Disclaimer: Not written for profit. Characters not mine.
He wasn't surprised to see his partner's prone body spread across the top of his mattress. That usually happened when Shusei was running late for whatever reason and got home after Hotsuma. The blonde must have been there for some time because he looked peaceful, like he had fallen into a deep, restful slumber that faded the aches and worries of the day.
Shusei walked quietly to the window so as not to disturb the dreamer. He drew the curtains closed to block out the dying light of the sun, the thick fabric bringing the room to darkness. He had planned to switch on the bedside lamp but found he rather liked the dark. He wasn't sure what was going on inside of him, but he could feel emotions swirling around like a hurricane. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw Hotsuma shifting on top of the mattress, his lean body curling as he drew in tight, falling deeper.
For the first time in a long while, Shusei felt hungry.
Even with the severe lack of illumination, Shusei could see the bright colors that seemed to emanate from his partner's fiery aura. There were oranges, reds, and brilliant yellows that dazzled his eyes and left him breathless. It wasn't often that he could say he was enthralled, but certainly that was the feeling that captured him then. Hotsuma was just amazing.
But I've always known that.
Something was probably wrong with him. He needed to eat actual food, not just nibble at the occasional snack just to keep enough energy in his body to live. That would have explained the rush of light-headedness that nearly brought him to his knees. He remembered Takashiro's somewhat concerned expression as he addressed him at the station. "Shusei, have you been eating at all? You really don't look well."
He was hungry. Just not for food.
He tried to shake it off by bringing himself back to reality. He was home, and Hotsuma had invaded his space as usual. It was time to either tease the other boy in his unconscious state or shake him awake and demand his movement. That was the usual protocol. He knew that Hotsuma was fine with their complacency.
Shusei wasn't, at least not then. His logical thought process once again pointed the blame at his fatigue. He had probably over-extended himself. I shouldn't have spent so much time at the station, looking through those files. I feel like it really took everything out of me.
He wanted to sleep, but the body taking up the majority of his mattress was preventing that most thoroughly. Deciding on a whim that his obstinate partner deserved what was coming to him, Shusei dropped all pretense and fell into bed, wrapping himself around his friend's body like he was hugging a large pillow. The satisfaction that began to ooze from every inch of his being was a foreign terror, an exhilarating rush of relief and happiness that could not have stemmed from anything other than the close contact between himself and Hotsuma. He was warm, so warm, bringing that heat to every part of Shusei that was freezing cold.
My heart...
"Mmm. Zu-- wha-- Sh--Shuu--" Hotsuma was dragged out of his slumber abruptly, but he didn't understand what had caused it at first. Nonsensical noises came out of his mouth as he struggled against the arms enfolding him, not yet realizing that it was already hopeless.
I'll never let go of you now.
Once he was fully awake, Hotsuma's endeavors to get away became powerful. He bristled with anger once he realized who had trapped him. "Shusei! What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Hmm? Oh. It's just you, Hotsuma. I thought someone had dropped a toy on my bed for me to snuggle with." In opposition to his teasing words, Shusei tightened his hold, finding it easy to keep the other boy close. For all his thrashing, Hotsuma was too scattered to make an effective escape attempt.
"Bastard. What have you been smoking?" Finding that his partner was not going to let go, he went limp for several moments before attacking his partner's arms, trying to pry them away. "Would ya let go already?"
Shusei drew his mouth closer to Hotsuma's ear, resisting the urge to reach out and lock onto it with his teeth. Hotsuma never removed his earrings, not even to go to bed. It was sort of a cute quirk. "You wanted to sleep here, didn't you?" His voice was a hot whisper directly against his partner's earlobe. "Go back to sleep, then."
"How am I supposed to do that with you--!" Shusei had again gripped harder and succeeded in cutting Hotsuma's protests off with a gasp. "Shu--" Hotsuma's stomach was hard and flat under Shusei's hands, moving abruptly with each forceful inhalation and exhalation of air. Shusei decided to give him a break, moving one of his arms so that his hand could reach Hotsuma's face. He began to trace the angry, scowling lines, fingers glancing over the sharp angles and contours that defined his distinctive features.
"Shh," Shusei murmured, realizing that he might have actually lost his mind somewhere throughout the process of physically tormenting his friend. It was a shame that his hands were already operating independently. Letting go of Hotsuma seemed like the worst possible thing to do. He was instantly addicted to the hot radiance of his skin, the solid muscles encased in that soft tissue, the combination of textures too tempting to refrain from touching. But he didn't have any such excuse for the words that came out of his mouth. He was driven solely by the desire to dominate his domineering partner.
"We've been closer than this in the past," Shusei said in response to Hotsuma's awkward fidgeting. His hand had covered Shusei's, stopping the movement across his face. It was too late. He had already felt the hot blush that had entered his partner's cheeks.
"Liar. We used to hug each other, but you never touched--" Hotsuma was having a hell of a time finishing his sentences. Shusei's free hand had slipped lower than his stomach, trailing a line of pleasure down the length of his hip, to his outer thigh. His eyes widened. "Where the hell are you touching?"
Shusei spoke lines out of a romance novel, although he had never read one in his life. Maybe he felt inspired from Toko's fanciful talk of how amazing Luka's devotion to Yuki was, how incredibly romantic it was to love another through any hardship, including a change of gender. He had never thought of loving Hotsuma as anything weird even though they were both male. Gender was nothing in the face of such sweeping, timeless emotion.
That's right. I've loved you since we met.
"I'm touching you, Hotsuma, everywhere I can. I want to feel every inch of you. As close as--" He seized the moment and leaned in, latching onto the tip of Hotsuma's ear with his teeth. His partner stiffened to the point of rigor mortis, probably entering a shocked state. Shusei didn't care. If it was truly a horrible thing, Hotsuma would have punched his lights out already.
He was actually satisfied with what he had done so far, although he had yet to get under Hotsuma's clothes or even kiss him. The proximity was the best feeling he could have imagined, each point of contact between them a shot of ecstasy. Although it might have been amusing to go even further, to see Hotsuma completely helpless with his ministrations, he thought he might already be spent. He could feel his grip weakening.
He was tired.
"Shu-- Shusei?" Hotsuma's voice was full of concern, amazing-- that much emotion despite the torture Shusei had tried to inflict on him. He felt a little guilty, logic returning to bring a flush of shame and regret. Pathetic. What the hell did you just do to your childhood friend? What is wrong with you?
With the grip slackened, Hotsuma was able to maneuver away, but he stayed close, turning instead to face his partner. Even in the dark, Shusei was able to see the shading in Hotsuma's cheeks, the mess of his hair around his head. They might as well have been rolling around in the sheets for how mussed Hotsuma appeared. He reached out, holding a hand to Shusei's forehead with a crease in his brow. "You're feverish."
Shusei took Hotsuma's hand in his own, bringing it to his lips and closing his eyes as he pressed a kiss against his warm palm. "That's just because of you. Your heat. I'm fine."
Hotsuma jerked his hand back and pulled away, breaking the comforting contact and leaving Shusei to freeze for several uncomfortable moments. "Yeah, right. You haven't been eating well. You've barely been sleeping for the past week, always at the police station with that asshole Takashiro. You're probably deathly ill by now."
"Doesn't matter," Shusei said in a low voice, closing his eyes, surrendering to his drowsiness. "This is all just a dream."
"Bastard. Don't do all that weird shit and then just sleep when you want to."
The fact that Hotsuma was pouting like a kid brought a smile to Shusei's lips. He grabbed the opening and spoke with a wide grin, "Oh? Are you mad that I stopped where I did? Wanted more?"
"Pfft. Yeah, right, like I would," Hotsuma blustered. When Shusei opened an eye to look at him, he saw that his head was bowed, tormented profile in view. He was sitting up, leaning back on his arms. Shusei wished to bring him near again, but he was too tired to do anything but keep his eyes open. Soon even that would be too much. Sleep was a formidable enemy.
"You liked doing that stuff, huh? I mean, are you drunk off your ass or something? Got me confused with one of your past chicks?" Hotsuma asked, raising his head and staring ahead at the far wall. There was probably nothing there. Yet, he was still close, still on the bed. He hadn't pulled that far.
Shusei's smiled faded, replaced with a calm line. "I would never mistake you for anyone else. Maybe I've lost it. I just wanted to be warm."
"I told you, you're burning up." Hotsuma looked at him, eyes flickering before coming up with a hint of resolve. He brought his body close, laying back and reaching out to lift Shusei up slightly. He maneuvered so that Shusei was on top of his chest as he rested on his back on top of the mattress. He twined his fingers in Shusei's hair. "Just lay there and be good, ok? I'll keep you warm tonight."
Shusei heard the steady beating of Hotsuma's heart beneath his cheek, the reassuring beat reinforcing his weariness. He lifted his right arm to rest across Hotsuma's body, hoping that the weak gesture would prevent Hotsuma from changing his mind and leaving. He didn't think he could do without that fire.
Burning up? I feel like I've frozen.
"I'm dragging your ass to have the doctor look at you tomorrow. No excuses." Hotsuma's voice was a deep rumble in his throat. Shusei smiled, knowing that arguing was useless. After a good night's rest, he would hopefully manage get up before his partner and escape the examination. Then they could just forget about it.
So close to Hotsuma, he was sure that he was healed already.
His hand, still operating with a mind of its own (he told himself this), began to inch the material of Hotsuma's shirt up, revealing the smooth skin of his abdomen. He touched that delicate silk until Hotsuma's hand covered his, stopping the exploration cold by moving it away.
"What the hell did I just say about laying there and being good?"
"Something important, I'm sure." Shusei said, smiling against his partner's chest. His eyes could no longer be dragged open, so he was sure he was going to drift into sleep soon enough, much to Hotsuma's relief.
"Yeah. So do it, already." Hotsuma exhaled deeply, sounding annoyed. "Crap, I've gotta go to the bathroom. Get up for a sec, will ya?"
Shusei's heart dipped in his chest, dreading the separation from Hotsuma's comforting glow. He moved, having no retort, no reason not to acquiesce. Resting against the pillow, it was cold and concrete compared to Hotsuma's gentle strength. He closed his eyes, listening to Hotsuma's movements beyond the door, catching only pieces. Water running, drawers slamming.
I'm going to remember this in the morning and wonder what the hell I was doing.
Despite the taunting of his inner voice, another part of him, deeper and primal, awash in the endless desire he felt to completely consume Hotsuma, wanted more. Wanted to go into the washroom and throw Hotsuma against the wall, draw pleasure from every inch of his body until he cried and trembled into a mess, his.
Maybe later.
Shusei dozed. The next time he came back to reality from the dream walk was when Hotsuma climbed back into his bed, lifting the sheets bunched at the bottom and pulling them up and over them. He grasped Shusei close again, resumed their earlier position. "I'll stay tonight if you really want." His fingers laced through Shusei's locks.
Shusei smiled, fighting the sleep that tried to claim victory over him, at least for a few more minutes. "For how long?"
"Idiot. As long as it takes."
Shusei pulled Hotsuma's hand into his own, intertwining their fingers and resting their joined hands on the mattress at Hotsuma's side. There would always be another time. Maybe he was sick, after all. The doctor might not be a bad idea, not if being completely well meant more time with Hotsuma. "I'll be good."
"Pfft. Liar."
For the first time, Shusei slept peacefully, without any of the uneasiness that sometimes came when he was apart for Hotsuma. The feel of Hotsuma so close to him soothed his subconscious worries and brought sweet dreams. The truth was, he wouldn't need to visit the doctor in the morning. He would awaken to a bright new day and, with a broad smile, place a tender kiss on the lips of his partner. The sight of his partner's flustered face and flailing limbs would be all the medicine, all the sustenance needed to cure any ills.
I'll wrap these chains a little tighter.