my cheek but quickly froze in the wind and stilled on my cheek.
Running through the boarding house full speed, snapping my head side to side looking for Damon, I ran up the stairs to find him asleep in bed. I tip-toed my best hoping that I can finally say that yes! I was able to sneak up on a vampire and I managed to get to the edge of the bed, and I took in his sleeping form looking comfortable and peaceful, and decided enough staring. With quick movements I jumped on his stomach. Alerting the vampire who quickly responded by maneuvering us to where he was on top with his full vampire face on. I grown accustomed to the face that it longer scared me and when he realized who it was I watched as the veins and the black eyes switch back to the sea blue eyes I have grown to love?
He looked at me shock before he opened his mouth to speak, "Not that I don't like the idea of you attacking my in bed" pauses to wiggle his eyebrows and I laugh, "but it is incredibly dangerous to sneak on a vampire and wake him up from sleep especially at…" he looks at the clock "at seven thirty in the morning, so what do I owe this pleasure kitten?" I smiled the biggest grin and responded, "Well if you allow me to move I will show you?" he let me up and I quickly jumped on top of him giggling as I straddled him to the bed and pulled the wrapped present from my bag that was long forgotten on the floor and stuck it in his face, "Happy Birthday" He looked shocked for a moment realizing he never told me his birthday and stunned that I got him a gift. I started singing happy birthday but paused with a smirk of my own, "Hmm…exactly how old are you now 163 or 164?" He laughed and took the present out my hand and ripped the wrapping that I spent hours working on even though it didn't look like it and took out the picture and dropped his smirk and froze at what he saw.
I sat wondering if he liked it or not I knew I should have brought him a John Varvatos instead but his next moved shocked me as he grabbed my arms and pulled me into him and kissed with me with so much passion and I felt wetness on my cheek as a tear slid out his eye. I pulled back gasping back for air, "I take it you liked it?" He sat the picture on the side of the bed as he pulled me close as we looked at a picture of his mother smiling angelic at a younger boy who I presumed was Damon. I had begged and pleading with Mrs. Lockwood to go through the archives and when I found this picture I just knew this would be the best gift ever. I felt him stroke my hair as I lay on his chest and whispered softly, "I love it. Best birthday present ever, thank you kitten" I smiled, "Your welcome Damon"
I slammed the door to his car and ran up to my door trying to get as far away from him as possible, but that was no use to his DAMN VAMPIRE SPEED and he caught me right before I headed in the door.
"Elena can you please let me explain" He turned to where I facing him but I averted my eyes everywhere else so I wouldn't have to look at him directly. I shook my arms out of his grasp and glared at him, "What can you possibly say that can explain why you have this under your pillow!" I screamed as I raised a picture of Katherine that was identical to the one I found in Stefan room. He stepped closer as I stepped back and said, "Elena please it is not was it looks like okay…well I know what it looks like but it's not okay. Everything that just happened went in a rush and we were in the heat off the moment and I was finally glad to have you as MINE and when we were in the process of removing our clothes I had notice the picture next to the bed and I really didn't want a recap of what happen with Stefan to happen with me so the quickest thing I did was throw it under the pillow." I still stood there not totally convince until he stepped closer and wrapped his hands around my arms and this time I didn't retracted back.
"I love you Elena Gilbert and only you. I don't love you because you reminded me of a dead whore I use to be obsessed with. I love you because you are caring, sweet, stubborn and brave ass hell. I love you because you are a fighter after everything that life has thrown at you. I love you because you are the only person in my undead life that has managed to make my dead heart wish to beat. I love you more than my infatuation with Katherine and you needed no compulsion to do it and I love you to my very core that even everything that I have done to you to make you cry or hate me to your bone you still chose to love me and spend a single minute of your time to be with something like me and I will not lose the chance of give it up over a picture that has no meaning when the one thing that means the world to me is right in front of eyes and not printed on paper".
I haven't even realized that tears were streaming down my face as I closed the remaining distance with my lips as I felt heat and a burst of love flow through our bodies and the contact turned into a feeling I could never put into words. I pulled back and rested my head on his shoulder and hold him tight around the waist, "I love you too…but you are going to have to rip the picture up". I felt the chuckle flow thru his chest as he laughed, "Of course kitten". He lifted my head and handed my picture, "Would you do me the honor?" I smirked and snatched the picture, "It will be my pleasure". I ripped the picture knowing that I finally have the man of my dreams in front of me to myself and no one was standing in my way to claim what was mine…MINE..I like the sound of that. I looked him the eye and I kissed his lips tenderly and whispered, "Mine". He smiled back and whispered, "Yours".
I finally reached in front of the boarding house and rushed through the door knowing that it was never locked and made my way to Damon's room hoping that he was in there, and to my luck he was. I stopped to breathe after that excruciating run I just hand I knew Mr. Turner would be very proud to know that I actually made an effort to use those breathing tactics during p.e. class…anyways I am getting side tracked and looked at Damon who looked shocked by the edge of the bed who was packing. I lost all concentration and asked, "Where are you going"
I was packing when I heard the rush of a heartbeat come through my door. I stared there shock as Elena panted to catch her breath as she stared at me with a flustered look on her face that I didn't recognize. When she finally calmed down and recognized what I was doing she asked me where I was going.
"I thought I will do you and everyone a favor and give you your space. I seen the look and fear in your eyes at the cemetery and I love you too much to make you feel and suffer that way so I am leaving"
Wait…what you're leaving…did I just hear that correctly?
"You can't leave Damon I love you and I not nor will I ever be scared of you. I forgive you but I need you to forgive me?"
"Forgive you…forgive you for what? Elena you have nothing to be sorry for"
"Yes I do I am sorry that I lied to you"
I looked confused to what she was talking about then she continued, "I am sorry that I lied and told you no when I should have listened to my heart when the answer was yes" I still had no idea as to what she was saying, "Elena I still have no clue as to what you are staying…" I cut off my sentence when I see her pulled out the ring from her jacket and looked me in the eye with so much intensity "Ask me again Damon…ask me to marry you again Damon please?" She pointed the ring again with tears glistening down her cheek. I walked up to her and watched for any hesitation for her but I seen none besides determination.
I swelled up with love and tears flowed down my cheeks. God, what is this woman doing to me to have my leaking everywhere I removed the ring and got down on one knee. Hoping and praying that this time things turn out for the better. I swallowed the lump down my throat and took in a deep unnecessary breath.
"Elena Gilbert will you marry…" she cut me off and dropped to her knees and said "Yes…Yes.. I smiled and stated, "Elena I didn't even finish first". She kept shaking her head up and down, "It doesn't matter yes Damon yes… yes... YES! "She flew into my arms and the movement caused both of us to stumble onto our backs as we both laughed. I slipped the ring onto her finger and kissed her repeatedly. She intertwined her fingers with mine and holds tightly, "Forever". I looked her in the eye and whispered, "Forever"