I'd been thinking about him a lot lately. It's really weird because eight years ago I hardly paid him any attention. It was no surprise that we ended up in the same high school. I mean, there's only one high school in this shit whole town. As soon as I'm old enough, I'm getting out of here. I'm going to make something of myself. I'd rather die a virgin then end up like my dad.

I shook my head side ways once flinging the golden hair out of my eyes as I closed my locker. And sure enough, as soon as I turned around, there he was.

"H-Hi, Kenny." He stuttered while wearing his perfect little smile. Butters was one of the most nervous kids that I had ever met. He always stuttered. but it was so damn adorable. Some times I caught myself daydreaming about what Butters would look like if he was a chick. It really freaked me out when I realized what I was thinking, but I had to admit that Butters would have made a totally cute girl. I mean, I'd tap her.

"Hey, Butters." I said as my bangs fell back in front of my eyes. It was that time of day again. Every week day, right after the bell rang Butters was right there ready to haul me off to the music room so he could tutor me. I was failing in math (shocker) and Butters was one of the smartest kids in school. Honestly, I thought that he would do my work for me because he's such a pushover. But, dude I was so wrong. Butters made me work so hard and I would get so angry, I would scream about it. Well, sometimes. But in the end, I really didn't mind. I was starting to get better at math and I got to be with Butters, so I guess its not so bad. He's really not like everyone thinks he is. He's sweet and thoughtful and he'll always be there for you. I like him. A lot. And that scares me.

"Well, w-we're here." Butters chimed as we arrived at the door of the music room. He was batting those innocent eyelashes at me as I opened the door. I let him go in first. Once inside, I shrugged off my orange parka and sat down at one of the tables.

"How was school today?" I asked, getting out my math book. I brushed my hair out of my eyes.

"It was pretty good for me." He said, seeming calmer now that we were alone. "How was your day, Kenny?"

I sighed. His definition of 'pretty good' was pretty sad. Butters was alone all day long. He sat alone in class, he ate alone a lunch, and he spent all of his breaks alone studying. But I guess he could smile at the end of the day because he was used to being alone. He had been for as long as I'd known him.

"It was alright I guess." I answered, not wanting to go into any stories. "It's going to be better now that we're together though, right?" I blushed and hid my face in my math book. I hadn't meant for it to come out that way. I looked up after a short while, and Butters was blushing right back at me. He nodded and giggled.

"It sure is." He said. He glanced at the clock. "Oh, we should get to work before we run out of time." The blond boy across the table started with some fractions. I nodded and mumbled yea's and mmhm's, but I really wasn't paying attention. There was something on my mind. I really need to figure something out. I needed to know why I liked Butters so much. I needed to know why the words 'cute' and 'adorable' always came into my head when I saw him. I hoped like hell that I wasn't...Ya know... A fag.

"Butters,I have to ask you something." I interrupted.

"Alright, wh-what is it?" He smiled.

"Have you ever... Liked a guy?"

Everything was silent. He stared at me in confusion. I thought I was going to die of embarrassment. But finally, Butters spoke.

"W-W-Well gee, Kenny... Whydya ask?" He asked suspiciously. He really had gotten cleverer over the years. Good for him.

"Well... My friend! He thinks that he might like this guy, but he's straight, so he's really confused. Yea. I was just wondering if you know what that's like because I don't and I just wanted to help him..." I trailed off because I was babbling like an idiot. I had gone way to far and I was sure that Butters would know that I wasn't talking about any friend. The boy laughed softly. I felt my cheeks heat up and turn red.

"Well, I h-have liked a few g-guys before." Butters admitted, twirling a lock of sunshine colored hair around his finger. "And I... I k-kinda like one right n-now." I don't know how, but I always knew that Butters was going to turn out gay. Either that or end up with some bitch who he didn't really love. But hearing his confession, it made my heart pound. I tried so hard to make it stop, but I couldn't. I had to face the facts. I liked Butters.

"Thanks, Butters..." I muttered. I didn't see the confused look on his face, but looking back, I knew it had to be there. After all, Butters didn't know that he had just helped me solve my problem.