This is a story based on the book by Cheryl Lanham called Remember me. I'm changing it up it will be like the book except I'm going to extend the book kinda of like Walk to Remember. Also, I'm changing alot of the things in the book.
Summary: Rukia was a 17 year old girl that got pressured into stealing a pair of earrings, now she has to serve 300 hours of community service at the local hospice. Little does she know that who she will meet there will change her look on life. IchiRuki
Disclaimer: I do not own Remember me, Cheryl Lanham does, I also do not own Bleach, that would be Tubo Kite.!
Dear Diary,
My life is officially over. They gave me three hundred community service hours, three hundred, I couldn't even believe it! It's not even fair, rapists and murderers don't get that much time, but the judge, the old fart hated me. He said he was going to make an example of me. That he was tired of all us snobby, little rich kids thinking we could do whatever we damn well pleased. He just sat up there and glared at me while stroking his freakishly long white beard. I think he got into an accident or something too cause he's got these scars all over his shiny head. Serves him right, the jerk. He said I was treating the community like my personal playground! I mean seriously, it was a pair of earrings, and I was going to leave the money on the counter I swear! He didn't believe me though, and to top it all off, my brother Byakuya and my sister Hisana, took away my license! I can't drive my baby now! It's so unfair! I'm a good kid, I've never stolen anything before and the one time I do, I get caught! Fate hates me…
A shrill sound interrupted Rukia's train of thought. She looked over at her Chappy the Rabbit cellphone and quickly grabbed it. The way her life was going she was lucky Hisana didn't remember she even had a cellphone. Rukia sighed in relief when she didn't hear anyone come stomping up the stairs to take away her only way to have a social life. Rukia looked at the caller id and sighed.
"Hey! How'd it go?" Her best friend, Rangiku Matsumoto asked.
"How do you think?" Rukia asked spitefully. "The old judge hated me, he didn't even give me a chance to explain that it was all a prank!"
"Yeah, it was some old guy, Yama- something." Rukia scoffed. "He wasn't exactly the grandfatherly type either." Rukia sighed, and mentally prepared herself for the next part. It was going to be tough if there was something that Rangiku was well known for, it was gossip. Well, that and shopping. Rukia loved her best friend but she knew that Ran would be up all night telling all of Kakura High School that she had officially no social life.
"Well?" Rangiku pushed impatiently. "Come on, tell me all the gory details. Did they give you probation or something?"
"Hah, I wish." Rukia muttered. "The old jerk gave me three hundred hours of community service at some place called Rabenda House."
"Community service?" Rangiku screeched. "I thought only big time criminals got that stuff. I mean, give me a break. Everyone knows your no thief."
"Try telling that to the judge." Rukia was thankful at least that no one would think of her a criminal. When she was in that courtroom, she felt like trash. It was horrible. The absolute worst time of her life.
"God," Rangiku continued. "Three hundred hours? There goes your senior year. What about cheerleading? What about prom?"
"According to Judge Genryusai Yamamato, I have no need for a social life." Rukia felt tears prick at her eyes, but she would not cry in fron of her best friend.
"Aw, honey." Rangiku cooed. "You just won't be having any fun at all will you?'
"Well, I definetly won't be having any fun." Rukia said bitterly. "My free time is gonna be spent emptying bedpans, and helping old ladies get in their wheelchairs."
"Gross." Rangiku sniffed. "But that's not too bad, it could be worse..."
"Well, I don't see how." Rukia said. "I'm going to be stuck at some nursing home. I have to start tomorrow right after school."
"Nooooo!" Rangiku shrieked. "What about cheerleading, you already missed one practice. Ms. Soi Fon said if you missed another, you would be off the squad."
Rukia let her mind drift to that fateful day...
Rukia looked nervously around the local jewerly store. She was sweating and her hands were shaking. She grabbed the earrings off the shelf and put them in her pocket. She was going to put the money on the counter, but Tatsuki was watching her like a hawk, and Rukia wasn;t about to listen to her mouth. So, she just kept walking, she had just walked out of the store when a shrill buzzing went off.
She had been caught. Two security guards handcuffed her like some prisoner and took her to the mall jail. Rukia looked down shamefully when her brother Byakuya had to come and bail her out. By Monday, they were in front of a jury.
"Rukia?" Ran called. "You still there darlin'?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah." Rukia studdered. "Just thinking. I guess I won't have time for cheerleading anymore Ran..."
"Can't Byakuya help? He's a lawyer, isn't he? Rangiku continued.
Rukia scoffed and rolled her eyes, even though Ran couldn't see. "There's nothing he can do, he's not that type of lawyer." Rukia lied.
Demons dragging her to hell couldn't rip the truth from her. She had begged her brother to help and he had refused to life one finger to help her. He had looked at her coldy and told her that this time, she would pay the price for her mistakes. At seventeen, he lectured, that she was not a child anymore and if she could be so foolish as to be swayed by others, she could pay the price. Her sister had said the same thing, only nicer of course. Byakuya had Hisana on his side. "Like I said, the judge decided that he was going to make an example out of me."
Rangiku was saying something, but Rukia's mind was elseware. She just kept seeing that old judge glare at her and reliving the humilation she felt. When she had looked at her siblings, Byakuya had ignored her coldly and Hisana had her head bowed. Rukia had disgraced her family. She couldn't forget how guilty she felt and she was still sick on her stomach. Rukia sniffled and then calmed herself. She wasn't going to cry, she was a Kukichi, damn it.
"What?" Rukia muttered, suddenly aware that Ran had asked her a question.
"I said, where is this place anyways?" Rangiku asked impatiently.
"Oh, it's across town in Rukongai." Rukia said distainfully.
"Ew, that's a bad part of town, keep your doors locked." Ran chuckled a little, seeing what she had said. "Whoops, I forgot they took your license. How are you going to get there?"
Rukia's heart sank, she had been hoping that Rangiku would offer her a ride. Suddenly Rukia heard her sister calling from downstairs. "Listen Ran, I gotta go, Hisana is calling me. I'll call you after I eat dinner, kay?"
"Oh.. I won't be home, we're all going over to Renji's house tonight to plan the prom..." Rangiku started. "I guess you won't be able to make it eh?"
"Right." Rukia groaned. "I'm grounded as well, there goes my life."
"Sorry, but I'll see you at school tomorrow kay?" Rangiku said. "I guess I'll have to catch a ride with Toshiro since you can't get me... See you tomorrow!"
Rukia winced. She never thought it would be this hard to talk to Ran. Tomorrow was definetly going to be the worst day ever. Rukia heard Hisana yell again. "I'm coming!" She yelled. Rukia leaned against her bed not wanting to leave her room. She looked around at her childish room. She looked at the lavender butterfly spread on her bed, and the tiny purple butterflies adorning her white walls. Her dad had once said it was a room for the butterfly princess, but that was before he and mom left. Rukia didn't feel like a princess, she felt like scum. She had enough lectures and cold glares to last her a lifetime. Her gaze was turned to her personal laptop, a gift from her brother on her 16th birthday. Kinda like a "Sorry, I wasn't there for your birthday, so take a gift." The white bookshelves filled with her favorite action, mystery, and romances now seemed dusty and frial. She hadn't read any of them since she got a social life. "Well, at least I'll be able to catch up on my reading..." Rukia thought.
"Rukia!" Hisana was getting impatient.
Groaning, Rukia got up and left her santuary. Hurrying down the stairs, she saw Hisana near the door, tapping her foot.
Hisana Kukichi was a short, but very attractive raven-haired editor. She was dressed in a tan business suit, and looked very imtimidating without a smile on her face.
"I've got a meeting tonight in Tokyo." Hisana continued. "There's a chicken sandwich in the fridge, just heat it up. There are also some vegtables in the cupboard."
"Toyko? Isn't it kinda late?" Rukia asked.
"I don't have much of a choice." Hisana pushed her bangs out of her face. Rukia looked away for a moment, filled with jealousy, she never saw how people said she looked like her sister. Hisana was beautiful, Rukia not so much. " When the boss says show, I have to show." Hisana kissed Rukia on the head and began to walk down the sidewalk. Rukia chased after her asking, "Will Byakuya be home?" Rukia didn't want to be alone, she was already wallowing in self-guilt. It was better if she had company to distract her, even company with her stoic brother.
"Sorry, honey." Hisana started. "He's going to be at work till late tonight. He has a big trial tomorrow and your's set him back." Rukia winced, she hadn't meant to keep her brother from work. He didn't even have to come, all he did was ignore her.
Rukia frowned. "What time will you be back?" Hisana walked back over to Rukia and hugged her. "I'll be back at nine." Hisana said. "I'm sorry about this, but you do deserve some of this, and I can't sway Byakuya at all about this."
Rukia sighed and trudged back inside the house.
At midnight that night, Rukia was still awake. She needed to talk to Byakuya and he still wasn't home. She had tried sympathy on Hisana, and she couldn't budge him. So now, Rukia Kukichi, was going to have to play dirty. About five minutes later, she heard Byakuya's Jaguar pull in and she tiptoed downstairs, so to not wake Hisana. She met him at the door and he looked shocked for a moment before returning to his cool facade.
"What is it?" Byakuya commanded. Rukia shivered a little at the anger in her brother's voice, but she wasn't about to quit.
"I need to talk to you nii-sama." Rukia bowed, trying the respect card.
"If it is about your license, no." Byakuya said coldly.
"That's not what I was gonna say!" Rukia continued. "But, now that you mention it, How am I supposed to get to this place anyways?"
"Should of thought of that before you shoplifted." Byakuya said cooly. "But you were too concerned with your childish friends to think of the consequences. You can take the bus."
"The bus!" Rukia yelled and got a cold glare from her brother. "The bus?" Rukia tried again at a lower volume. "But this is the worst part of town, is that how a Kukichi should look?" Rukia smirked at the look on her brother's face. She just knew she had him n- "Oh well." Her brother simply stated. "You have already disgraced the name with your petty games. The bus leaves at 3:20. Don't miss it." With that, her brother brushed by her and went to bed. Rukia simply fell to her knees. "Oh, yeah. My life is over." No cheerleading, no soccer games, no dates with Renji Abarai, no prom! One mistake and Rukia's life is ka-put.
School was horrible. Rukia was lucky she was so small or else everyone would of saw her and started gossiping. She ran out of the school with the bus schedule in her hand. She looked around once she had gotten to the bus stop and took a deep breath when she saw that no one noticed her. "At least I still have my pride." Rukia thought. She looked up at the big, orange bus pulled in front of her. Quickly, she ran on and handed the driver a five. When she went to walk away, he grabbed her wrist. "Exact change honey." He said with a creepy smile. He had snake-like eyes and silver hair. Blushing, she quickly searched her purse for sixty cents. Then she ran to the empty seat and hid her face in a book. When she felt something hit her side, she jumped and swung her book. Hitting a dark-haired hunk in the side. "Ow! damnit!" The hunk growled. "Watch where your swinging that damn thing." Geeze this guy may be hot but he was a jerk! Rukia mumbled an apology and went back to her book to hide her blush. When she looked up however, she saw the bus driving right past her stop.
"Hey!" Rukia yelled much to the dismay of the hunk next to her. "I need off here!"
"Why didn't you pull the buzzer?" The driver muttered angrily and stopped the bus.
"What buzzer?" Rukia looked around for something to push. The hunk next to her reached over and pulled a red strip by the window.
"What? Never ridden a bus before?" He grumbled and then pushed past Rukia and got off. Embarrassed, yet again, Rukia followed him and when the bus pulled away she saw her prison for the next three hundred hours.
Rabenda House was a tall, white building that looked cheerful and gloomy at the same time. Almost like death surrounded it, and the people tried to help by planting little purple flowers everywhere. There were some sakura trees and some bushes and a sign that was extremely faded that said, "Welcome to Rabenda." Looking around and seeing a bunch of young, suspicious men, Rukia bolted across the street and slammed the white gate behind her. She took a breath and knocked on the big, oak door for her first day of hell. A young, serious looking woman with glasses and a frown, checked Rukia out. She then simply huffed and motioned for Rukia to follow. As she walked away, with Rukia in tow, she began to talk, not even looking at Rukia.
"My name is Mrs. Shunsui. If I begin to like you, I might allow you to call me Nanao." She started. "This is a busy place and we have no time for games." As she finished that statement a man in a pink coat jumped out at Nanao. She simply whacked him with her clipboard and looked back at Rukia. Rukia's mouth was open in shock. "Is that guy ok?" Rukia thought as she looked down at the twitching man. Said man then jumped up and kissed Mrs. Shunsui on the cheek. Fighting a pink tinge on her cheeks, Mrs. Shunsui then kicked the man out of the room.
"That was my husband. He is an complete idiot, so if you see him, do refrain from communication." Mrs. Shunsui sniffed. "Also, we are a charity organization. If something goes missing..." She paused to glare at Rukia, "We do punish them to the upmost of the law." Rukia felt her cheeks flame in embarrasment. She wasn't a thief. It was a prank for God's sake!
Rukia glared at the woman and strongly stated, "I am not a thief." Mrs. Shunsui simply turned her nose away from Rukia and said, "Of course you are, and a very bad one at that." Seeing Rukia's shocked face, she continued. "You got caught, didn't you? Don't worry if something goes missing we aren't going to just shove it upon you. We treat everyone fairly here, even though life isn't fair. You'll learn that here. Just do your work and we can both go home, understood?"
Rukia swallowed her anger and simply nodded. Mrs. Shunsui turned and kept walking, taking her into a new room. The room was apparently Mrs. Shunsui's office. It was a plain white room with a big, red maple desk with a lamp and a ancient computer. There were plaques upon the wall all saying Ms. Nanao Ise. "Hmm, she's a doctor." Rukia thought. There was only one picture in the entire room and it was Mrs. Shunsui with her husband actually smiling. Rukia had a smirk on her face that even in the picture you could see Mrs. Shunsui stopping her husband from touching her ass. Mrs. Shunsui sat down in her big chair and motioned for Rukia to sit in one of the two small, hard chairs. Mrs. Shunsui pushed her glasses up and began to type so fast that Rukia was sure she had just typed an essay.
"What time do you get out of school?" Mrs. Shunsui asked.
"I get out at three." Rukia answered. Rukia shrank back in her chair a bit when she saw the answering glare.
"So why were you late then?" she asked, her voice cold. Rukia didn't want to admit that she didn't want to spend any more time here than she had to so she simply said, "I missed the first bus." It was a lie, but Rukia didn't want to be mugged.
"From now on you will be here at three thirty." Mrs. Shunsui looked at Rukia like she knew she lied. "No exceptions, our patients are of the upmost importance. And so, you will work everyday from 3-6 and on Fridays from 3-5:30 and you will work eight hours on Saturday and you can have Sundays off for your studies."
Rukia gaped, she would have absolutly no free time. Mrs. Shunsui stood up and Rukia slowly followed, stopping herself mentally from running screaming out the front door. Mrs. Shunsui lead her into a kitchen where a tall, very blessed in the chest area, orange haired young lady stood in a bright yellow apron. She was mixing some sort of ingriedients that had Rukia sure the patients needed their pills to survive this food. The chef then looked over to Rukia and Mrs. Shunsui and put on a bright smile and jumped up and down. She hugged Mrs. Shunsui who looked rather shocked, and then forced Rukia into her very suffocating hug.
Mrs. Shunsui, after collecting herself, cleared her throat and looked at Rukia. "This is Orihime Inoue, the cook. Orihime, this is the new volunteer, Rukia Kukichi."
"Oh! I'm so happy to meet you! We're gonna have lots of fun and we will become best of friends!" Orihime jumped up and down in excitement.
Rukia's eye twitched but she remained silent. Mrs. Shunsui continued, "Orihime has worked here for three years, I even believe she goes to your school. You will help Ms. Inoue to prepare the dinner trays and give them to the patients, then you will return later and collect the trays."
Rukia just nodded, absorbing it all. "What other jobs will I be doing?" Rukia asked, sure since she was a "criminal" she would get the worst jobs.
"It depends on the day." Mrs. Shunsui continued, "Today I want you to fold towels our laundry boy Uryuu, didn't show up today. He had an archery tournament."
Rukia noticed that when Mrs. Shunsui mentioned Uryuu, Orihime got a pink tinge on her face then continued cooking. "Oh, so the chef has a crush on towel boy. So cute!" Rukia thought.
Mrs. Shunsui lead Rukia to the towel room and she spent the next two hours folding towels and sheets. Rukia looked around and thought that this doesn't look like your average nursing home. Where are all the wheelchairs and IVs?
At six o'clock, Rukia stood outside of the Rabenda House talking to Mrs. Shunsui.
"So where are all the patients?" Rukia asked, seriously concerned about not seeing a single patient. Was this some kind of jail?
"They are around, some are in their rooms, others in the garden." Mrs. Shunsui continued. "Some go for coffee or out with family if they can. Most go to the diner at the end of the street."
"Wow, that's really free for a nursing home." Rukia started. "I thought they wouldn't be able to do much moving around."
"Nursing home?" Mrs. Shunsui asked confused. "This isn't a nursing home Rukia."
Rukia was shocked, if it wasn't a nursing home, what was this place? "What is it then?" she asked.
Mrs. Shunsui looked her straight in the eyes and said, "It's a hospice. People come here to die."
So that was chapter one. I'll continue if someone wants me to, but I'm not gonna type just for me...
Ok, Bye.