Bunny: Chap. 9

by ~maddierxwr

Six days had passed since Butters and I had 'done it' and I couldn't be happier. Our relationship started to feel way more like a relationship and less like a forbidden love. He sat with my friends and I at lunch now, we spent our breaks and free periods together (alone), and I didn't care if people watched me get into his mom's (or dad's depending on who picked us up that day) car. All I wanted was for him to be close to me as much as possible. On top of all that, I'd told Butters that I love him! I couldn't wait to say it again.

At the moment, I was sitting in my last class just waiting for the bell to ring. It was the weekend and Butters had decided to let me in on the fact that we had plans. Five more minutes to go.
"Somewhere you have to be, Mr. McCormick?" My teacher demanded.
I sighed. "Yea, actually. So if you could hurry up, that would be great."
"Do you want detention?"
"Not really..."
"Then stop being a smart ass!"
I just kept quiet. I really couldn't afford detention today. Besides, class was almost over. I laughed on the inside. If Butters would have been in this class, I would have gotten yelled at when we got home. God, it was so cute when he was mad at me. He would scowl so hard, but his face was just too adorable for me to take him seriously. I would just smile at him and do what ever he wanted. I remember a few weeks ago when I got detention for smart assing, he called me once school was over (he had to run and catch his ride, so there was no time to scold me face to face) and started screaming.
"There's gunna be heck to pay when you get home, Kenny McCormick! Heck, I tell you! And my parents are gunna be awful sore when they pick me up all by myself."
I told him I was sorry, and then snickered to myself once we'd hung up.

The bell rang and brought me out of my memories. The first thing I noticed was that I was wearing this giddy grin. I probably looked high to everyone around me. The thought made me smile even more. I jumped up from my desk and bolted out the door. I ran down a few halls, a few teachers yelled at me, and finally I got to the parking lot where everyone got picked up. I searched around for my sweet little Butters for a few moments until I finally found him. He was just coming out of the building. I darted over to him, scooping him up in my arms once I'd reached him.
"Hi." I cooed.
He didn't sound very happy. Ugg. "What's wrong?"
The boy shook his blond head. "Oh, nothin'." His head was hung, so I couldn't really see his eyes. I hung my head a little and looked up so that I could fix that problem. Something really was wrong. His eyes gave it away. He wasn't crying or anything, so I assumed it wasn't that bad. He looked scared. I couldn't help but to wonder if Cartmen had done something to him.
"Tell me." I ordered gently.
"Its nothin'... I just don't feel good."
I held his face to my chest and kissed his head. I'd forgotten that people could see us.
"I'm sorry, baby." I cooed. "It'll be okay. You're mom will be here to get us soon." That seemed to make it even worse. He started to shake a little. Like Tweek.
"Once we get home I'll lay down with you... And we always have those plans to look forward too."
Butters shook even harder. What was I doing wrong?
"Baby, did someone do something to you?" I asked him.
He shook his head.
"Then what are you afraid of?" I was getting kind of angry. Not at Butters, but at the situation. It was one of the worst feelings in the world to know that someone you cared about was hurting and there was nothing you could do about it.
"Butters, you're shaking like a leaf." I wasn't going to take no for an answer anymore. He was starting to make me scared.

Just then, Mrs. Stotch pulled up. I sighed and walked over to the car.
"I can't make it better if you don't tell me what's wrong." I muttered in my boyfriend's ear.
I put him in the back seat and climbed in after him. He rested his head in my lap.
"He's sick." I said quietly to Mrs. Stotch.
"Oh, well I'm glad you were there to take care of him." She replied as she began to drive away from the school.
Yea, I wish... I thought. I began to run my fingers through his hair absentmindedly.

The ride home wasn't the best of car rides. The whole time I worried and watched as Butters slept. I knew that something was wrong. I would have to pry it out of him later. Once we finally made it home, I shook Butters gently so he'd let me up, then lifted him out of the car and took him up to his room.

I yanked the sheets down with one hand and then set him down, kissing his baby soft cheek. I got him a pair of pj pants and and one of my T-shirts (I couldn't find one of his that wasn't dirty or like... Form fitting, I guess is the word. And nobody wants to wear tight clothes when they don't feel good).
"Please talk to me, Butters." I begged as I helped him change.
He sighed. "I-I'll be fine. I just started thinking about something t-too much and it made me all s-scared."
I brushed blond behind his ear. "You don't have to be scared. I'm here. Anybody or anything you're scared of has to get passed me first." I held out my hand and smacked my palm with the back of my other hand.
Butters giggled and I grinned.
"So tell me, Butters. What's bothering you?"
The boy laid down and falling to my knees, I rested my chin on his bed, waiting for an answer.
"I..." He started. "I wanted to tell my parents today... About me and y-you."
I was at a loss for words. I couldn't believe he didn't even ask me first! Unless this was him asking me. Still, there was no way in hell that we were telling ANYONE. Especially his parents. I opened my mouth to express my thoughts to the smaller boy, but he cut me off.
"Aw, please, Kenny?" He begged.
What the fuck? How did he know what I was thinking? "No fucking way!" I replied instantly without a thought. I felt a bit bad for snapping at him, but I wasn't going to back down on this. What if they stopped letting me sleep over? Or worse! What if they stopped letting me over at all?
Butters' face was plastered with a pathetic pout. I couldn't help but to soften up a bit. Damn it. I sighed heavily and moved my face closer to his, sure that he was going to plead his case at any moment. And sure enough...
"Kenny, my parents won't be mad or anything. Dang it, my dad is a bisexual! He won't care if me and you are-"
"Shhh~" I put a finger to his lips. I still couldn't handle that word out loud. I could be cool with the fact that Butters was gay, that I was his boyfriend, that I was in love with him, and even that I was a little bisexual. However, I wouldn't accept that I was gay. I couldn't be. I sighed deeply again. I didn't have any good reason to say no. Aside from the fact that I was scared shitless. "Fine." I muttered. "But don't say I didn't warn you when you're dad doesn't let me sleep in your room anymore." I stood up and extended my arm toward my small, blond lover.
Butters stared at my hand, a confused look on his angle face. "...R-R-Right now?"
I nodded. "Mhmm; right now. C'mon." And the boy took my hand.