A/N: The Epilogue chapter :) Sorry if it sucks, i didnt have the time to reread it... i had to get back to my papers and real life :( Thank you to everyone who read and review! firecrushedcat, ilyjace, burning.,Ariaxoxo , Jace's Lover (love the username btw dude :))) and Psalms chapter 34 verse 11 :)

Thank you soooo much! :D :*

And to everyone who read and reviewed previous chapters that i never got to thank... BIIIIIG HUGSS ALL AROUND! :)
Thank you to the 58 who kept this story on their favorites list!
Thank you to the 57 who kept this story on their alert list!

You guys rock! :)

/dedicated to the City of Bones/


Snowflakes fell from the clear blue sky and the entire land was covered with what appeared to be a gigantic white blanket. She entered the big castle which was her home and remembered to wipe her feet before running inside. It had been a difficult battle against snow demons and the Abominable Snowman, but she survived with minimal damage. She pulled off her boots and ran into the main hall to get some heat in her system. As expected, the furnace was burning with warmth when she entered and she sighed happily, feeling very comfortable.

"How was your day, sweetheart?" She looked up to find her mother, smiling down at her. She had just finished putting a star on top of their Christmas Tree. Her mother had the prettiest orange hair ever, she wished her hair was like that, but it was of honey blonde.

"Yes, mom. The Abominable Snowman put up a fight, but I got him in the end!" She said triumphantly. Her mother laughed a melodic laugh and went towards her. Her mother picked her up and kissed the tip of her nose.

"I hope you didn't hurt Luke that much. He's a wolf and all, but you do throw a pretty mean punch." Her mother smiled, and messed with her hair. She didn't like her hair messed up but she loved her mother a lot, so it was okay.

"Is dad coming home this year, mom?" Her mother turned to look at her and obviously forced a smile. "We'll see, dear. I'm sure your father would like to see how you've grown up, Beth."

She smiled broadly. "I'm nearly 3 now."

"Yes and you have the strength that of 2 vampires!" A tall man came into the room and lifted Beth off of her feet and unto his shoulders.
"I hope she didn't hurt you, Luke." Her mother told him.

"Nah, Little Bethy here cant hurt the Abominable Snowman! Mwahahaha!" Beth let out a small giggle and struggled to get free from the clutches of the Abominable snowman.

When she did manage to, she ran towards her mother and used a Christmas ball as ahand grenade, hitting Luke squarely on the head.


"And she has her father's aim!" Luke said, wincing.

Beth giggled. "Sorry, mom."

Her mother picked her up again and brought her towards the Christmas Tree. "Would you like to put a ball on it, honey?"

"Yes!Yes!Yes!" She reached for a dozen balls and it all came falling down because eher little arms could barely contain them.

"Easy there, honey! One at a time!" Her mother purred.

"Who wants cookies?" Beth turned towards the kitchen door. A beautiful dark haired woman came in carrying a plate of black and partly burned pastries.

"Wow, Izzy! You made a special batch for Simon!" Luke exclaimed.

"Why is it only for Simon?" Izzy looked murderous.

"Well, only the non-living could consume that and not puke… or die… and AH! Don't throw that at me!" Luke tried to evade the series of cookies flying his way.

One hit his shoulder. "Ouch! What kind of flour did you use? Rock powder?" And another one came flying to his stomach causing him to screech in pain.

"That's enough you guys." From the other door came Beth's uncle, a tall man who had the same dark hair as Izzy. His eyes were as blue as the ocean.

He caught sight of Beth and came over to coo her.

"Hey there, Bethy! Come to Uncle Alec!" Beth was more than happy to come into his arms. He kissed her lightly on the forehead.

"Where's Uncle Shiny-Pants?" Beth inquired.

"Who? Magnus?" Alec said, amusedly.

A laugh came from her mother. "Yes, she's taken a liking to calling him that."

Alec laughed too. "Wait, okay, Bethy? Uncle Magnus is just taking in the roast beef. Magnus!"

"Yes, Al—Ooh! Beth! Cute little Beth! Aww… you miss Uncle Sparkly?" He lightly pinched her cheeks.

"Uh-huh. Your pants!" she pointed accusingly. "They're not shiny!"

"I'll change into my special shiny pants later, sweetie. Aw, aren't you just the cutest thing ever!" He fixed her hair and lightly tossed her up and down. This made Beth laugh a lot.

"Alright! Is everyone here?" Beth heard her mother call.

"I'm coming, honey." An older version of her mother came through the kitchen door. "I had to get the emergency cookies from the oven. Maybe next year, Izzy." She patted Izzy's shoulder maternally.

"Who wants cookies? Beth?"
"Thanks Granma." Beth totted over to her grandmother Jocelyn and took a big cookie and pretty much swallowed it whole.

"I know 2 year olds eat a lot, but Beth consumes everything. Is that natural?"

Beth turned to the other side and said, her mouth still full of food, "Runkle Rymon!"

Simon smiled sweetly and held his arms open for the toddler. She ran towards him and he lifted her up with ease.

"Hey, kiddo. Dad can't come tonight, by the way." He said to Beth's mother. "He said he'd love to come over but the snow is too deep and he's just too old to trek through it. I told him I'll come over when the blizzard stops and carry him over here."

"You're really cold, Uncle Simon." Beth stated a-matter-of-factly, as soon as she swallowed her cookie.

He laughed and squished her cheek. "I was taken by the Snowman!" he said, animatedly.

Beth gasped happily. "Oh no! Not Uncle Simon!"

Everyone laughed but soon a bell sounded through all the hilarity.

"Alright, everyone's here!" It was her mother. "We should all eat dinner now before the food gets cold."

"But mom—we have to wait for Dad." Beth chimed in. Everyone fell silent as they stared at her mother.

Beth didn't know much about adults and all that, but what she did know was that her dad was away on a mission and he promised he was going to come back… so every year they all waited for him to get back, but nothing. But Beth always hoped that he would. It was the only thing she asked for during Christmas (other than a pony and a big shiny sword like the ones Granpa Lewis has in his home)

She has never seen her dad, but by the way everyone talks about him, he must have been a great guy. They say she had his hair and his stance. She was confident and strong and had a smart mouth at a young age. Beth always wanted to meet her father, she longed to play with him and fight snow demons and the Abominable Snowman with him—they said he was a really good fighter.

"Clary," Simon had called her mother's given name, and Beth stared at them in confusion.

"He… he's coming this year. I know it!" Beth half-yelled.

Clary, her mother, walked up to her daughter and began to soothe her.

"There, there, sweetie. It's alright. Daddy will come someday. Not just this—"

"No! I really feel it mom! He's coming today! I know he is! I know he is!" Beth struggled to be free from Simon's arms. When he set her on the ground, she ran straight for the door.

"Beth!" Her mother called after her.

Beth didn't look back. She put on her boots and sprinted out into the snow covered yard.

Granpa Lewis was right to stay indoors while the blizzard was ongoing. It was extremely cold and the wind kept howling and snow seemed to fall violently.

Beth tried to push her way into the forest which was right in front of their home and found herself growing more tired by the second.

Eventually, she collapsed near a tree, and lying on the snow at that moment, she could see lights fill the corner of her vision. They were of different colors and she found them ethereal and nevertheless beautiful. A gushing wind threw snow into her eyes and she struggled to move and keep them from irritating, but she couldn't find the strength.

Beth lay there helplessly. The lights were gone, and everything became shadows. She was almost losing consciousness.

"Dad…" she said weakly.

Two warm hands gripped at her shoulders and immediately woke her up. These hands brought her up and carried her steadily. Beth's vision was still blurry so she couldn't see who was carrying her. She stared off into the distance instead and saw a silhouette of her home, and dozens of torch lights spread in many areas.

Her family was looking for her. If Beth listened carefully she could hear her mother's voice calling her name.

Beth tried to say, Mom! I'm over here! But she was too frozen to do anything but shiver. The unknown person held her closer to him and she felt an odd sense of heat radiating from him. It almost felt natural.

The voices got louder, and the wind ceased. The blizzard had passed.

"Beth! Oh my god!" That was her mother's voice. Beth struggled to move and call her mother. What came out was only a rasping sound.

"M-mom…" She turned to focus on her mother and she was surprised to see her mother staring wide eyed at her. She looked shell shocked. What was even more surprising was when Beth looked at everyone else, they wore the same expression.

"M-mom?" Beth quirked, not understanding a single thing that was going on.

"Sorry it took me so long." Beth was startled. The stranger who saved her from the blizzard had spoken to her mother.

Beth didn't understand if her mother was sad or happy because tears were falling down her cheek but she was smiling broadly.

"Well, what do you know…" Uncle Sparkly Pants said, his eyes moist themselves.

"Welcome home, Jace." Aunt Izzy said, her voice cracking with sobs of joy.

Beth looked at her mother and saw that she was looking back, a loving smile on her face.

"Beth, this is Jace; he's your dad."

Beth felt like her stomach was tosse dup in the air and back into her system. She nearly cracked her neck as she turned to stare at the man holding her.

He indeed, had golden hair like hers. He had a smile that resembled hers. His stare looked exactly like hers.

"Beth." Her name coming from his lips was beautiful, Beth thought. He caressed her soft cheek and lifted her up so he could see her, and she could see him. "You have your mother's eyes."

Her mother had come closer to him now, and he held her closely. "Welcome home, Jace."

"Dad?" Beth built up the courage to speak.

"Yes, Beth?" Her father focused his bright yellow eyes on her.

Their color made Beth smile brightly. "Welcome home, Dad."

A/N: Thank you everyone who supported this story :) I love all of you lots! :D I'm working on new projects, i swear ;) and maybe, hopefully, i'll post more stories soon :D

And if you're wondering, I chose the name BETH because of the song from Kiss with the same title :)

Beth I know you're lonely, but I can't come home right now...

fave lyrics EVER :))

Read and Review as always and for the rest of the story...how you think stuff ended up...it's for your imagination :)
