I know it's late. But I had trouble with this one. It was definitely a challenge because "Swan Song" freakin' wrecked me. It's insane, and I promise I'm not crazy, but I can barely watch it. Kripke is trying to kill me, I swear. Please let me know what you think.
Word Count: 111
Label Maker
Sam's life positively sucked. He'd been arrested.
Arrogance was carved into the detective's stony features as he read Sam's ever-growing rap sheet. "Arson, grave desecration…
Sam missed it when he was simply student, friend, lover. Now, he was a hunter, and to the authorities that meant criminal.
He leaned forward, ignoring the scream in his shoulders. "You arrested me fourteen hours ago. I'm still handcuffed, been treated inhumanely-"
Bad-Cop's eyes flashed with rage. "You want inhumane, you sick twist…" His fist was raised.
Dean charged in, all wrinkled suit and stolen glasses. "Please let me add assault...to the charges I'll be filing against this precinct."
But Sam's proudest label was brother.