I stared out the window trying to ignore the distant droning of the teacher; I tried to remember why I went to this class. I snorted when the answer came to me, of course. This was about him, listening to this was a cover for spying on my cousin/uncle/grandfather/something. I giggled slightly realising that I wasn't sure what he was, what did you call someone who is the reincarnation of you ancestor? I wasn't sure, he called Syaron his cute little descendant but I am pretty sure that was just to annoy him. The teacher had stopped talking and was staring at me, ok that's creepy... looking around I realised everyone was staring at me; I felt a blush start to show. I quickly pulled my, 'I am a Li, so therefore I am an emotionless warrior' face, "Can I help you?" I asked coldly, people starting looking scared. Now I was really confused, they looked like... well you know how when someone screams out something stupid like 'rape' in the middle of class, and then everyone turns around and gives them the 'what the hell is wrong with you, you freak' face. Well that's what I was getting, and it was freaking me out. I looked at Eriol, he was looking serious but he always looked serious unless he was with/thinking about Tomoyo, but I knew that it was just a mask. He noticed my searching gaze (A.N well of course he did, he was staring at you! Who wouldn't notice someone was looking at them, when they happened to be looking at that someone at the same time! There is a name for that, it's called meeting someone's gaze, or looking into someone's eyes! Ok, sorry for interrupting, just had to get that out. He he he... Enjoy!) Silently he reached out into my mind. (A.N. ummm... hi again, just thought I would explain, ok. Everything that happened in ccs has happened expect that sakura and Syaron never confessed. Anyway, yeah so hopefully that will destroy some of your confusion) your mental shields are getting weaker. He sounded amused; you haven't been doing the exercises I taught you.

What do you expect? They are boring.

But necessary.

How? You're the strongest besides Syaron and Sakura.

That we know of, there could be more powerful magic users out there.

But you would sense them if they came here.

Regardless, you should not let the knowledge that the only three people that we know can break into your mind respect you enough not to, make you complement. There are still many dangers out there.

Are you done with the lecture? Because they are going to wonder why we are just sitting here, by the way, what did I do that is making them stare?

Yes, for now. The amusement sparked back into his voice, or mental voice I guess.

You laughed, you rarely smile, and yet the Ice queen laughed.

That's it? What? Can I not enjoy myself every now and then?

Well yes, I suppose you can. But regardless you shocked them; they have only seen you smile near your friends. Doing it when they are not here, and I am at the other end of the room, it surprised them.

Stupid no good life sucking parisites!

Are you done?

For now. I hated it when he said that to me, so I can't blame him for the small chuckle when he realised I had stole his line.

By the way, what made the ice queen finally melt enough to giggle?

No reason...

Ahhh... you have been planning more, can you please not start till Monday? I wanted to surprise Tomoyo, and if she hears even one of these ideas. She will be match-making all weekend.

I softened at that, I knew it upset Eriol when Tomoyo spent more time on others relationships rather then her own.

But that is where your wrong, I don't mind that much, I just want to be involved. After all, it is fun to watch my cute little descendant blush and stutter like a little boy. I just want this weekend to be special.

Ok, ok... no need for details. I had caught a brief glimmer of what he had in mind, Tomoyo had better watch out. Maybe her telling Eriol that she was ready wasn't the best idea. Especially not when I was trying to not find out, don't get me wrong, afterward I will beg for details. But I really don't need the mental image.

He chuckled, man, I feel like a freaking comedy act. Oh please, no, stare all you want, in fact, laugh as well. Please. I live to look like a clown.

Muttering darkly I blocked him from my mind, turning back towards the class. I saw they were all looking at me and Eriol, I glared at them. "Take fuckin a picture it will last longer"

"Mrs. Li, language"

I looked at the teacher in front of me, "actually sir this is history, if you want language you have to go down the hall, second door on the right."

I swear he turned red, I knew I should stop. But I was bored and out of all my teachers, he had been getting it easy. It is about time he learned why no one messed with Meiling.

"Mrs Li get on with your work before I give you detention"

I put my feet up on the desk and leant back; taking out my phone I began to txt my friends. Warning them that I would be in detention soon, if there is a colour darker then red, Mr talk a lot just turned it.

"Mrs Li, Stop wasting your time and do something productive"

I stood up and walked towards the door,

"Where are you going?" he screamed "go back to your desk"

I sighed, "Well what do you want me to do? Go back to my desk or stop wasting my time?"

A few broken giggles echoed around the class, no wanted to laugh too much and risk the teachers fury.


I smirked and left the class, well that was fun.