Yolei's Big Shock!

(A/N) This chapter will be short. Sorry, I have not updated in a while I have been very, very busy. Please tell me if I should hold off on Yolei telling about the braces Please Review! By Yolei199

Chapter 4:

Davis and Ken go over to Yolei's Apartment. They knocked on the door and Yolei answered. She smiled when she saw her friends. Though it was her closed Smile. She then said, " So what brings you here Ken and Davis?"

Ken said shyly, "I would be honored if you would help me move in."

Yolei says, "Of course I will help you. Do you want me to get a hold of the others?"

Davis says, "Sure, the more people. The faster it gets done."

Yolei then e-mailed the others. The others Replied. All except Mimi Said, Yes. Mimi Said that She will help when she gets there. If there is anything for me to do. I'm about 2 hours away from landing.

Ken then e-mailed them, told them that His new apartment is to the left of Yolei's apartment and to TK and Cody that they can meet them in the elevator, on the way down.

They all started unloading the moving Van. Some time had passed, they had finished unloading and started unpacking. Some more time had passed. More like 2 hours had passed. Mimi came and started to help out in unpacking. They all worked until they were done. They then cleaned up and played a game of go fish in his new room.

Ken's new room is set up like his computer is by the sliding door. His bed is not above the sliding door. But on the other side but not as a loft bed, but as a regular bed and in the Left-hand corner of the room and the door is on the right-hand side. If you were looking in from the balcony.

Yolei was muttering something under her breath. Something about her life just got a whole lot more difficult and did she have to get some type of metal in her mouth. Right when Ken Moved here. She also got the others to laugh with her hard time playing go fish and freaking out when she got more cards then she can handle.

Ken's Mather then came in and said,

"Ken dear,"

Ken said, "Yes, Mama!"

"Ken your dad and I are going to my check-up and going to get your transcripts from your old school transfer them to Odaiba's school."

Ken then said, "OK! Mama, cool."

Then Tai said, " That totally works out for you man. Because Soccer tryouts are on Tuesday after school."

Davis said, "oh yeah. HERRRRRAAAAAAYYYY!"

Ken's Mother then said, "Well, we do have to go. We will see you all later. Bye, you all!"

They all said, "Bye!" to her as she left.